Accused of Server spiking?

  • I was accused of "server spiking" and apparently reported for it, but I don't even know what it means. I don't think I've heard that before. The only thing I can think of is a lag spike. Things got really laggy when there were four ships battling together. I know our ship was loaded with treasure but I'm unsure about the other three. This is a well known occurrence in Sea of Thieves. Even Rare is well aware. Perhaps he thought I was responsible for the lag?

    The guy was pretty hateful and vulgar with his speech the entire time and even sent me numerous xbox messages saying different things. Every bit of aggression he showed told me I was frustrating him and it made me grin. I was getting under this guy's skin really badly just by not sinking. He used every trash talking cliche you can think of and I just smiled. But the funniest part is the message that said "'s just pixels..." as if he knew what my motivations were, and assuming I was even angry at all.

    It was exciting, it was heart racing, and it ended up being an insane naval battle between 3 sloops and a brig. I was having fun, even if I had planned to be done already. He on the other hand seemed to have a bad night. I don't know if he took the game too seriously or if he had some anger he needed to vent by playing video games, but he obviously wanted me to sink and the longer we didn't, the more toxic he became, and the bigger I smiled.

    Eventually he reported me and I'm just unsure on what he thought I did since I don't recognize that term. I feel he was grasping at straws, trying to find an excuse for not sinking us.

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  • If you have done nothing to break the live service code of conduct you have nothing to worry about.

    In the future if someone uses inappropriate language just report that person or block them from further harassment.

  • Isn't server spiking a term for putting up alliance servers?

  • @metal-ravage

    I'm not worried. I know we didn't do anything wrong. Just curious about what he was trying to say. I thought a short summary of what happened might shed a little light on it. I did actually report him for harassment since he sent me so many hateful messages on xbox. That was completely unnecessary considering everything he was already saying in game.


    You may be right. He made a comment on the other ships joining the battle as if we had brought in friends. We never allied with anyone though. It may have been a visual glitch but only one of those other two ships had an alliance. The brig was allied with someone but the sloop didn't appear to be in an alliance, and neither had an offer up. They could have been allied together though and it just not show on the sloop. Either way we didn't care to ally. We fought until we just couldn't continue since it was way too late. The other three ships continued fighting while we sailed off to sell.

  • @testakleze ahoy matey!

    As others have said, the best thing to do is always report them, block them, then move on.

    As long as you haven't done anything wrong you're fine.

    Server spiking is indeed the act of trying to force multiple crews into the same server at the same time.

  • @sshteeve
    I gotcha. Apparently the sloop never noticed those other two ships until they joined in the fight. Even though you could see them on the horizon nearly the entire battle before they started fighting us. The brig specifically was on the server as a grade 4 reaper when I joined an hour before. If he really believes we brought in friends then I guess he's just delusional.

    Still a fun time despite the toxicity. They weren't bad. The toxic guy seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about the game. They even had DA sails, the first crew figurehead, and the wandering reaper hull. So clearly they had put in a lot of time. I'm not even upset about any if it. It was a good time and we had fun fighting. Thanks for the replies. Definitely helped me understand what this guy was trying to say.

  • Usually when people use older consoles or trash PC's on poor Internet this is what they do. The ignorant blame others for their own faults. If you were guilty of doing anything wrong the report would be handled as it was not even the dev's knew this clown was just stupid and being spiteful.

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