You're Doing a Fort of the Damned? I'll Help and Then Sink You

  • So today I tried to promote my account to a parent account to sign up for the insider program cuz I wanted the sapphire blades pistols, and I couldn't do that, so I hopped on Sea of Thieves and was going to keep scuttling and changing seas until I got either a Fort of Fortune or a regular skeleton fort, and on the first server it had a skeleton fort, but I didn't notice it and I had already scuttled, then second server there wasn't anything I wanted, but the third server had a Fort of Fortune so close to me, so I invited a friend who needed chest of fortune sales, and as we got close to the thing, it decided to go away, and we investigated it, where we found an open vault with nothing inside, I then went out to help my friend with a dog, but it was all a trick to get me to by burying a keg, and I dug it up and we died, and I saw him bury it. He then said there were enemies on the island that we needed to kill, but I think we was tricking me again. He then proceeded to bring 3 kegs on my ship, and after like a minute of me telling him to get them off my ship, he did, but he dropped it off the side of my ship and it blew up and sank us. I was really mad at him cuz I desperately needed gold cuz I only have 1k, and at the island he kept goofing around when I kept telling him to vote to scuttle and change seas, and he found a keg and was using it to joke around, but I wasn't in the mood at all, and I told him if he didn't do it I wasn't going to invite him to the next Fort of Fortune I see cuz I was that mad. He eventually voted after I said I'm leaving, and as we were in the animation, he left, which I was fine with cuz I was mad at him. I then got on a server and saw a Fort of the Damned, which I went to with the plan of helping them out, and either once my timer ran out or once we were in the middle of Graymarrow, whichever came first, I would keg them. I got there and didn't say anything and just started slaughtering skeletons. My timer ran out in the middle of Graymarrow, so I left without being detected to grab a keg, and I did and I brought it to their sloppy sloop, but before setting it off, I shouted "hasta luego!" To them, then set the keg off, then left the game. I'm pretty sure it sank cuz I set it off in the middle on the top deck for maximum holes, and they were at the top of the island, so there was no way they could save it in time.

    The moral of the story is, if you see someone called "Devtryak" helping out with an event and he's not talking, he's mad and is most likely going to sink you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat a Pop Tart for lunch.

  • 7
  • @devtryak

    1- I consider that everyone is going to try to sink me eventually.
    2-Butter on toasted Pop-tarts?

  • @devtryak maximum holes are achieved by putting the keg on bottom deck around the wood barrel area.

    Also if they had a sword and if it was a regular barrel (not a stronghold barrel) then they could have saved it just fine.

  • Pirates will be pirates, we sail with you then we steal from you.

  • @pithyrumble

    I don't betray a crew I'm helping, but I was mad and needed to relieve anger. Also, not butter on Pop Tarts, but I like them toasted

  • @callmebackdraft

    I don't think they would have thought they would use sword lunge, and I base that off the fact that I think they were new cuz they kept attacking not lit skeletons, and I think they were surrounded by skeletons, so I think they sunk.

  • @lj-marst0n

    I don't betray, but anger must be released, and I did that with a massive betray. I even think that they might have died cuz they were doing kinda bad until I got there

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