Adding PS5 friends on PC

  • Does anyone know how to add PS5 players as friends so they can send Game/Guild Invites etc. ?

  • 8
  • @mysubmarine Should be able to add friends via the usual methods, Game Bar/Xbox app etc. as well as PS specific friends list.

  • @look-behind-you

    Excuse my ignorance as to how the integration works between the systems. I believe that Xbox had a workaround with PC. Can you confirm that this has now been amended to include PS5 integration?

    I asked a similar question here;

  • @captainwilks As far as I am aware, everyone, on every platform, will be using Microsoft accounts/Gamertags to play Sea of Thieves. So PC/Xbox users can invite PS players using the same accounts/Gamertags.

    PS players might see something different when inviting other PS players as they can also use the usual PS Friends list.

    EDIT: As it pertains to Guild invites, (again, as far as I know) anyone from any platform can join the Guilds of others, regardless of their platform of choice.

    The only issue may occur if (for example), someone who is sailing on console and controller-only servers tries to invite someone on a PC to a session.

  • @look-behind-you

    Thank you

  • so does it work for you people? my friend is playing on ps5 and i am playing on pc when i try to join his game or accept his invites the gamebar closes but nothing happens and i cant invite him trough game bar nor the game itself

  • @therealnoodlezz said in Adding PS5 friends on PC:

    so does it work for you people? my friend is playing on ps5 and i am playing on pc when i try to join his game or accept his invites the gamebar closes but nothing happens and i cant invite him trough game bar nor the game itself

    Found the issue the linked xbox account to my steam account was not the same as the pne my game bar uses.

  • So I or my firend In ps5 needs to make guild and one of us join one of our guilds and sail from there?

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