Did the Pirate Lord really KILL his own son?

  • After witnessing the memory of Ramsey handing gold to a bunch of pirates with the lantern, and seeing words "Guilty" surrounding him at the Athena Hideout, I speculate he did NOT kill his son, DeMarco, rather, I believe the pirates were payed to protect him. Either it was the Pirate Lord's fault of trusting the group with a simple task and also someone else may have payed them more to mutiny and murder the captain of the Howling Wolf.

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  • Next TT or a new Adventure should let us release DeMarco's soul...

    Just keep Pendragon and his shiny sword away. They probably boobytrapped it.

  • My money’s on “No, he did not”. It seems very out-of-character for him and it’s not clear what he would gain from it. Also from an out-of-game perspective it’s too early in the mystery to reveal the culprit.

  • Innocent until proven…..Guilty!

  • @impymidna2303 well the logs on the howling wolf seem to indicate that the meeting they had with Ramsey was for less then noble purposes

  • I dont think Ramsay's responsible directly.

    Im not 100% sure how it will pan out but I think DiMarco's soul is trapped in the lantern. However with Greymarrow gone I cant think of anyone on the seas who has the power to bind souls to objects

  • The creators most likely want to drag this out. In my opinion it would make sense to leave this on a cliff hanger to keep us all interested until the next chapter of the mystery. Perhaps this is a frame job and the next chapter will be WHO framed the Pirate Lord. Following that would be WHY they framed him. And so on...

  • Well, The fallen sea dog’s lantern is the only non in game quest lantern that reveals stuff. from that viewpoint I think we should pay attention to the lantern. Who put it there? Who enchanted it? what was there motive? Maybe the visions we are seeing are warped, or all out fake? whoever made this lantern is connected with DeMarco‘s murder, and I think that the killer is trying to frame the pirate lord, Tricking us to believe the tool that we fished up very close to a body. I think it was planted.
    What is real? What is fake?

  • @craftergames706 said in Did the Pirate Lord really KILL his own son?:

    Maybe the visions we are seeing are warped, or all out fake? whoever made this lantern is connected with DeMarco‘s murder, and I think that the killer is trying to frame the pirate lord, Tricking us to believe the tool that we fished up very close to a body. I think it was planted.

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