Do You think double gunning is effective on XBOX?

  • So i was wondering Whats the best loadout for fights with other pirates on Xbox. I always use sword +eor. Personally i dont see double gunning effective when all you have to do against it is sword spam. I just dont know of its worth put my time and efford into practising double gun.. what do you think?

  • 5
  • natural strengths or personal enjoyment

    there is no perfect combo in an environment where the opponents are completely random and performance of the game is inconsistent and regularly flawed.

    If you are using what you enjoy using you'll enjoy combat more and will perform more consistently.

  • Well, they kill me ... But , at my age , a fly spit would kill me ;)

  • I think it could be but I think controller players still at a bit of a disadvantage. I noticed that the swap time btwn weapons on PC is a tad quicker then on controller. But if you can find away to not get killed btwn swaps as a controller player, you may be able to make it work lol

  • @fgfoot I have seen controller players double gun effectively, its all in the practice, but sword spam to deal with a double gunner doesnt always works, that depends on their skill, many with the reaction time can blunder you as your in a sword lunge, so it just depends how much effort your willing to put into it.

2 out of 5