Whale Hunting

  • I'm sure this is not a new idea.

    Rare can honestly copy and repast the megalodon to add this new boss. Reskin the whole character to look like a whale. The Meg already swims close and around the boat. Instead of the charging with open teeth effect from the meg, the whale would simply slap the boat while swimming alongside the ship.

    The whale could have a shadow of birds overhead so we could track it. Every now and then there could be a spout of water as a cool effect. The whale would have to be killed only by spears. Yes, they should add spears. A one and done throw. Once the whale is killed, barrels, whale fat (cookable), ship parts, and other items could float up just like defeating the meg.

    Ide honestly be satisfied with this new boss, a simple reskin of old code already in the game. Let me know what you Pirates think?! CHEERS!!

  • 15
  • Megs and krakens come with no drama

    whale hunting comes with drama so in a family friendly game that mostly tries to avoid social issues there isn't any reason to add it.

    It's a fantasy game so they can create any kind of monsters and beasts they want, no real reason to touch whale hunting as a feature

  • @wolfmanbush while I agree with you. Id still hunt whales to extinction like megs to find that one rare one for a commendation

  • @mistuhmarz Leave us alone!

  • I think it's a terrible idea for the reason WolfManbush stated.

  • @wolfmanbush
    The Kraken is a squid, the meg is a shark. So, they can't make a "monster" whale?? How is killing chickens, pigs, snakes, sharks, other players an exception though?

    It is a fantasy game, mainly of SEA. Which is pretty empty. I'd settle for a whale swimming next to the boat while sailing, also Dolphins too!

  • @mr-whaletoes

    i want ye TOES!

  • @mistuhmarz said in Whale Hunting:

    The Kraken is a squid, the meg is a shark. So, they can't make a "monster" whale?? How is killing chickens, pigs, snakes, sharks, other players an exception though?

    It is a fantasy game, mainly of SEA. Which is pretty empty. I'd settle for a whale swimming next to the boat while sailing, also Dolphins too!

    Unlike those other things, Whaling has a negative history associated with it. So much so that it was a plot point in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home".

  • @mistuhmarz said in Whale Hunting:

    The Kraken is a squid, the meg is a shark. So, they can't make a "monster" whale?? How is killing chickens, pigs, snakes, sharks, other players an exception though?

    It is a fantasy game, mainly of SEA. Which is pretty empty. I'd settle for a whale swimming next to the boat while sailing, also Dolphins too!

    Playing gotcha with the morality of the situation doesn't make a case for it being added.

    The drama is the issue in the context of the game. People's individual hunting/consumption moral compass is theirs to have.

    Whale hunting isn't good for business in a game like this. It brings in no business and it creates negative vibes due to the current social climate.

  • @mistuhmarz Made a suggestion long time ago a story tall tale, Moby Dic* style reletionship of a hunter and Nidhog the whale got cut off at some point and our job is to investigate it.

    Later we learn about the desappearance of Nidhog, it died and got possessed by evil spirits and now we must defeat it to free him.

    You get to fight a whale but its actually merciful with a cool ending moment.

  • @faceyourdemon
    That actually sounds like a good idea, maybe instead save the whale to appease everyone.

  • I agree with most, that whaling has a negative history and probably won't make it into the game. Having said that, I still like a lot of the ideas proposed in the original post. Just replace whales with a different creature like a massive crab, eel, or snake. I'm still waiting for a massive salt water croc to be added. Maybe it'll make it in with a Captain Hook update in the future, since Disney is in the picture now. I really liked the idea of tracking the creature down by following the moving seagulls or some other game mechanic. It just sounds like an interesting addition to the game.

  • Make it a Skelly Whale.

    Problem solved!

  • Make it a Skelly Whale.

    Problem solved!

  • While whale hunting did and is happening, whales are over hunted offline, endangered and there have been risks of extinction. When there are such issues surrounding it, it would not help the game or Rare to add it when whatever amusement some might find with it, would be outweighed by the negativity it could end up resulting in overall. Using whale 'variants' excuses wouldn't really help in getting around any issues it would add either.

    It simply isn't worth it.

    But that doesn't mean large sea creature hunting can't exist or be added into the game.

    There COULD be large fish hunting in the game without bothering with the problems of whaling, simply by going back to old sea maps an nautical charts. I submitted this as its own thread, but it is related to this thread too. Old sea maps have lots of sea creatures and monsters depicted on them.

    Olaus Magnus: Carta Marina (detail). Printed in Venice 1539. The sea-monsters apparently were considered a real threat.

    The dynamic, Renaissance-style dolphins on the 'Typus Cosmographicus Universalis' by Sebastian Münster in the 'Novus orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitorarum'

    Why stop at the more well known Kraken? There is lots of different material in older sea maps related to sea lore that could be use to add in different kind of sea creatures and monsters that pirates in the game could hunt.

8 out of 15