you guys like adding a lot of accessibility options so what about a way to customize the quick chat wheels for mute controller players

  • I'm not necessarily mute but I get terrible anxiety using a microphone but I still want to be able to play competitively and it gets pretty difficult sometimes having to make due with the available chat wheel options.

    I think it would be really nice if we could make our own chat wheel options or choose from a big list of pre made options (like with the emote wheel)

    for example, it would be really nice to have proper call outs on the wheel such as "raise/lower (specific sail)"

  • 7
  • @nokye

    This idea would be subject to a profanity filter. That being said, there are ways around that. This idea could be abused by toxic players. I saw a ship named “caulk and balls” I’m sure you can figure out what “caulk” really means

  • @soloslooperr said in you guys like adding a lot of accessibility options so what about a way to customize the quick chat wheels for mute controller players:


    “ or choose from a big list of pre made options (like with the emote wheel)”

    I feel like that would be the safest option. That being said, I would support this feature

  • Fully support this idea, the fact it could be used for profanity shouldn’t really make a difference. People already find loopholes with pet names despite it having a decent filter, and people can still chat and use voice to be toxic. The positives massively outweigh the negatives.

    Wether it’s a big list of pre determined options to add to our radial or we can choose ourselves, it’s great for accessibility.

  • Not a bad idea, for accessibility improvements there's a specific category under support ticket so I'd raise that for better dev visibility

  • Or buy a cheap chat pad?

  • I think being able to customize them the way you can your emote wheel would be really nice. I highly recommend shooting SoT a support ticket with this idea. The devs usually don't see suggestions on here, so they have a way to send them accessibility ideas through this link it's the 3rd option from the bottom of the list.

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