The truth: this game sucks hard!

  • After playing for some hours, I was like, is this all? Its just a sea map with some very tiny islands thrown in. Thats all!

    The quests are all the same. Just fetch quests. Go get some chests, get some skulls, etc. Earn a bit of gold, and then repeat for a long time until you have enough gold to buy some overpriced cosmetics for your ship. These type of quests you see mostly in mmo games!

    You hardly see any enemy players on the sea. The world feels dead especially with those skeletons who run away when you hit them a few times with your sword. When you do encounter other players you dont know what their intentions are, friendly or enemy? Usually enemy yes, but it would have been better to let the ships have some flag raised with 2 different type of flags, one for friendly like a white flag with a peace sign, and if you want combat or unfriendly then some red flag with a sword or something. Make it up.

    Talking about ships... [Mod Edited] only 2 type of ships!!?? What were they thinking. Were are all the different type of ships, or customization of ships, like easy building your own ship. All ships just look the same. Its c**p. People want to be unique, with their own type of ships, let them decide the color of their ship, the shape, the size, chambers, let them be able to close or open doors on the ships which you cant even do now, etc. Things like that. The sloops are useless.

    The man to man combat is really really awfull for this type of game, of combat.

    What I really only like about this game is the handling of the ships, the team work on the galleon, and the sea is very well made but thats it.

    This game is too limited in what you can do, on the ships, on the tiny islands, on sea, etc. This game gets boring really fast.

    Also one of the worst features of this game is to be able vote someone in the brig. I mean what the hell. So your playing and suddenly you get a loading screen and are being stuck in a cage without being able to escape?

    If players want another player to be put in a brig, atleast do some effort! Not some cheap a*s loading screen. Maybe something like hand to hand combat with your fists to knock out the player, then tie him up, and take him to the brig, that you can open and close with a big key which you cant put in your inventory but be able to take it or drop it, and give the player who is locked in the brig another chance by for example, some type of lockpicking minigame or brute force or something else, but it should be difficult, not too easy. Make something up! Using a method like a I descriped, the player who is being attacked by other players with the fists perhaps unfair, he can atleast escape the ship, and leave the crew and find other crew to join, because now if you want to join other crew, you need to leave the freaking server / game and do the whole process again of loading screens, finding players, loading the world, etc.

    If you want to vote someone, then just kick him out of the server, but not a loading screen and then being locked in a brig. Its stupid and abused.

    About the price...this game is 60 dollars!!! This game feels more like some demo or some type of unfinished beta free to play game. And I remember that the fanboys on this website were saying: "oh no the beta is just maybe 30% of the fullgame, you will see! on the releasedate! Stop hating! This is going to be the greatest game ever!"

    This game has the same problems as No Mans Sky, before and after release date... unfinished, unpolished, overhyped, etc.

  • 123
  • Post your review on the Microsoft Store. Make sure the other consumers are informed.

  • Love those trolls posts

  • @fat-petti people are just on a mission to try and tank the game it seems

  • Seems like a lot of people bought this game without even looking at what the developer was going for.

    Here's my opinion and keep in mind that's all it is, but still here goes.

    If I like a game and think that the developers are actually going in a direction that I can deal with, I will go to the forums and try to give helpful feedback etc. However, If i play a game and it truly sucks, I'm not even going to waste my time going to a forum.

    I guess in the end you either kinda like it and have some hope or just let it go.

    LOL....these cute little trolls :)

  • Dude...I suggest you play POTBS since that's clearly what your looking for. Toodles

  • @tre-oni написал в The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    @fat-petti people are just on a mission to try and tank the game it seems

    Yeah the one above is for sure he posting same post all over forums :))

  • No narritive for the world?thats a mistake.
    No more customization?
    I suggest updates for that.
    How about a different faction called: the Empire(or whatever) and be the piratehunting(The british/spanish/french navies) guys.with different rewards etc.
    This game is too good to be not experimented more with.
    A fan.

  • i dont know how to make an forum post so im doing it here, randoms ruining the game. i choose to play with the option to let other ppl join my crew, 1. i get the players without mic or sound 9/10 times and that doesnt do anything useful. 2. i get the player as type 1. but they also greif, throwing off all your chests and leave the game. 3. you finally get the player that use mic / sound but isnt very good at the game, i also think the report system and forum system is bad in this game @Rare-Employee @Global-Moderators

  • @hahahahhahahhah In general, this is really true. It's just that people do not want to listen to this. They are in love with the game so much that they do not recognize even the smallest minuses of the game. Objective evaluation of the game can be seen on the methacryte where there are reviews from such fanatics as on the forum and from the hayters. The average score of the game is 6. This fully displays its current state. Completely unfinished and with a bunch of bugs. After adding content once in x10-15 more this game will really become good.

  • @tre-oni, fails to see the truth in his post.

    Currently, the game is very, very limited to grinding for cosmetic upgrades on very similar fetch errands.

    Hopefully new content will be added soon, or this game will sink like a stone.

  • Hey, it's console wars, let the small ones of the house have some fun.

  • @hahahahhahahhah

    I can honestly say the game is not worth 59.99. It seems more like a 20-30 dollar title. But it isnt a bad game.

    Your idea about the flags for friendly and enemy is stupid as hell. You first whined about there being no other players on the map then you want some system for people say if they are friendly not. Why? What does that solve? So you can attack someone who raised a friendly flag? Or so you can troll someone and say you are friendly only to attack them when they arent expecting it.

    If thats the case then just leave the system the way it is. Where you dont know someones intentions until they fire on you or are headed towards you.

    Yes quest are limited, agree with you there. And more ships would be nice. The main issue I have with combat is the fact melee is just useless. A player can walk backwards at the same speed as you moving forward and kite you with range making the sword just useless.

    Comparing it to No Mans Sky, is you being on the borderline of stupid and delusional...One game was a flat out marketing Lie and ended up being lacking and the other is just lacking but delivering everything it said it would.

    TLDR, Go level your trolling.

  • Totally disagree with your opinion about sea of thieves I think it's a quality game and to be honest if you don't like it you don't have to play it but why moan about it

  • I personally prefer the sloop over the galleon. I can wreck galleons for days in a 2 man sloop. Just wait until they allow me 4.

  • @o-luna-lux-o said in The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    Seems like a lot of people bought this game without even looking at what the developer was going for.

    Here's my opinion and keep in mind that's all it is, but still here goes.

    If I like a game and think that the developers are actually going in a direction that I can deal with, I will go to the forums and try to give helpful feedback etc. However, If i play a game and it truly sucks, I'm not even going to waste my time going to a forum.

    I guess in the end you either kinda like it and have some hope or just let it go.

    He has many good points can it be fun sure but you paying $60 for a early access game model. Fans just defend anti consumer practices true fans point out constructive negatives hoping next time just maybe things wont be so unfinished. I am ashamed to mention i am a gamer in public anymore. The toxic anti consumer stuff is sad who wins from that? I know the companies less work put in still sells huge just pay off streamers. But hey live in that fantasy bubble and being spoon-fed to bad most are like that now. ET would of sold well if they port that now.

    Love how the trolls bash people saying there whiners but yet they crying about them. How i think of gamers now logic is missing.

  • @pronessie said in The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    Totally disagree with your opinion about sea of thieves I think it's a quality game and to be honest if you don't like it you don't have to play it but why moan about it

    Cause you are about them? Stop trying to force anti consumer to others... Read more online not gaming info btw it helps socializing outside. Bring protection...

  • @jinxybinx said in The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    I personally prefer the sloop over the galleon. I can wreck galleons for days in a 2 man sloop. Just wait until they allow me 4.

    True this, the 2 man sloop is way the most powerful way to fight at sea. This is because you get the maneuverability and can still shoot while sailing. solo is hard work though as you cant sail and shoot at the same time add in the need to fix the ship etc. The fights just go on and on till you run out of supplies because both ships just sail line up get 1 or 2 shots before having to adjust sails. sailing out of range to repair and sail back at each other and repeat. With an additional crew member this is not needed you can keep the pressure on and get a real fight. Something needs to be done to balance this.

  • @bobatronxx all except for that last example of players are, in my opinion, fair reasons to not like matchmaking, however... don't hold someone being new to the game against them. Teach them the ropes. Show them what you know so that they can learn to be better and as a result become a better member of the community.

  • @rebirth1305 I like the idea of flags. Sure people will 'abuse' it, but that's a tactic that pirates used if I remember correctly. They'd fly false colors until they're prepared for battle, then hoist their true colors as they close in on their prey. See a white flag? You may decide to approach but ALWAYS be ready for them to try to backstab you.

  • @hahahahhahahhah "After playing for some hours, I was like, is this all? Its just a sea map with some very tiny islands thrown in. Thats all!"

    Meanwhile, the TF2 community has about 1/10 the content and yet nobody complains about the lack of content.

    "These type of quests you see mostly in mmo games!"

    How interesting, it's almost like SoT is a mix of MMO and FPSPVP-Arena (TF2).

    "You hardly see any enemy players on the sea."

    Clearly, you're not looking, nor are you playing at busy hours.

    "one for friendly like a white flag with a peace sign, and if you want combat or unfriendly then some red flag with a sword or something."

    I can already tell you're too young to know sea culture... Black flag with/without skull on it means pirate, also means time for battle... Plain white flag is for surrender, ceasefire. Cool idea though, could also be abused... Pirates aren't honest, after all. xD

    "Talking about ships... W*F only 2 type of ships!!??"

    They did not promise more than 2 at launch... Why did you expect more? You're only setting your expectations too high and getting yourself disappointed... It's not healthy for you.

    "All ships just look the same. Its c**p."

    There is a shipwright NPC selling custimization items for your ship at the docks on every outpost... How could you miss that? It's only 4 days after launch, not everybody is going to have the money to buy that yet, give it some time... jeez.

    "The sloops are useless."

    You clearly haven't tried mastering the game yet, why are you even saying this? Sloops are amazing, dude. >_>

    "The man to man combat is really really awfull for this type of game"

    It does need fine tuning, and perhaps some alterations, because i agree that it feels like turn-based combat, kinda sets a hard skill ceiling, once you hit it, it's impossible to get better, because too many unecessary mechanics are cluttering it.

    That being said, the combat is interesting, but i still see MUCH room for improvement, i personally prefer a more dynamic combat flow instead of this semi turn-based style.

    "This game gets boring really fast."

    It's about PvP, the TF2 community hasn't died yet, so why would the SoT community? If you're not in it for the PvP, the game isn't exactly for you.

    "Also one of the worst features of this game is to be able vote someone in the brig. I mean what the hell."

    Maybe don't grief your crewmates? the brig is intended as an immersive Ban mechanic, a lesson to DISCOURAGE whatever behavior put you in there.

    "because now if you want to join other crew, you need to leave the freaking server"

    That's because Sea of Thieves is not an MMORPG, it's an MOFPSPVPVE-Arena game. It has similarities with Team Fortress 2 more than anything else, tbvh.

    "Its stupid and abused."

    That's interesting, i've never seen it abused by anyone else except youtubers who are intentionally making a show for the sake of entertainment.

    "This game feels more like some demo or some type of unfinished beta free to play game."

    You clearly haven't played many games during their infancy stage... Your argument is moot, due to your lack of understanding of game developing process.

    "This game has the same problems as No Mans Sky"

    The developers of No Man's Sky only had a problem because they FALSELY ADVERTISED THEIR GAME, i was there during the pre-launch days of No Man's Sky, i got scammed like so many players because the devs falsely advertised the game i paid for, that's why the game got bad reviews everywhere, that's the only problem No Man's Sky had...

    SoT devs haven't falsely advertised anything... So the hype isn't Rares fault, it's the SoT community's fault for talking itself up into an unstoppable hype train.

    Here's a list of Online Games off the top of my head that had HUGE issues during their infancy stage, at launch and a couple of months following launch:

    World of Warcraft launch

    Guild Wars 2

    Elder Scrolls: Online

    Team Fortress 2

    Basically all of them, that's just the way with Online games, bro.

  • @glacefrostclaw said in The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    @rebirth1305 I like the idea of flags. Sure people will 'abuse' it, but that's a tactic that pirates used if I remember correctly. They'd fly false colors until they're prepared for battle, then hoist their true colors as they close in on their prey. See a white flag? You may decide to approach but ALWAYS be ready for them to try to backstab you.

    Id say before adding in flags they can do a lot more important additions. Like I said, its not a bad game but isn't one with longevity.

    Please fix the combat for one lol

  • I stopped reading after the first little paragraph.

    You only played for a few hours and also decided to base your entire potential enjoyment on the size of the map??

    Trash thread

  • What happened to the days when little kids used to hold their breath when they didn't like something?

  • Wow. What unique insights. I've never seen these complaints before.

  • @rebirth1305 oh I'm not saying flags should be a priority. Just that it'd be neat to see them down the road :P

  • @hahahahhahahhah Man, you are right!
    But this game gives me all what i want - cooperative PvP battles at sea. It's enough for me.
    I needn't a lot of content. Sea of Thieves is not MMORPG like World of Warcraft, it's like Overwatch in open world. But in SoH you create your own adventure and don't know what finally you'll get.

  • @bustarbox said in The truth: this game sucks hard!:

    What happened to the days when little kids used to hold their breath when they didn't like something?

    The internet has made it possible for them to broadcast their tantrums to a wider audience.

  • @hahahahhahahhah
    Some people just don't like video games I guess

  • Yesterday I spawned in on a brand new crew, first time sailing. Ship stuck on a rock and a galleon firing on them. I sunk the galleon all by myself with the 4 loaded cannons stole their silk and taught them how voyages work. Then made a friend on a sloop at an outpost and abandoned my crew to sail with him as my crew kept stealing his supplies and killing him. 10 minutes of sailing with him and I was voted into the brig for mutiny. I told them my friend would come for me and they didn't believe me. 20 minutes later I hear cannon fire and a familiar muffled voice calling my name. That experience alone made the game worth my money. 10/10 would betray crew again.

  • Every game will have its problems but your expecting some thing different

  • This game does not suck hard. It is definitely a 15 dollar game though. Forced pvp and very little depth. The game is honestly great, cept for being a bit laggy, but it's an insult at 60$ also f**k the forced pvp. Took 20 min to find an isle to turn things in, when I did they were waiting for me. Two people teaming up in the solo server. Will probably only play it while it's free.

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