Game crashes are literally making hourglass unplayable!

  • Rare please it was bad enough getting matched against gold curse sweats every game but since the gdk update hourglass has become unplayable from crashing upon loading into a battle to crashing while repairing guaranteeing free wins for the enemy you were winning a fight against if you want to lose 100% of your fanbase before the ps5 release keep doing what you're doing because in a gamemode where winning fights matters this is just unacceptable!

  • 17
  • Had it happen twice in a losing all my streaks

  • Recently happened to me, right before emerging from water it kicked me out, the funny part is that i loaded the same session back, found my ship was at the outpost docked, with the HG still on and the emisary flag still on as well along with all supplies i had.
    So i figured ok just go back and try again, but after about a minute while collecting more supplies at the outpost i see the menu indicate "streak increased" i basically won the battle along with my emisary flag raising it's level, not sure what the oponent saw on their end but i basically got a free win. 😂

  • My crew and I have at minimum one person crashing out in about 75% of our HG dives, sometimes multiple people.

    It's pretty bad atm.

  • @habiki said in Game crashes are literally making hourglass unplayable!:

    My crew and I have at minimum one person crashing out in about 75% of our HG dives, sometimes multiple people.

    It's pretty bad atm.

    Raid dives are rough too

    not 75% in my experience but high enough to where it's not really worth it much overall. Stuck in the tunnel or crashing when emerging which is pretty much a sink when solo.

  • Just to follow up on this before the post gets too old, my crew and I are now randomly crashing out of the game at any given moment.

    Selling loot, sailing the seas, in the middle of a naval engagement or world event......heck, when I logged in last night I was able to see my pirate wake up on the tavern table for about 1.5 seconds before I crashed out.

    Both of our hourglass dives last night were actually smooth(ish) for once (meaning no crashes from the crew, but some serious glitching upon ascension. But we experienced around 4 or 5 crashes last night alone for no apparent reasons.

    I know the devs are working on the issue, but it's getting worse as the days go by in my own anecdotal view.

  • This season has been the worst for player retention IMHO I don't buy new games very often but I've recently gone back to other games and even brought other games rather than buying ancient coins as I don't feel the game deserves my money at the moment

    I mean they make 80 million dollars per year and waste resources transitioning a character while the games performance tanks!

    As a member of the LGBTQ community I'm saying I care more that the game works than I do about being represented at an outpost!

    Get it together rare for God's sake!

  • @cptclapz said in Game crashes are literally making hourglass unplayable!:

    This season has been the worst for player retention IMHO I don't buy new games very often but I've recently gone back to other games and even brought other games rather than buying ancient coins as I don't feel the game deserves my money at the moment

    I mean they make 80 million dollars per year and waste resources transitioning a character while the games performance tanks!

    As a member of the LGBTQ community I'm saying I care more that the game works than I do about being represented at an outpost!

    Get it together rare for God's sake!

    People keeping busy in their spot of the overall project doesn't take away from whatever else is going on.

    It's different jobs, doesn't make any sense to stop people from working on what they are working on to put them on something they aren't a part of.

    The game doesn't work worse because of that.

    A situation like that is also helpful for morale. Sure, on twitter people are gonna bicker about everything but the team is stronger from sentimental efforts, some in the community will feel positive about their participation in a game where they feel welcomed, represented, however they feel.

  • I'm getting better at quickly judging how competent other crews are and whether need to hard pull out while crewmates reconnect or if can solo vs duo or do brig/gally with a man down etc. Def far too common

  • @hiradc I play solo sloop if I crash I load bk into a submarine or the fights over!

  • It's so common that you can allready seepatterns of behavior suggesting when there was crash in oponent crew.

    And a lott more of communication about it.

    Maybe crashing we all fight allong fighting each other on HG has brought us closer together than we tought?

  • @ghutar said:

    Maybe crashing we all fight allong fighting each other on HG has brought us closer together than we tought?

    🎶 We shall sail crash together. 🎶

    (Tbh my game hasn't had many - PC/Steam)

  • @theblackbellamy me too, but my crew is another kind of bucket.

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    The game doesn't work worse because of that.

    The game doesn't work better with it either.

    For morale - yeah, I agree. But if you own a restaurant that is struggling in the kitchen, you need to hire more cooks (or replace them with better cooks), not more sign-spinners outside, directing more traffic to your dysfunctional buffet.

    6 years in and we finally hear about a "bug fixing team," and what would really help with morale is if they had any progress to show. Are any fixes being playtested in Insiders, before they're rolled out to retail and announced as "fixed"? I could violate NDA and answer that, but I'd rather anyone curious just signs up for the program to see for themselves.

    I've always embraced Sr. Trader Marley as an equal... because he robs me as equally as the other merchants haha.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Game crashes are literally making hourglass unplayable!:

    @wolfmanbush said:

    The game doesn't work worse because of that.

    The game doesn't work better with it either.

    For morale - yeah, I agree. But if you own a restaurant that is struggling in the kitchen, you need to hire more cooks (or replace them with better cooks), not more sign-spinners outside, directing more traffic to your dysfunctional buffet.

    6 years in and we finally hear about a "bug fixing team," and what would really help with morale is if they had any progress to show. Are any fixes being playtested in Insiders, before they're rolled out to retail and announced as "fixed"? I could violate NDA and answer that, but I'd rather anyone curious just signs up for the program to see for themselves.

    I've always embraced Sr. Trader Marley as an equal... because he robs me as equally as the other merchants haha.

    Entirely different issues though.

    What happens a LOT is that frustrated players pick the things that make the least sense to criticize the most.

    Happens a lot of the emporium. Something goes wrong? bring up the emporium. Doesn't make sense but at least it involves money so it's at least it can be said that it's upset consumers.

    The topic of this post specifically is more personal. There are hundreds+ of changes made regularly and many of them end up in the patch notes. Many of which don't change much for many of us. Tall tale fixes/changes, random environment changes, etc.

    Out of all the irrelevant changes to bring up for criticism there are people choosing the one that is personal. They are doing that out of frustration but they are also doing that to make it personal and to cause trouble for others. To make it unpleasant for others, to get fights going, to cause some chaos.

    Some just parrot others, some aren't intending it to be personal, that happens, but at the core of the criticism is turning frustration over a video game into a personal attack about worth, when entirely different groups work on entirely different things.

    That's why I address it when I see it. I get the frustration, I get being tired of how things are handled, I get a lot of what veteran players go through in this game because I am one.

    I have no issue with criticism when it's fair, I only take issue when the criticism and the blame are being focused on specific changes that make it personal. I feel it should be challenged so I challenge it, I understand why people are frustrated, just don't support how some vent it.

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    Entirely different issues though.

    What happens a LOT is that frustrated players pick the things that make the least sense to criticize the most.

    Happens a lot of the emporium. Something goes wrong? bring up the emporium. Doesn't make sense but at least it involves money so it's at least it can be said that it's upset consumers...
    I get the frustration, I get being tired of how things are handled, I get a lot of what veteran players go through in this game because I am one.

    I have no issue with criticism when it's fair, I only take issue when the criticism and the blame are being focused on specific changes that make it personal. I feel it should be challenged so I challenge it, I understand why people are frustrated, just don't support how some vent it.

    To be clear, I wasn't saying that particular change made the game perform any worse, and I understand what you're saying, so I'll stay away from the subject and focus on the emporium.

    I think a lot of criticisms against the prioritization of emporium sales are as valid as criticisms against "adding more content." When game performance declines, to the point where server stability and desync is memed in the community, and community engagement is seemingly limited to engagement with select streamers, it's only normal for the playerbase to lose trust in the company's management.

    Rare, the company, is responsible for who they hire and how much money they allocate to which department. So, blaming the "emporium team" for a lack of maintenance is obviously misattributed. But holding Rare accountable for not managing their staffing/resources properly is valid imo.

    Let's say NASA decides to reallocate funding from various R&D departments to their custodial services. As nice as it is that they have clean toilets, you may eventually find yourself wondering why they haven't made any scientific or technological progress. And while you'd be wrong to blame all the janitors, and demand, "make them make the rockets," you'd be right to question NASA's decision-making that led them there.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Game crashes are literally making hourglass unplayable!:

    I think a lot of criticisms against the prioritization of emporium sales are as valid as criticisms against "adding more content." When game performance declines, to the point where server stability and desync is memed in the community, and community engagement is seemingly limited to engagement with select streamers, it's only normal for the playerbase to lose trust in the company's management.

    Rare, the company, is responsible for who they hire and how much money they allocate to which department. So, blaming the "emporium team" for a lack of maintenance is obviously misattributed. But holding Rare accountable for not managing their staffing/resources properly is valid imo.

    Let's say NASA decides to reallocate funding from various R&D departments to their custodial services. As nice as it is that they have clean toilets, you may eventually find yourself wondering why they haven't made any scientific or technological progress. And while you'd be wrong to blame all the janitors, and demand, "make them make the rockets," you'd be right to question NASA's decision-making that led them there.

    Something they have been doing more recently is putting themselves on the record. Addressing concerns/issues, offering some information about how they changed something or are approaching things differently. Acknowledging some of the approaches that didn't turn out how they had hoped.

    This is important in accountability and maybe here in the next few months that will start showing up in game as the effects of the effort and changes start to take hold more.

    Maybe nothing changes but they have been choosing to be in a more vulnerable and accountable spot lately by putting some of this stuff in videos.

    They are still trying so there is still a chance that the game will see performance improvements.

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