Realistic Pirate Clothing (Request)

  • These two artworks based on Black Sails are exactly the type of outfit I want in the game, this captain flint hair and beard too... Due to the problem with the holsters they can insert this with costumes, thus making them more detailed, I see they could sell costumes and crew sets in the common store.
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  • @lleorb UP Bro!

  • Yeah, I know that in other games they'd have belts with guns and holsters and they'd just be for cosmetics only, as in, you would be able to pull up the weaponry from this belt, but you wouldn't look as unarmed, which in my opinion looks much better.

  • @spoonfeedukillz I understand and agree with you on the issues with costumes as there pretty boring and the fact that you can't use pieces of them in other outfits. however the problem is that the curses in these outfits would probably be a lot of work for the Devs to add, like the Creeping Cold Curse is very complex with the floating ice bits. It would most likely be difficult for them to add as they need to have the curse work for all clothing in the game now and keep the curse in mind when making cosmetics in the future.

    as much as I dislike the PE costumes I understand that they probably won't be able to make the curses from these costumes work as singular curses that can be used with other clothes :(

  • @shady-espresso It'd be very unwise for a game based around cosmetics to have the expansion of these cosmetics limited to having to work properly with curses, they'll need to figure that out in my opinion.

  • @bartlemud "in your opinion" well your opinion is really bad :)

  • funny how the one thing this pirate game lacks are pirate clothes...

  • @pickelking101 I would be willing to spend additional money ontop of my subscription to get more pirate clothes.

  • I would like them to make costumes inspired by famous pirates, especially Henry Every, it doesn't have to be precisely historical

  • I would also love to have more stand alone cosmetics for the ship that look like classic pirate. Stand alone cosmetics are nice because they encourage mix and match instead of completng a set and sometimes you get a wonderful result.

  • @bartlemud

    Agree here. Costumes are fine, but they are given to us in overload. Really perfer classic gear that you can mix and style with. We also need more typical pirate gear with new looks.

  • @bartlemud
    I agree ☝️

  • I've read that they're not planning to do more realistic pirate type clothing :(

  • Honestly, if Rare were to do outpost cosmetic drops with the same, or close to the same cadence as Pirate Emporium drops, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe a new set each month, or heck even bi-monthly or tri-monthly. Just SOMETHING, please haha.

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