Portal hopping is no more...

  • With the new update, apparently, Rare made a slight change of an emmisary flag falling off the ship and being left behind when the ship enters tunnels of the damned. Which essentially kills the a part of Reapers, who would sever hop in search of PVP. I can't even believe Rare would do such thing, where am I supposed to find the ships to fight when there are no emmisaries on server. Please, allow us to keep the emmisary on

  • 16
  • @guyrza said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    With the new update, apparently, Rare made a slight change of an emmisary flag falling off the ship and being left behind when the ship enters tunnels of the damned. Which essentially kills the a part of Reapers, who would sever hop in search of PVP. I can't even believe Rare would do such thing, where am I supposed to find the ships to fight when there are no emmisaries on server. Please, allow us to keep the emmisary on

    I saw in the patch notes they reintroduced a copy of the emissary flag being left on the old server. Perhaps you've experienced that.

    If they also removed emissary when you hop - I think that's a good change though !! It's a PvPvE game - only doing PvP is as bad as only wanting PvE.

  • Really? That's cool.
    I will make sure to always sail past portals, in case someone left me free flags to collect. :D

  • @zedny3434 said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    Really? That's cool.
    I will make sure to always sail past portals, in case someone left me free flags to collect. :D

    I think it was only gone for Season 6 IIRC, because there was a way to cheese something (don't know what or how).

  • @guyrza
    I'm fairly certain that they meant a copy of the emissary flag drops, but the hoppers don't loose it. That way if someone uses the portal hop to retreat from combat they have "surrendered" and the loot they had on board would drop for the enemy ship, but reapers who want to keep their level still do.

  • Portal hopping is a massive waste of time if you are trying to pvp anyway. Just server hop for reapers.

  • @guyrza said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    With the new update, apparently, Rare made a slight change of an emmisary flag falling off the ship and being left behind when the ship enters tunnels of the damned. Which essentially kills the a part of Reapers, who would sever hop in search of PVP. I can't even believe Rare would do such thing, where am I supposed to find the ships to fight when there are no emmisaries on server. Please, allow us to keep the emmisary on

    It was an exploit, so if this is true, then good on Rare.

  • @mr-whaletoes if thats a copy Im more than happy

  • @alienmagi said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    Portal hopping is a massive waste of time if you are trying to pvp anyway. Just server hop for reapers.

    It really is, especially with how they flooded supplies from the dock and seaforts with supplies

    I play organically and don't server hop for pvp or targets but portal hopping has long been a highly inefficient way of hunting

    It can be useful for taking a break while keeping everyone together but for finding action it's terribly slow and inefficient

    Sure, someone can always get lucky on random but many many people could easily find no emissaries or 1 far away emissary for 5 servers in a row which is a huge time waste.

    Even table hunting for non reaper emissaries is more efficient than portal hopping.

  • @lem0n-curry well thats the thing, in the PvEvP game Im mostly getting to do PvE and next to none PvP

  • I believe this is only the copy of the flag that gets left behind. This was in game a while ago but some people found a way to duplicate the flags for crazy a gold value so it was temporarily removed.

  • Hey they do listen... sometimes!!!! what a win for PvE players. Too bad this update also is making a lot of people rage quit due to thousands of hours of gameplay being invalidated.

    Emissary system is a risk vs reward thing. Portal jumping was exploiting the game because now the other emissaries wouldnt have any warning you were coming. So reapers had a 100% upside and no downside. Just stock the heck out of your ship rank your flag to 5 and keep server hopping so emissaries have no clue you are coming.

    A big part of the system was people doing emissaries being able to see there was someone working on lvling their reaper and choosing to risk continuing with their grind or going to cash out. Yea this means less loot for you to steal. But if they designed the game the way PvPers wanted then no one would play at all because the PvE is a complete waste of time if 100% of the time your stuff gets stolen.

  • SoT players when they have to play the game as intended

  • @lem0n-curry said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    @zedny3434 said in Portal hopping is no more...:

    Really? That's cool.
    I will make sure to always sail past portals, in case someone left me free flags to collect. :D

    I think it was only gone for Season 6 IIRC, because there was a way to cheese something (don't know what or how).

    I think it had something to do with the crazy 76M+ Reaper ledger values that appeared days after the ledgers reset.

    I imagine it has to do with collecting the flags and then maybe somehow causing the portal transition to fail so that your ship comes back to the same server? That's the only way I could see it being abused otherwise portaling off the server will only give you one flag per ship and it'd be pretty random on whether you come back to that server or not. Unless it was in a low pop region like OCE or something but then re-adding the flag drop doesn't fix the problem.

    I have no idea how the exploit worked but just a guess.

  • Rare made a slight change of an emmisary flag falling off the ship and being left behind when the ship enters tunnels of the damned.


    Which essentially kills the a part of Reapers, who would sever hop in search of PVP.


    Some tell me again how this Killed portal Hopping...because I am still able to do it...Ive seen others appear from them just fine.

  • @guyrza

    The flag is duplicated and left in the water. This has been the case for a few months now.

    We hopped last night and our Emissary was kept intact.

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