[Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG (Part 1)

  • Even with the additions to the final beta I spent 15 minutes and still didn't find who I want. Settled on 1 and there was already 1 on my ship. Worst part of the game 9.5/10

  • I selected a bald black guy at the IPG and I was pleased. Until I tried putting hair on, the black stubbles I saw in his head was not his hair color but it was dirty blonde. I look like a rapper from 90s who dyed his hair blonde and it feels like I've been catfished.

    The game really need to do a better job telling you what the color features are (like hair and eyes) and hopefully you'll be able to add tattoos and scars at some point

  • @jamiethe1egend Honestly I'd settle for gender, at least then you'd be able to look through 8 pirates at a time over 3-4.

  • @jamiethe1egend said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    We do need limited customisation

    Hair Colour
    Height/Body Type

    (Thats it) That's all we need!

    Yep, I'd be 100% satisfied with that.

  • You know what? Fine! I don't care that I can only generate pirates, I'll take my time. Even if Rare wants to decreese the time of character creation I'm sure that they will do the oposite. But I want one thing in return if i have no controll over my character creation.

    Make a feature to change the character!
    More specificly, add a feature where you can purchuse for a big sum, like 10k gold, an option to re-generate you character. Much like in PUBG or GTA Online. I know there will be a potion seller, there's a shop on the outposts. Just make a potion what makes this.

  • Please let us Choose skin colour, please. I was making a pirate and I found 3 great ones I was happy with but I didn't like the skin tone. I had to re roll 10 times before I found a look with the skin tone I liked even if you give us a default choice of 4-6 it will be better. we could say yeah I love this build now all I need to do is choose a skin tone.

  • Considering the silence, is Rare even reading the thread?

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    Please let us Choose skin colour, please. I was making a pirate and I found 3 great ones I was happy with but I didn't like the skin tone. I had to re roll 10 times before I found a look with the skin tone I liked even if you give us a default choice of 4-6 it will be better. we could say yeah I love this build now all I need to do is choose a skin tone.

    I've had a couple of characters pop up where I liked their look but they were black gingers and I had to reroll. :/

  • Something to consider- we need more light on our characters when in selection. We do have blokes who are Colorblind, and the dark shadowy abyss of the Tavern is not necessarily a good spot to have a selection such as that- specifically because it’s a permanent pick. Maybe relocate to a sunny beach, and allow us to rotate the character we are hovering over so we can get a full and complete look at them before we choose. If this is the final customization field we are playing on- atleast let us look closer in detail.

    I was able to get a pretty good pick this time around as well! Just waiting for my traditional Trifold Hat!


  • @wrothamoeba388 oh I'm sure there will be a way to change your character down the track...for some money. Obviously IPG is a foundation for microtransactions. I just wasted over an hour yesterday in IPG scrolling through the army of fat grandmas until I finally gave up and called it a day. There can be only 2 reasons IPG exists - a complete fool is in charge or it's an artificial way to make us grind for cosmetics that otherwise would be available in the character creation screen. The BS that they keep on feeding us that it's so that everyone will have a unique hand Rare crafted character offends the intelligence of the community. It's nothing more than RNG. A "Randomize" button that other games have aside from a real creator. I love seeing what characters people come up in games like Elder Scrolls Online or Monster Hunter World. People are very creative. Rare believes we're not.

  • @captain-surgee Gief us the option to make our own pirate the way we like it before we start our adventure...End of story xD I mean every other game possible allows you customize your char on start so yeah.

  • Have we heard anything back from the devs about this? It seems like a huge issue and full release is 10 days away :/ I've been trawling a few forums and YouTube and there is A LOT of people, even MFPally, who aren't happy with there not even being gender/skin/muscle toggles.
    I'm just worried about the silence from the devs and that all we've seen as a 'reply' was an Inn-side story that answered none of the concerns.

  • @captain-surgee said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    @wrothamoeba388 oh I'm sure there will be a way to change your character down the track...for some money. Obviously IPG is a foundation for microtransactions. I just wasted over an hout yesterday in IPG scrolling through the army of fat grandmas until I finalky gave up and called it a day. There can be only 2 reasons IPG exists - a complete fool is in charge or it's an artificial way tk make us grind for cosmetics that otherwise would be available in the character creation screen. The BS that they keep on feeding us that it's so that everyone will have a unique hand Rare crafted character offends the intelligence of the community. It's nothing more than RNG. A "Randomize" button that other games have aside from a real creator. I love seeing what characters people come up in games like Elder Scrolls Online or Monster Hunter World. People are very creative. Rare believes we're not.

    Ugh. I didn't even look at it from this perspective, but I feel you may be on to something. This would seriously hack me off.

  • @c4mg1rl

    @c4mg1rl said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    Considering the silence, is Rare even reading the thread?

    Rare are most certainly reading and are aware of this thread and the discussions within it.

  • If you're watching the insidexbox on Mixer, you'll hear Joe talking about tweaking the IPG to allow players to 'hold' a choice while continuing to search for the pirate they want, because of the feedback from the community.

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    If you're watching the insidexbox on Mixer, you'll hear Joe talking about tweaking the IPG to allow players to 'hold' a choice while continuing to search for the pirate they want, because of the feedback from the community.

    This is great!

  • Since when we were allowed to choose our Pirates, many people have been back and fourth either accepting the IPG or absolutely hating it.
    Let me say that the IPG is good! But it needs tweaking and this is what I have seen many players ask for and some of my own suggestions!

    Gender - Race - Age -Hair Colour - Height/Body Type - Spawning

    The IPG is great! It's good but is it what the Developers make it out to be? No.
    There are so many repeats of characters with tiny changes. It takes longer to get a IPG thats perfect than make a Character from scratch! I have seen the developers say how they would send 2 hours making a character and then just scrapping it and choosing a default. Well it takes players 4 hours to choose one that is just perfect!

    The problem I have is that I spawn in too many characters that are not in my template scheme. I want to be able to be like well I want a tall, lanky fellow with dark hair instead of getting a short, chubby fellow with grey hair and no teeth.

    I know Rare are working on this as we talk because of the feedback and ofcourse Rare being a great bunch of developers always listen and work to their player base and that is why I hold them to high respect among many game developers.

    We know many of the problems from what players are saying but here is a real problem I want to address.

    The Poses of the Characters can be very misleading, it can be hard to tell how tall or short your character is depending on how they are standing/looking and yes it is fancy seeing them standing on a cannonball or holding a coin, but can't we decide the pose when we are on a certain character so that we can line them up with other players, or maybe have a in-game height board where we can see the height/width of the model.

    Again, very fancy and dark but it can be hard for our less fortunate pirates to see, I have read many complaints from players who have colour blindness and difficulty seeing the dark, character selection and they say they want to be able to see their character on a bright beach, so they can see better, maybe allow us to change the background?

    Hair, Beard, body
    We should be able to change the hairstyle/beard before we choose. In the first scale test I chose a character I thought looked okay but he was bald, I then put on the long hair and regretted my choice. He grew on me, but if I knew that he was going to look that way, I would have re-chose.
    We should be able to see what our characters look like with the default hair, beard and items before we choose, so we can template our characters to our preferred hair or beard.

    We want randomly spawned Pirates, that is fine. We just want the Pirates to spawn to be the ones we would rather choose from.

    • Hair - Colour
    • Body - Skin Colour - Height - Weight - Body Type
    • Age - Old - Young - Middle Aged
    • Gender - Male - Female
    • Wonkyness - Clean - Dirty - Badly Scarred - Scarred
    • Makeup/Tattoos (Not 100% needed)

    If this isn't available maybe being able to give people the option to change, this could be ofcourse Microtransaction or maybe a youth fountain of some sort that unlocks the IPG again.

  • The lack of a standard character creator is baffling for a game that's all about making your own stories. The game design intent really lends itself to roleplaying. Not as a requirement, obviously, but certainly a strong option. If I'm gonna roleplay a pirate, I wanna roleplay the pirate of my own design. I'll be spending a whole lot more time spinning the wheel to find something close than I would be if I could just choose specific design elements. At the very least, use that IPG concept to randomize one aspect of the character at a time, so we can lock in when we get a body type we like or whatever.

  • so a lot of people i am seeing are dissatisfied with the progression for weapons and tools for an rpg, make your own story. the system is all only cosmetic, never any slight change to stats (which is completely a good thing and understandable).However i was discussing this with my friends and girlfriend and she came up with an idea. it still follows a purely cosmetic level.You always hear of legendary weapons or artifacts. the sword of the damned, the staff of Poseidon, jack sparrows lucky compass. All the aforementioned are both legendary visually and in name. Bring that to SOT. add voodoo and magic elements to the weapons and tools. like they wouldn't affect any stats just add a super cool cosmetic level. poison, water, fire. but purely cosmetic.So many People don't dislike the pure cosmetic they just want more out of it because so far it's all very bland. i'm sure if done in the same beautiful SOT art style we have seen, they could add that extra bit of magic, whimsy, or flair to really make better cosmetic tools and weapons for the end game. i mean same idea for clothes i guess, but i am not sure how that could be done with flashy voodoo or elemental effects and no legendary outfits in pirate lore come to mind.

  • I like the simplicity of the pirate generator and would be more comfortable with it if it was a new pirate ever time I died or launch the game. I just don't want to get stuck with my first choice. Especially if the cosmetics are one size fits all

  • I feel like this would be a perfect compromise between what Rare wants and what players want, also makes a lot more sense to continue to put that technology to use throughout the game instead of a one and done trick on your first launch.

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    If you're watching the insidexbox on Mixer, you'll hear Joe talking about tweaking the IPG to allow players to 'hold' a choice while continuing to search for the pirate they want, because of the feedback from the community.

    1 hour and 22 minutes to be more exact.

  • I had a thought for the pirate generator that I don't think would change it dramatically, but would make it easier/quicker to use.

    What if instead of endlessly generating 5 new pirates, you could choose a pirate you're ok with, and then have the game generate 4 new randomized versions of THAT one? Then out of that 5, you pick your favorite. Rinse and repeat until you have a pirate you like. That would work nearly identically as the current setup, but get to the point much more quickly, and players would likely be more satisfied with the results.

  • Spent over half an hour to settle on a pirate I was only halfway happy with. Let us make our own pirate. Scrap this random stuff.

  • I think that everybody who played the closed alpha should receive a special pet, so that everybody in-game will know that that person is a veteran. People who played the beta should also receive some pet, maybe something different or maybe just lump all the alpha and beta players together. They could link the Founder status on this forum with our game accounts to figure out who to give the pets to.

  • @jamiethe1egend tattoos are needed for me, or at least the option to add them from the vanity chest later, like true cosmetics. If not I'll be rolling until I find a guy that meets all the criteria you listed plus the correct tattoos, (i plan on not wearing a shirt). I know it'll most likely be hrs but oh well I guess

  • @c4tch-xxii said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    @jamiethe1egend tattoos are needed for me, or at least the option to add them from the vanity chest later, like true cosmetics. If not I'll be rolling until I find a guy that meets all the criteria you listed plus the correct tattoos, (i plan on not wearing a shirt). I know it'll most likely be hrs but oh well I guess

    looking at the NPCs in the game it looks like there will be tattoos and face paints

  • I think the IPG is a brilliant concept. When given sliders it is amazing how similar everyone's characters end up looking, no one is fat or ugly or goofy looking, just millions of pretty elf people that all look basically exactly the same. The IPG gets around all this by producing random unique pirates and letting us choose one that we identify with circumventing our biases and preventing the world full of supermodels bs that plagues so many other multiplayer games.

  • @goldipicks said in [Mega Thread] - Character customisation - the IPG:

    You always hear of legendary weapons or artifacts. the sword of the damned, the staff of Poseidon, jack sparrows lucky compass. All the aforementioned are both legendary visually and in name. Bring that to SOT. add voodoo and magic elements to the weapons and tools. like they wouldn't affect any stats just add a super cool cosmetic level. poison, water, fire. but purely cosmetic.So many People don't dislike the pure cosmetic they just want more out of it because so far it's all very bland. i'm sure if done in the same beautiful SOT art style we have seen, they could add that extra bit of magic, whimsy, or flair to really make better cosmetic tools and weapons for the end game. i mean same idea for clothes i guess, but i am not sure how that could be done with flashy voodoo or elemental effects and no legendary outfits in pirate lore come to mind.

    Two things do leap to mind for me... First, I have heard, don't know if it's true and can't remember who, that a real life pirate used to wear bits of burning match chord in his beard and clothes to give himself a smokey smell and appearance and make people think he was some kind of demon come to earth. So a costume that exudes a smokey effect might work, or maybe a blue frost effect or whatever. Second, there have been a fair number of cool looking semi-monstrous pirates in movies lately, like the various undead pirates and ones who have bits of fish an other sea life in their design, something like that might work for cosmetic clothing as well.

    One other thing... I have heard, also can't confirm, that the Gold Hoarder shovel boosts your chance of digging up high value chests. If that's true, the game might have a whole set of minor faction specific upgrades like that. For example, the Merchant spyglass might add an extra glint of light to animals an cages viewed from a distance, to help attract your attention while sailing past. At the same time, the Order of Souls could have a Magic Lantern that has some kind of stun or slow effect on skeletons, especially ones you meet while on an Order quest. So there might actually be some slight vertical progression to be had... just not for weapons or ships.

  • Game release 20th of march
    21st of march RARE forums, support & reddit will be full of "Buhuhu I misclicked (twice) while selecting the pirate and now I am stuck with a model I never wanted!"

    One star; will never pirate again; worst game ever!

  • @lord-sphinktus nonsense. The only thing IPG does is force us to browse for hours through the RNG until we see something remotely close to our liking and then leave us unsatisfied and with a very bad first impression. If someone doesn't like to play a goofy fat character, he won't settle and will keep on browsing. I feel like the main objective of the game design was to slow us down in any way possible and us keep playing until the next update. IPG achieves that. Instead of making my character in 5 minutes, I'll spend half a day pressing the "Randomize" button. Awful, just awful.

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