Multiple pets equipped

  • It would be nice to be able to equip multiple pets (Maybe 2 or 3) at a time

    Having 2 parrots at a time (1 on each shoulder? [Being able to put parrots on shoulders too!]) or being able to generally equip multiple pets.

    I think this would be a very fun addition as it would make displaying different outfits and creatures much easier.

  • 16
    just for funfeedback
  • Not everyone has multiple pets tho. Or even one.

  • This is a great idea. I'd like a group of attack dogs to assist me in my piracy.

  • This is the equvalant of throwing a bomb at the "server room".

  • Let me equip multiple full sized pets. Technically we can with pocket pets, but you know what I mean.

    Damn the servers, remove another ship! Let me have my ark!

  • @burnbacon said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Not everyone has multiple pets tho. Or even one.

    What does this have to do with anything? We shouldn't add things to the game because some people might not be able to experience them?

  • Sea of Thieves; not Zoo of Thieves.

  • Oh, that's cool. I support it.

  • @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Sea of Thieves; not Zoo of Thieves.

    Although pets are extremely annoying especially during combat I feel like a solo player can benefit from this.

    Make it so that only solo players can equip several pets like one pet of each type. So one fox, one dog, one cat etc.

    For solo players with social anxiety this can help them not feel so alone.

    I am solo 85% of the time but I’d love having several pets out so my ship feels more alive without the need of pigs/chickens/snakes

  • Imagine the chaos of trying to jump on cannons or harpoon with the contents of Noah's Ark on deck.

  • And then... I can open my world famous Pirate Zoo and Menagerie!

  • @robby0316 said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Sea of Thieves; not Zoo of Thieves.

    Although pets are extremely annoying especially during combat I feel like a solo player can benefit from this.

    Make it so that only solo players can equip several pets like one pet of each type. So one fox, one dog, one cat etc.

    For solo players with social anxiety this can help them not feel so alone.

    I am solo 85% of the time but I’d love having several pets out so my ship feels more alive without the need of pigs/chickens/snakes

    ...and if someone joins the crew after the fact?

  • @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @robby0316 said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Sea of Thieves; not Zoo of Thieves.

    Although pets are extremely annoying especially during combat I feel like a solo player can benefit from this.

    Make it so that only solo players can equip several pets like one pet of each type. So one fox, one dog, one cat etc.

    For solo players with social anxiety this can help them not feel so alone.

    I am solo 85% of the time but I’d love having several pets out so my ship feels more alive without the need of pigs/chickens/snakes

    ...and if someone joins the crew after the fact?

    Closed crew 😉

  • @pithyrumble said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @robby0316 said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Sea of Thieves; not Zoo of Thieves.

    Although pets are extremely annoying especially during combat I feel like a solo player can benefit from this.

    Make it so that only solo players can equip several pets like one pet of each type. So one fox, one dog, one cat etc.

    For solo players with social anxiety this can help them not feel so alone.

    I am solo 85% of the time but I’d love having several pets out so my ship feels more alive without the need of pigs/chickens/snakes

    ...and if someone joins the crew after the fact?

    Closed crew 😉

    Friends can still join closed crews. 😉

  • @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Friends can still join closed crews. 😉

    There's an option to make it so even friends can't join your ship.

  • @mferr11 said in Multiple pets equipped:

    @galactic-geek said in Multiple pets equipped:

    Friends can still join closed crews. 😉

    There's an option to make it so even friends can't join your ship.

    Oh, I know. But at that point, then you're just being anti-social and probably deserve to be with your cats.

just for funfeedback
7 out of 16