If you're here for Safer Seas

  • Go spend money in the Emporium.

    Also, play the mode as presented with the limitations. If it's not doing what they want, there will be adjustments. Comtrarywise... if it does what they want no amount of thread spam will cause changes.

    Lastly, let me equip all my pets.
    Particularly in Safer 😂

    In b4 ⚓ lol

  • 6
  • People are simply mistaking SS for Pve Idk where they are getting this from.
    The SS has been labeled and clearly marked for what it is.

    SS is a new mode for Family/Friends who just wish to experience the Story/Lore and get there first feet wet in the game before diving into the grand world of it all and start unlocking some high rewarding titles and merch. But you dont have to join HS if you dont wanna. You can still experience the game in SS as normal with some very small and tiny limits.

  • @burnbacon said in If you're here for Safer Seas:

    People are simply mistaking SS for Pve Idk where they are getting this from.
    The SS has been labeled and clearly marked for what it is.

    SS is a new mode for Family/Friends who just wish to experience the Story/Lore and get there first feet wet in the game before diving into the grand world of it all and start unlocking some high rewarding titles and merch. But you dont have to join HS if you dont wanna. You can still experience the game in SS as normal with some very small and tiny limits.

    They are mostly getting that from the fact that there is no pvp and think that its supposed to be equal and dont understand that a full pve mode with full rewards goes entirely against the last 5 years of what rare has said the game is.

    Its a confusing misunderstanding, especially considering what rare has expressed the mode to be, but such is the nature of misunderstandings.

  • @goldsmen I guess people are excited to have a mode of play they were looking forward to. Since the start I have been looking to play with friends, but on different ships. That would be fun - some are very competitive. I like the safer seas to play with my son. Limited loot and perks for what we need is ok.

  • @pithyrumble like have all your pet out at once like some sort of floating zoo could be funny and noisy

  • @burnbacon true but it could double for a good place to get screen shots and just have aimless fun id be fine with that keep all the other restrictions like less gold and Rep. a the level cap which even I think is to high should have been 30-35 not 40

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