Another great tale

  • Aye... Ahoy Mateys,
    It is I, Captain P again with another exciting tail.
    Last night I spawned in to a ship with a pretty great captained ship. We had done a couple small voyages and decided to take on the fort of the damned. I had not done it in many moons and remembered we had to die for the flames. In the process of getting the pink flame of fate, we had an initial tough time finding players. We decided to head to storm for the lightning flame of fate also so we figured we would run into trouble along the way..... boy did we. First we took down a skelly galleon (nearly sunk, but we did it). after looting, we ran into not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 other ships. 2 sloops, a gally, and a brig. The sloops scattered to the winds leaving us with the gally as we headed to the storm. Shot crewmate to the gally and used the wind to our advantage. He got the kill and dropped their anchor, then got back to the ship. He sort of messed up and instead of making the flame, he took another flame and mooted his flame. Very humorous, but we had to go back to the gally and do it again. He got the flame this time and after a 20 minute pursuit (very dedicated boogers) I hatched another Captain P classic plan. First, I a meg showed up and was hoping they would attack it (which to my luck they did) and the meg hit them. Just when I thought things were looking up We went into some fog and out of no where the gally returned and boy were they all heated up haha. Since the plan failed I hatched another plan. I told him we would lose them at the upcoming fort which had a sloop. I feel bad in hind site, but the plan went without a hitch. As we passed by the fort I waved at the other players and said ahoy and to run. Boy did they. We both scattered and I went towards the storm again and the gally switched to them as they had more loot (phew right?) We got the other two flames and after giving my crewmate some trouble for doing the flame twice, we finally had what we needed to open the fort for business; or so we thought. Old ding ding here (me) was getting the pink flame and instead of taking the flame, I made the flame into the green thus losing it again (rotten choices I tell ya). The captain of the ship was quite heated up after that haha. So we thought about next steps and saw the two sloops and the brig show up. He shot me to the outpost they were at and one spotted me and told his alliance. I sat there and offered them a banana each and worms (A classic Squaking Parrot tradition). Initially I was shot, but the mood quickly changed to positive as we had a drink and I then asked them to kill me... they did and I got the flame back. They must have known because as we were completing the fort he showed up and lit up our ship while we were busy. After a small PvP action we went back at it to the ship. After completing the fort we were ready to call it quits for the night and reward ourselves for some nice loot.... the Kraken shows up. Not only the kraken, but a skelly gally on the outskirts of the ink. Talk about rotten luck, we did some finesse and got both defeated (no easy task at all) Left the loot for someone else and got a total of 80k gold for our troubles for the fort and the ships we had already sunk. After the cash in we enjoyed a couple PvP matches and docked for the night. I hope you enjoyed this tale and stay tuned for more!

    • Captain P
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