Ship Name

  • I have 3 ships. One of them uses a Pun-like name that says something kind-of dirty, but only adults would get it. It doesn't actually say anything bad, and, children/kids would think it is referring to the giant saw blade I am using as a figurehead.

    I've had EVERYONE that sees my ship (that is an adult) laugh, and say that the name is hilarious, and a few of them have warned me that I could be "banned." My other 2 ships are named "Archangel" and I don't want to get banned for my 3rd one. Is there a way I can have it reviewed by an admin, that could let me know if it is okay or not?
    My "Archangel" Galleon and Sloop both look like this, but with Insider Sails:
    -- edit images aren't working, here are links to the image view ship

    If it isn't, great, I'll keep playing, kids won't get it, and adults will get a smile out of it, but if it is bad, then I can change it.

    The ship's name is "The Saw Domizer":
    The Saw Domizer Screenshot
    -- edit images aren't working, here are links to the image view ship

  • 19
  • @admiralcorporal said in Ship Name:

    I have 3 ships. One of them uses a Pun-like name that says something kind-of dirty, but only adults would get it.

    Do you even know kids? Kids pick up on everything. There are 8-year-olds that would get this joke.

    Calling attention to it I'm guessing is a bad idea as well, as they don't generally say "Oh sure, we'll review your ship name." Instead they say "Oh, no, bad choice. Your ship-naming privileges have been removed."

    I don't get why this is a hard concept for people. If you think your joke might cross a line, Rare seems to be erring on the side of caution with ship names so it's probably a super bad choice.

  • What I dislike about things like this and what you claim to be 'sense of humor' is that all of it has to do one way or another with sex.
    I got it out of my system at the age group you describe that would not understand and I could not stand people in school

    at age of 15 that only made jokes about it and were real life ''rooster blocks'' :D

    What I do love is when people name something so originally that everyone starts doing it for example - Sloop Dogg
    Another one shared by Rare - Goldfather

    You know something actually clever and family friendly.

  • I love wordplay A LOT and I generally am someone that is chill about stuff that is goofy or cringey and just generally not at the expense of others but random and ridiculous

    To be transparent and critical not about you personally but about the name it doesn't sit right with me. In my view that goes into the category of aggressive in a random public setting with people of all types. Good word play but I would consider it personally highly inappropriate because there is no context where that is not crossing the line in this environment imo.

    As someone that jokes a lot and engages in a lot of word play I don't think it says something bad about you, people try to be witty and funny and sometimes things just write themselves but for me it makes me uncomfortable in this setting thinking about how it could be seen by others. People have different life experiences and traumas and I could see how it would negatively effect someone to be attacked by a name like that, imo

    When everyone is on the same page it is what it is but in this setting not everyone is on the same page because it's random with random people.

  • Submit a ticket under bad ship names if you want it reviewed. They may err on the side of caution and ban it, hopefully just making you change it.

  • @maximusarael020
    Yes I know kids, I have 3 boys, 5 about to turn 6, just turned 9 and 12 about to turn 13.

    I had a large response typed. I removed it, children read these forums.

  • @pithyrumble where do I submit a ticket at?

  • @admiralcorporal said in Ship Name:

    I had a large response typed. I removed it, children read these forums.

    Exactly the mindset you should have had when making your ship name.

  • @admiralcorporal

    You might have to login again, "Ship Name Report" is the last one on the drop down list. Don't expect a quick response tho. Took about 2 weeks on a pet name issue response.

  • @admiralcorporal said in Ship Name:

    Yes I know kids, I have 3 boys, 5 about to turn 6, just turned 9 and 12 about to turn 13.

    I had a large response typed. I removed it, children read these forums.

    It's not only about kids, it's sexually aggressive in the context of piracy where conflict and hostility are happening, where not everyone wants to fight, where people often have their ship immobilized and camped.

    There are so many scenarios where this could easily bother adult participants of the game and could flat out cause them to have a very unpleasant experience. This is undoubtedly not your intent but it is the reality of the situation.

    Situations where women may not be comfortable, situations where people are messed with for using the rainbow flag, situations where any other adult could be put in a situation where it significantly lessens their experience.

    You came here because you are thoughtful about it, that is awesome, I know you don't have the above intent but in order to try to keep experiences from getting extremely negative I think we all should consider how our wordplay could negatively affect others around us in a shared environment, including adults.

  • @admiralcorporal Ahoy me matey!

    Just something to consider is if someone sees the name of your ship through their spyglass, finds it offensive and reports it. You may then find your naming privileges removed.
    Do you think it's an appropriate name for a ship that children aged 12 and above might see while playing Sea of Thieves?
    'Mum.... what's the Sawdomizer?' :)

  • Well, after seeing 100% the opposite reaction here (from what I got on the high seas), I can see that no one here thinks it's okay, and that it works as an inside joke for adults (which is what I intended). @wolfmanbush "You came here because you are thoughtful about it," That's right, I care about doing the right thing.

    I'm just going to rename it.

    I actually have to rename my other ships too, cause I realized I spelled Archangle wrong. It's supposed to be Archangel. So now I need to get 3 renaming things.

  • @admiralcorporal said in Ship Name:

    Well, after seeing 100% the opposite reaction here (from what I got on the high seas), I can see that no one here thinks it's okay, and that it works as an inside joke for adults (which is what I intended). @wolfmanbush "You came here because you are thoughtful about it," That's right, I care about doing the right thing.

    I'm just going to rename it.

    I actually have to rename my other ships too, cause I realized I spelled Archangle wrong. It's supposed to be Archangel. So now I need to get 3 renaming things.

    I think an open and civil conversation for something like this does a service for a community. You opened that up by bringing it here.

    I've said all kinds of things, made all kinds of jokes, engaged in all kinds of wordplay throughout the years I've been around.

    I went through the process where it's a lot of defending self, defending the words, pushing against extremes to justify my way, my words

    As people started talking more, in public ways, open and honest conversations, I started to observe and eventually realize I wasn't defending humor I was defending an approach that lacked consideration. That created a scenario where reactions were at the potential expense of someone that may be in a situation where they don't feel they can express that it caused them to feel poorly about themselves or about the space we share.

    These topics open up an opportunity to think about these things, talk about them, reflect on them

    Over time I think it does some good, you opened up that opportunity this time because you "care about doing the right thing"

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you, I try. I just hope that when I log in, in a few minutes to change my ship name, I don't find that an Admin has banned me before I had the chance to fix it, even though I even asked here.

  • @admiralcorporal I hope you didn’t get restricted; if so, you should appeal and submit this thread as evidence of your concern and intent to self-police.

    Let us know how it went/goes.

  • I have renamed it from "Da Saw Domizer" to "Blood Tub"

  • @admiralcorporal said in Ship Name:

    I have renamed it from "Da Saw Domizer" to "Blood Tub"

    It's not as pleasant of an image as rainbows and skittles in a lovely spring meadow but it lacks the direct aggressiveness that the original held.

    Seems within the rules to me.

  • @admiralcorporal

    Safer bet 🤔😉

  • Plus it Rhymes :-p

15 out of 19