Original Music composition

  • I've been in the alpha since the beginning, but this is my first time checking out the forums (been busy scoring some projects).
    The track used in this video (uses some footage from an official Rare video as to not infringe on the NDA) is a demo that has been a massive labor of love. I've just been informed by the studio that they won't need a demo from me (GREAT news) so now a song that has taken well over 40 hours of work can finally be used as intended. A demo, and one that I'm very proud of. I cut the track off in this video, but it does continue for about two more minutes, finishing with a far less intense theme compared to what you hear here.

    I'm always open for feedback, but detailed feedback only please. If you don't like it, please tell me what it is you don't like instead of just saying things like "it's c**p" or "garbage". 😉

    Enjoy! and I'll see you on the high seas mateys.

    link text

  • 16
  • WoW, nice work dude :o

  • @nedemis Nice! Personally, I think it takes a while to pick up from being quiet at the beginning, but that could be from Rare talking. :) I could definitely see it as a SoT "Adventure Awaits" kind of trailer music. Good job.

  • @jascaldeira
    Thank you!

  • @whenkoalasattak
    Thank you! The song was all story boarded out for it's final destination (which oddly enough was another pirate related project). The beginning was originally intended for a scene over looking a coast line with the silhouette of a ship in the distance through some fog. As the song picks up, the camera pans in and shifts once the brass kicks in, exposing a second ship readying for battle.

    As the song intensifies, the battle scenes get increasingly violent. Cannons blasting, guns footing and swords piercing flesh.

    It's slot going on in a short clip, but it was merely a demo track.

  • @nedemis love it... SoT needs some good teaser trailer with epic music to show off the world.
    Good job.

  • @techno-warwitch said in Original Music composition:

    @nedemis love it... SoT needs some good teaser trailer with epic music to show off the world.
    Good job.

    Thank you!

  • @nedemis Nice work matey! I love the slow start... makes it feel like something is about to begin... stirs up the excitement a bit.

    Very nice! This could easily be used for any epic ship battle music.

  • @musicmee
    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Wow! That sounded gorgeous! Very well done matey!

  • Very nice! - would love to hear the whole thing music only as the voices drown out the beginning part a bit - but very nice indeed.

    Good Fortune


  • @nedemis Wow, nice work! Love how the music builds in the heat of battle.

  • Agree it's abit slow in the beginning but it really brings it in nicely as it progresses. Would add that some strings might add an uplifted flare maybe a violin. Not sure as I'm no musical mistro. Loved it tho.

  • Great Music!

  • With the game just around the corner, I may have to work on some new music to use with some videos I'm bound to upload showcasing this games incredible graphics. I'm still in awe when looking at the water effects for this game. Well done RARE.

  • “Water is just b..e.....a....u...t..i....f...u...l.....erp*”

15 out of 16