Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive

  • @dlchief58 want to join me in the monstrous camp?

  • @wolfmanbush Too much freedom is just anarchy. A demand for lack of consequences for bad behavior is immature, adolescent thinking.

    You might as well have just announced you're down with lawlessness. Real pirates had laws, you know. They policed their own. Since y'all are incapable of matching that historical accuracy, Rare needs to step in.

  • @dlchief58 Thanks for confirming my worst suspicions about you.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @wolfmanbush Too much freedom is just anarchy. A demand for lack of consequences for bad behavior is immature, adolescent thinking.

    You might as well have just announced you're down with lawlessness. Real pirates had laws, you know. They policed their own. Since y'all are incapable of matching that historical accuracy, Rare needs to step in.

    There is a system for accountability based on the individual during an incident that can be reported.

    It appears you want to punish based on your preferences. That's not accountability or a system of decency that's a play for power and control.

    Crack downs and strict enforcement based on personality preference pressure do not improve the environment they make it more harsh.

    You have a pile of people going back and forth with you and I don't think I need to carry on past this post. I'll leave it with, I think your suggestions are always welcome here, getting personal about people in negative ways doesn't much help your contribution. I hope you feel welcome to have the last word if you want it.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @dlchief58 Oh, I'm perfectly excellent at PvP. Been at it since most of y'all weren't even a glimmer in your daddy's eye.

    There is no skill in ganking people. It is the last refuge of the skill-less. No different than a spawn camper. A bottom feeder. A scrub.

    If you were truly skilled, you'd welcome the chance to use better equipment hard-won by months of play. What's the matter? Scared?

    So for starters. Don't call people out for things and then go and be an ageist.

    If you think power up would save you, you are horribly wrong. With everything being equal your crew vs my crew. You sink. With power ups it would be a joke. Don't you see that? With equipment not mattering you have a chance since you just joined the game. The galley crews I run with have 12-20k hours combined, yall wouldn't have a chance.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @dlchief58 Oh, I'm perfectly excellent at PvP. Been at it since most of y'all weren't even a glimmer in your daddy's eye.

    There is no skill in ganking people. It is the last refuge of the skill-less. No different than a spawn camper. A bottom feeder. A scrub.

    If you were truly skilled, you'd welcome the chance to use better equipment hard-won by months of play. What's the matter? Scared?

    LOL, you obviously have no idea who you are talking to as I am most likely much older than you. So what are you like 70 years old or something? Yeah, didn't think so.

    What takes less skill? Setting up an ambush at an outpost or blindly walking into one? Depending upon the skills with equal weaponry or having to use a crutch from a buffed weapon you got just from putting in the time?

    If anything it is you that is scared since you seem to be dependent upon in game crutches to prosper. I'd rather win or lose on my own merits than have the outcome be decided by who has the better equipment, as a true competitor would.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @dlchief58 Oh, I'm perfectly excellent at PvP. Been at it since most of y'all weren't even a glimmer in your daddy's eye.

    There is no skill in ganking people. It is the last refuge of the skill-less. No different than a spawn camper. A bottom feeder. A scrub.

    If you were truly skilled, you'd welcome the chance to use better equipment hard-won by months of play. What's the matter? Scared?

    If you were truly skilled, horizontal progress should be fine as there is considerable skill gap with multiple aspects of combat in this game that are gained through playing and learning. The most important of which is situational awareness and ship positioning during naval combat. "Ganking people" comes from the people being attacked having zero situational awareness. It takes no less than 1 full minute from the time a ship becomes visible until they are within cannon range ANYWHERE on the map you might be.

    The issue with your request is that most of the players in this thread have YEARS of hard-won play. They would blink in your general direction as a new-ish player and you would turn to dust under your system. Not exactly welcoming of new players.

    I am a fairly casual player in some of these crowds on the forums and I still sit at ~1,500 hours played, maxed out in all but Level 23 in Athena's Fortune, and would have millions of gold to throw at any vertical upgrades you could muster. Easily capable of keeping newer players from amassing any gold to progress upwards.

  • @midnghtjade You know that not every game has to be for everyone right? The games you've mentioned, WoW or Diablo, I have zero interest in playing. I don't go on their forums and be rude and post ironic/sarcastic statements, which would obviously antagonise a loyal player base, and generally just rant about how I think their game is rubbish or boring.

    You could just, not play the game.

  • @maidenofarkham The developers asked for feedback. Cope.

  • @midnghtjade


    @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    "*After games like WoW or Diablo, the idea of sinking (zing!) time into a game that will literally never let me upgrade my gear in a meaningful way is either a lack of understanding why most people game or a lack of care. I'll never get more zoom on my sniper rifle? My 20,000 gold jacket doesn't deflect sword damage? My flame canons do the same damage as the starter canons? Boring.

    Other red flags include no truce zone at outposts. I'm sorry, but there is no way pirate merchants would let folks set each other's boats on fire. That's just bad for business. The ability to opt-out of PvP entirely not being an option really narrows the field of people who will play this game. Having no penalty for griefers killing the same player over and over just narrows the field even more.

    As for my ship, I can't upgrade my kitchen to get another stove? Can't get bigger lamps? No storage for items that aren't food/canons/wood? Can't hire an NPC to do grunt work like bail out the ship while it's raining? For that matter, why is there no way to close the grate letting in all that rain? y'all hate money or...???*"

    Isn't really feedback. It's a rant. It's full of ironic and sarcastic quips about the game. There is no meaningful feedback in calling something "boring".

  • @captain-coel It's almost like Rare could program their servers to put players of similar level into a same instances. Your commitment to preserving your playground to be the sociopath you dream of is...predictable.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @captain-coel It's almost like Rare could program their servers to put players of similar level into a same instances. Your commitment to preserving your playground to be the sociopath you dream of is...predictable.

    Please define levels to us in terms of PvP ranking in this game? Also, matching by levels of factions won't work right off the bat. PvE grinders will still be matched with turbo sweats who are maxed levels as well.

  • @maidenofarkham There is if you're a company that wants to expand their game's base. Why do you think the next update finally-- after FOUR YEARS -- let's you name and decorate your ship? Players who give feedback on what will keep them playing...or bring them back.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @captain-coel It's almost like Rare could program their servers to put players of similar level into a same instances. Your commitment to preserving your playground to be the sociopath you dream of is...predictable.

    No need to be rude. SBMM wouldn't really work, my alt likely has more hours played than your entire crew.

    All of your points have been discussed thoroughly on the forums. Many even addressed by the development team. Turns out the game you want isn't the game they want to make and so it won't be. It's okay to not like the game, just play something else.

  • @kommodoreyenser It's would be based on level, like every other progression-based PvP game. Don't be obtuse.

  • @midnghtjade maybe instead of being argumentative and accusatory be more respectfull in this thread alone.

    i have seen you calling names, telling me to go to therapy...

    yeah this thread will most likely be locked soon, because any sort of feedback you tried to provide got derailed by you as the OP when you decided that attacking people dissagreeing with you was the best course of action

  • @callmebackdraft Respect is earned, cupcake.

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @kommodoreyenser It's would be based on level, like every other progression-based PvP game. Don't be obtuse.

    @kommodoreyenser said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    Also, matching by levels of factions won't work right off the bat. PvE grinders will still be matched with turbo sweats who are maxed levels as well.

    Explain how else it could work like that? Don't assume after playing something for 24 hours you are an expert at balancing something completely new and know more than the game's own developers or, shocker, players who have played thousands of hours.

  • @midnghtjade well you are also directly going against the rules of this very forum.

    Yes respect is earned, however having respect for someone and being respectful is something completely different.

    And i think i did nothing to deserve the namecalling you already directed towards me, it doesn’t hurt me (sticks and stones and all that) but it shows alot about you and your character that you feel the need to act like this.

    It also shows to anybody on this public forums in what kind of regard your words have to be taken.

    Yes feedback is very much wanted, however as free as you are to share your feedback others are free as well to share their points of view without being attacked for them.

    If you actually have good ideas that “survive” the court of public opinion it is something that might actually come to the game, as many things have over the course of this game.

  • Stepping in due to this conversation getting a bit heated, and warn everyone to retain a cool head even when in a spirited debate. It's fine to passionately disagree, but refrain from being disrespectful to one another and adhere to the community guidelines.

  • I don't pvp. I don't get ganked. I leveled up my stats by putting in hours and learning how to be uncatchable.

    There's the vertical progression.

    Also, In before anchor.

    I would suggest Tiny Tina's Wonderlands if you're look for something new to play with an in game xp/level bar

    The dev's have their vision. Games are art.

    Not everyone likes the same kind of art...

  • @midnghtjade said in Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive:

    @hijack-hayes Or you're just sexist. Since The Sims isn't an FPS shooter and while Minecraft is fun, the graphics aren't gonna scratch the FPS itch. So yeah, going with sexist.

    Wait, how would anyone know your gender to be sexist against you?

  • ehh regarding the thread title... cosmetics are definitely incentive enough, they just don't add enough :p

  • Disagree! Horizontal progression leads to a truly skill based game. All vertical progression accomplishes is the illusion of improvement, when in reality, you're just being spoon fed better equipment.

  • At this stage, I think everyone should probably just disengage with this thread as the OP created their account 12 hours ago just to create this thread in the guise of a feedback post then proceeded to troll, insult and gaslight anyone who responds (not to mention being sexist and ageist). This user will just burn themselves out ranting and raging and attacking everyone until they get banned or sanctioned.

  • @midnghtjade, Cosmetics Aren't Good Enough Incentive içinde yazdı:

    @wolfmanbush Too much freedom is just anarchy. A demand for lack of consequences for bad behavior is immature, adolescent thinking.

    You might as well have just announced you're down with lawlessness. Real pirates had laws, you know. They policed their own. Since y'all are incapable of matching that historical accuracy, Rare needs to step in.

    Well... He might be a reaper. The whole point of the faction is REJECTING the code...

    Also, I demand an anchor on this thread as it just turned to a chair throwing arena.

  • Ahoy maties!

    As this thread has become one big massive argument and we seem to be going around in circles faster than my compass in a storm, I am dropping anchor here!

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