Griefing within Outposts

  • Sooooo, as many of you are aware there has been a lot of griefing within the outposts, and yesterday me and a few friends spent a few hours collecting chests from the quests, on return to the outpost to hand in the chests we where ganged up on by 2 Galleon's who where working together as a group, before we could even get one of the chests off the ship all 4 of us where instantly killed by the sheer firepower of both Galleon's and our ship was destroyed before we could even get back into the game due to the 10 minute wait with the white screen (takes way too long to load back in upon death) so a few ways this can be helped is 1) Put a bounty on the ships that are griefing at outposts for everyone to hunt down. 2) Make the Outposts a NO FIRE ZONE or Safe Haven where people can not fire from ships within a radius. 3) have roaming NPC ships (Sea Police) that attack anyone opening fire in the outpost areas, Anything combat related that happens at sea outside the outpost secure area is fine. 4) have the ability to hand in all chests at once. Now i know a lot of people will say "its a pirate game" which is true and i understand that but if people have been grinding for hours on quests only to have a new spawn team wipe you all out at an outpost will make people leaving the game completely, now if you loose your loot in open Waters then that is completely acceptable but at outposts it should be a place to relax and not worry about mass griefing.

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  • @tripphazzardtv my thoughts exactly, you cant even run to the toilet while in an outpost only to come back dead lol

  • @ragemonsteruk yeah i get what you mean, it just needs to be made safe as it is supposed to be somewhere you can take a break, especially if you are playing Solo

  • I have to respectfully disagree.
    I have about 40 hours in game so far (thank you, devs), most of which was solo. And I think if ALL outposts were safe zones (maybe one would be OK, but with no way of selling your loot at that location) - then it would change the game completely (and not in a positive way). When there is no skill level progression, grinding for loot should, naturally, be followed by strategic approach in order to secure the reward. It brings balance and keeps things interesting. Otherwise, you grind - you sell - repeat. For me that is boring. If you have been collecting loot for hours, why not take some time to scout out the outpost you plan to drop your things off at? Anyway, this post is too long already, I apologize. I simply disagree, respectfully.

  • Were they camping on the outpost, or did they sail to the outpost and attack your docked ship? Both could have been avoided, I even made a post a few minutes ago explaining how to avoid being camped. Also, if the galleons snuck up on you while you were on the island, that's on you, not the game or other people.

    Foolproof way to avoid being killed by outpost campers.

  • To be honest, it sounds to me like you made yourself and easy target. Sounds like you had to many chests and risked it by allowing your ship to stay stationary too long and no one kept a look out. Whenever I play a Galleon crew, we always have 3 turning in and 1 on look out. If the lookout sees another ship we raise anchor and run to the next outpost. If I'm on a crew of 4, I never carry more than 8 chests at a time. And I don't even like having 8. Galleons are NOT hard to miss, even from a huge distance. Sounds like your crew was not keeping an eye on the horizon and no map awareness. Your grief sounds to me like you set yourself up with failure.

  • How could you possibly not see TWO galleons loitering at an outpost? If that's how you died, that's on you. Checking outposts for other ships before trying to make port is just common sense.

  • @daftpirate they came from behind an island that was pretty close and before we could raise anchor it was pretty much gameover

  • @smashywashy that was just one of the events that happened, iv also been playing solo and had a full team spawn in on me and hid in bushes while i was taking 3 chests from 1 mission its not that it happens all the time but when it does it can be a bit annoying

  • @daftpirate oh yeah im not that stupid i always check before docking

  • You should be blaming yourself for having a lack in awareness. Take it as a lesson and perform better next time and don't advocate for 'ez mode' when its not needed. I'm sick and tired of posts like this.

  • Ive spotted maybe 3 ships MOST at an outpost and I had not had a problem with them. I sold my chests and killed those who were approaching me. Honestly. Its a private game if you are willing to kill others they can kill you

  • @tripphazzardtv said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @daftpirate they came from behind an island that was pretty close and before we could raise anchor it was pretty much gameover

    why was your anchor even down?

  • I keep finding in these forums people who are inexperienced blame the game for their problems at not being able to defend themselves which is utterly silly. You should learn from these experiences and not ask for big daddy Rare to take care of you just because you got beat. It is called the sea of thieves matey, what do you expect :)

  • They need to make outposts at least a no kill safe zone.

  • According to a lot of the newer players "griefing" now means that you've simply been killed by other players.

  • The only actual griefing I've encountered so far was when, after cashing in all my chests, I returned to my docked ship to see a galley sail past at full speed and broad side it. When I jumped on, fixed and emptied my ship I found someone trying to throw water back on before being shot (while wondering "what on earth are you doing?") in the face and returning to find 2 people just throwing water onto the ship for absolutely no reason (they would have found at this point I didn't have anything of worth). I opted to grief them back by raising the anchor, throwing down the sails, jumping off and scuttling the ship, though considering they were willing to go through the 'long route' to sink my ship I suspect they still got off on it.

    I do wonder how the phasing (or however the game handles which players are visible) works and if, in the event you're killed more then once, you get moved into a phase with fewer players around, or if those with high kill rates are more likely to be in the same phase so they can fight each other.

  • Agree 100% with the main post. The outposts are just annoying and they kill the fun... What's the point in going hunting for treasure when you can just hang around the outpost and have ppl bring it to you!? I love the safe haven idea probably the most. Maybe an automated garrison around the island with tons of cannons to sink attacking ships with a SLIGHT chance of them being able to survive escape would be cool, but the safe zone would be the easiest thing to do... On the high seas anything goes, but the outposts should at least be reasonably safe. During the Alpha I got into a huge four to six ship battle at an outpost. It was a huge, endless, clusterf*ck... you couldn't even tell which ship was yours. Very stupid, especially with how everyone respawns right on the ship and just goes right back into battle.

  • Your story lost all credibility when you said you had a 10 minutes white load screen.
    Not saying thats not the case but ive died 2 times and both times the white screen was about 20 seconds or so and ive watched hundreds of hours of twitch streams and never seen a white screen last even remotely close to 10 minutes.
    So its hard to tell what is true and what is false in the rest of your story but ive never sailed to an outpost that had invisible ships waiting to shoot me or well did you see them and just ignore them?
    Everything seemed pretty avoidable to me and ive never been sunk even though ive turned in countless chests.
    I think most things like this are avoided easily.

  • @gargantucon said in Griefing within Outposts:

    Agree 100% with the main post. The outposts are just annoying and they kill the fun... What's the point in going hunting for treasure when you can just hang around the outpost and have ppl bring it to you!? I love the safe haven idea probably the most. Maybe an automated garrison around the island with tons of cannons to sink attacking ships with a SLIGHT chance of them being able to survive escape would be cool, but the safe zone would be the easiest thing to do... On the high seas anything goes, but the outposts should at least be reasonably safe. During the Alpha I got into a huge four to six ship battle at an outpost. It was a huge, endless, clusterf*ck... you couldn't even tell which ship was yours. Very stupid, especially with how everyone respawns right on the ship and just goes right back into battle.

    Just imagine how bad of a time these " griefers " would have if people played with brains.
    Imagine thier shock at sitting all day waiting for the ez kill and theft of a chest if anyone had even the sense God gave to insects and sinply avoided the outpost with bad guys.
    I know this is a foreign concept to modern gamers but if they just used brains instead of clicky fingers they would do fine.

  • @misterdoomed - Yeah... Thanks for that mind-boggling response. I'll always remember the day the misterdoomed taught me how play video games. But seriously. Last 8 out of 10 times in port somebody just comes along and sinks my sh*t. Whether or not there was any treasure to be had. It's just annoying. I think everyone I've played with agrees.

  • @gargantucon
    And like i said............

    Im sure me and the hundreds of thousands of people who also have played without your trouble will agree with me.

  • @tripphazzardtv said in Griefing within Outposts:

    Sooooo, as many of you are aware there has been a lot of griefing within the outposts, and yesterday me and a few friends spent a few hours collecting chests from the quests, on return to the outpost to hand in the chests we where ganged up on by 2 Galleon's who where working together as a group, before we could even get one of the chests off the ship all 4 of us where instantly killed by the sheer firepower of both Galleon's and our ship was destroyed before we could even get back into the game due to the 10 minute wait with the white screen (takes way too long to load back in upon death) so a few ways this can be helped is 1) Put a bounty on the ships that are griefing at outposts for everyone to hunt down. 2) Make the Outposts a NO FIRE ZONE or Safe Haven where people can not fire from ships within a radius. 3) have roaming NPC ships (Sea Police) that attack anyone opening fire in the outpost areas, Anything combat related that happens at sea outside the outpost secure area is fine. 4) have the ability to hand in all chests at once. Now i know a lot of people will say "its a pirate game" which is true and i understand that but if people have been grinding for hours on quests only to have a new spawn team wipe you all out at an outpost will make people leaving the game completely, now if you loose your loot in open Waters then that is completely acceptable but at outposts it should be a place to relax and not worry about mass griefing.


    You failed doing your jobs. You didnt look around properly, made the wrong decisions. YOU FAILED. The game didnt go against you.

    Complete balance wont happen.
    Stop whining.
    Its part of the game.
    Its part of the game.
    Its part of the game.
    Its part of the game.

    You failed and got caught. Stop asking for safe zones and safe spaces.
    The game is called "Sea Of Thieves"

    Grow up, deal with it, Adapt.

  • @kigretheviking - misterdoomed's advice is actually really good... It was more the delivery of it came across as a bit pretentious... I think the issue that I've run into most is when we're chilling at port for a lengthier amount of time, i.e. looking around at stuff, enjoying the view, showing new players around. Yes it is part of the game, but the whole point of this forum is to express opinions to the devs so that they may or may not make changes based on said opinions... so to your point: 1. It's not whining, it's voicing my opinion and suggesting changes to possibly improve gameplay. 2. It may or may not be a part of the game. We don't know because it's still in development and they're still making changes. 3. I appreciate your opinion and can totally see your point of view, so don't be such a d*ck about me expressing mine! It appears you could do growing up yourself...

  • Pirate's life.

  • If we put the concept of safe zones aside, @TrippHazzardTV has a point with the game being particially broken. Most of us, know the rules for safe turning in of chests.

    In this case, a different issue is the cause. By chance, no matter how careful, a ship may find you from afar. This is especially true when an eight man group is hiding and waiting from afar to come and merc you. Are we pirates or a gang?

  • @smashywashy I agree with you. The game should be as real as possible, and Rare has made a beautiful game but to make all outposts safe and surrounded by a barrier where all guns and cannons are off limits would ruin the realistic feeling of the game. It shouldn't be like Destiny.

  • I agree with the idea that it's not a 'safe zone' but a zone where the NPC's will attack anyone for aggro. in the zone. So should some spry pirate crew chose to grief someone upon turn-in of chest, they would be assaulted by npc pirates and given a 'time-out' from the zone, or have their prices raise for items for a short time.

  • Did you know you can chain together gunpowder barrel explosions? I was setting up a trap on an outpost with about 7 barrels. All of them spaced apart as to not blow them up all at once. Shot one barrel to test if I could ignite it from inside the tavern..... Subsequently watched a chain of epic explosions go off ALL OVER the outpost and shops. It was pretty cool...... And before you complain that it's "camping" an outpost, you need to realize that for one, you can avoid going anywhere near the barrels when you see them I.E. the big bone X on them.... And two, it was supposed to be a one off just to see if I could steal ONE chest. My plan failed though, because the blast radius of those barrels is much bigger than advertised by the actual explosion animation.

    You're not going to get a safe zone, NPC police, or anything of that sort. All you have to do is keep your eyes peeled and be patient and smart about what you're doing. It all works out in the end.

  • @kigretheviking @misterdoomed After reading a bunch of these posts and considering opinions from responses to my posts from others that strongly disagree about outposts being safezones, I'd actually recommend only one post being a safezone... It'd actually probably make the game more fun having to decide on a nearby but unsafe port, or sailing a much further distance to the one safe port if you didn't feel like taking any chances with your loot... compromise...

  • @gargantucon said in Griefing within Outposts:

    After reading a bunch of these posts and considering opinions from responses to my posts from others that strongly disagree about outposts being safezones, I'd actually recommend only one post being a safezone... It'd actually probably make the game more fun having to decide on a nearby but unsafe port, or sailing a much further distance to the one safe port if you didn't feel like taking any chances with your loot... compromise...

    it would lead to some interesting choices, ok i have 5 chests and im solo in a sloop and im at the opposite side of the map do i risk 20-30 min journey in open water and risk getting caught along the way or do i go to the closer one and risk someone being there, would be pretty cool,

    the thrill of the chase as well if you seen someone heading for that one safe outpost lol

  • I don't think people here understand what griefing is.

  • @ragemonsteruk exactly!!!

    1. The author of this post got beat, and it could have been prevented. He did not get griefed.

    2. People need to be educated what being griefed means versus being defeated.

    3. Outpost should not be safe zones. Although it would be fun to have a separate social area to log into instead of a normal progression server where you could just hang out with other pirates, show off all your costumes, get hammered, spill puke all over people, and play shanties.

    4. I do think it is too easy though to just bust a cap in someone and walk 2 feet to turn in their treasure. I would like it if when a treasure is found and it says who found it, if that means it becomes temporary property of that crew. If you steal it on an outpost you should gain ownership of the chest but should not be allowed to turn it in there. Would be neat if they had to transport it to their ship and escape with it to another outpost while the original crew tried to chase them down and get it back.

  • @wolfe-larsen said in Griefing within Outposts:

    1. The author of this post got beat, and it could have been prevented. He did not get griefed.

    2. People need to be educated what being griefed means versus being defeated.

    3. Outpost should not be safe zones. Although it would be fun to have a separate social area to log into instead of a normal progression server where you could just hang out with other pirates, show off all your costumes, get hammered, spill puke all over people, and play shanties.

    4. I do think it is too easy though to just bust a cap in someone and walk 2 feet to turn in their treasure. I would like it if when a treasure is found and it says who found it, if that means it becomes temporary property of that crew. If you steal it on an outpost you should gain ownership of the chest but should not be allowed to turn it in there. Would be neat if they had to transport it to their ship and escape with it to another outpost while the original crew tried to chase them down and get it back.

    griefed can change depend on the context of the game, for example in world of wacraft griefing on a pvp server is camping someones body and killing them over and over again on a pvp server if they are the same level its an open playing field if the person doing the killing is say 20-30 levels higher than the person they are killing they consider that griefing as you are killing them with no way of them killing you

    it can also be in the context of someone intentionally annoying you and angering you just for satisfaction

    an example of this in sea of thieves would be someone killing you on the pier at an ouptost and not touching you're chest and taunts you by killing you everytime when you try to pick it back up that is also conisdered griefing as they are only doing that to annoy you

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