Login Problems

  • Am stuck on the login screen,the game is loading for about 40 minutes i tried in 4 different occasions and is still the same.

  • 4
  • @mzargothekhajit Ahoy there! These are server based issues and ones that are expected as part of the stress test.

    Waters are a bit choppy at the moment but sailing will be much smoother soon, please try again shortly!

  • @musicmee mate you are good lad,but i will be forced to log off in about 3 hours.
    Will it get fixed by then?
    I really want to play but finding time is hard.

  • @mzargothekhajit As every minute goes things are easing up... keep at it, it should be better soon!

    As more and more pirates join and leave this gets better and worse so it's hard to determine just when but keep at it.

1 out of 4