Unofficial Community Guidelines From a Community Member

  • I have not been on this forum as long as some others, but in my time here i have learned some general things that i feel would be good to share, some may line up with the official guidelines, but seem to need to be mentioned again, and i would like to help keep people out of trouble

    As it stands these are things to follow as a rule of thumb to have a good time in the forums, and to make things easier for the mod team!

    1, Be friendly, it seems obvious, but it seems to need to be said some times.

    2, Dont bring bug reports or player reports to the forum, check the Officil Report area!

    3, Search the forum to see if your post has been made by some one else. Even if you dont search the forum at the very least check the last few pages of "Recent" before posting something, being the 97th person in the last week to post the same issue just clutters the forum.

    4, If your post was locked, dont make another post about the same thing or asking why it was locked, the mod team locked it for a reason, and said why they locked it, doing so just puts added strain on the mod team and causes trouble for your self.

    And finally! 5, Dont take things too seriously, you can have a debate or disagree with others, and still get along! We are all friends here talking about a game we enjoy!

    If anyone has any other general guidelines that can help the community, feel free to share! I love this community, and any general guidelines that can help make it better are always good!

  • 11
  • I got one.

    Just because you disagree with a person. Don’t be sending them “private messages” to tell them off then leave the conversation.

  • Personal grudges harm self, the environment, and others.

    Words are powerful, they can be used to throw painful chaos into the day of another or they can be used as a gift for someone to use as a resource to find calm in the storm. Sometimes abstaining from a tempting one liner that is at the expense of another makes more of a positive difference than one would assume.

    Accountability protects integrity and integrity improves the environment around it. Consistency is the best any of us can do, perfection is not required, never question your value but always question your views. Reflection and willingness to accept not always being right are strengths not weaknesses. Sincere apology and/or thoughtfulness after inconsistency is a strength and necessary to move forward in a productive way.

    Malicious manipulation during conversation harms self as well as others. A healthy environment doesn't socially sacrifice the reputations of others by attacking their characters as a way to perceive themselves as the winner of an interaction. Accountability is not personally attacking others, it's not looking for reasons to nit pick each other, it's building each other up so that we all can approach the environment in a stronger way that is supportive and productive for all of those that participate.

    Just because you have seen the same topic or the same type of post many times does not make someone a burden. Posting is a choice not a requirement, treat that person and that post as if you've never heard the question/feedback before because they have nothing to do with the repetitiveness in your day.

  • @goldsmen said in Unofficial Community Guidelines From a Community Member:

    1, Be friendly, it seems obvious, but it seems to need to be said some times.

    "get rekt + L + ratio + you fell off + skill issue + cope + cry about it + canceled + stay mad"

    Someone on the forums, probably.

    I agree. Friendliness is next to cleanliness, in the Pirate Lord's eyes. Or something like that.

  • Being a normal pirate is not toxic in and of itself. Don't be calling someone toxic just because they sank you. They are only toxic if they are using harassing and harmful language, gestures, and actions. Sinking someone is not a reportable offense!

    • Know the game your playing
      Sea of Thieves: Open World, Sandbox, multiplayer adventure game. PvPvE "Player vs Player vs Environment"
      No Single Player gameplay.

    • Like any video game you start playing, You will fail a lot. (We were all once newbies)
      But get back on your ship and keep trying. You wont always win or do something your first round, no matter what you saw on Streams. But if you keep at it and continue to push yourself forward, you will be that bigger fish.

  • TLDR: It's all about etiquette and mannerisms when it comes to any online game and setting. There is no issue with some taunting and trolling but don't take it so far as to make it toxic just for the sake of ego and ruining others sessions.

  • Isn't the official report area only for reporting players, not bugs?

  • @scheneighnay said in Unofficial Community Guidelines From a Community Member:

    Isn't the official report area only for reporting players, not bugs?

    You mean the form for reporting? This form?

    It gives 20 options to submit a report on and only 5 of those are related to other players. The rest are for bugs and such.

    ETA: Admittedly, they don’t make it extremely obvious how to report the 15 other topics on their website. You scroll all the way to the bottom and it says “Still need help? Raise a support request with one of our team.” It would be nice if it was a bit easier to find. That’s why I have the link above bookmarked.

  • @scheneighnay said in Unofficial Community Guidelines From a Community Member:

    Isn't the official report area only for reporting players, not bugs?

    It specifies reporting players, but when you continue to the report page, it actually has options for bugs, and game build, its strange how its set up, but its for basically all reports of any kind.

  • @goldsmen sagte in Unofficial Community Guidelines From a Community Member:

    Even if you dont search the forum at the very least check the last few pages of "Recent" before posting something, being the 97th person in the last week to post the same issue just clutters the forum.

    Thank you!👍👏
    But nobody will listen to this, as new people come here to complain and will never be seen again

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