Suggestion for the trumpet cannons

  • Quite a few of these cannons in the game and also quite a few who dislike them in terms of practicality so I have a proposal!

  • 24
  • I like this! It keeps the jewels on the barrel while significantly opening up the field of view on them. If this changed I’d actually use all those cannons.

  • I'd rather it be an accessibility option, because I personally have no problem with cannon skins other than maybe the Golden Nile ones. I never put much thought into my cannon shape, I just look where the projectile goes, and often mentally tune out the cannons, and I like how the trumpeted ones look.

    But an option to reduce bulky cannon skins or better yet imo, an alternate camera angle that is beyond the end of the barrel would be cool. Trumpeted ones, large and bulky ones, the option would shrink the big bits.

  • @klutchxking518 it’s mainly for other people. I’m good with all cannons but I just can’t help but notice how everyone complains of I equip a trumpet cannon.

  • @illbushido305 Options help everyone, forced changes that don't need to happen can upset people. I understand their problems with it, I just don't want my cannons to look weird because they don't want to adapt

  • Literally can't use these cannons because it's a hindrance.

  • Only way I'd want them in the game is if you have to watch 15 Twich vids, win 20 #SoTShot contests, sell 5 quarts of blood, along with 5 purchases from the Sea of Thieves store. Gotta make it fair right? But leave the original ones be... They fire just as good as any other. Next people will say the Bone Breaker Cannons need replaced... Lol Just my 2 cents. 🤣🍻

  • @o-t00l-o the Bone Crusher Cannons did get their model changed due to community feedback.

  • @ninja-naranja
    Shows how often I use them, lol... Well looks like these the Obsidian ones will be changing soon enough then if everyone complains enough.🤷‍♂️🤣🍻

  • @illbushido305 what's the problem here? Every cannon shoots the same...just put them all the way down, so you have a point to start aiming...
    If you don't like them, don't use them...

  • @schwammlgott silver blade, Sapphire blade, obsidian, they all have the same modeled Cannons and they’re part of “prestigious” sets. That’s most likely why the ask for this change. Although if you use any cannons enough you won’t have a problem aiming really.

    It’s not super necessary to change the model slightly, but I also I don’t think it’s an unreasonable ask. They did however recently change the Tribute Peak Cannon’s model. Although that was the worst I’ve seen in terms of aiming so far.

  • @schwammlgott said in Suggestion for the trumpet cannons:

    @illbushido305 what's the problem here? Every cannon shoots the same...just put them all the way down, so you have a point to start aiming...
    If you don't like them, don't use them...

    A lot of people are pretty bad at aiming with these and when they’re equipped to match a set, there’s complaints about them being equipped as the cannoneers miss shots. I can use them fine but would be cool if everyone was able to use them and match their sets without affecting their accuracy.

  • You could always adjust your aim accordingly or switch to a different cannon set. Am I missing something?

  • @hijack-hayes basically these cannons are difficult to use for some players die to the trumpet bit at the front and these cannons all look very good but come with that downside. If something similar to what I showed is done, a lot more people could use them comfortably if the already didn’t and also match their sets without having to swap out for a more practical design. Just a simple suggestion really as it’s been done to other cannons who have had obstructive ends.

  • @illbushido305 could they not look the same but when you 'enter' the cannon to fire the shape looks like your reimagined idea instead? I like the look of the current cannon a lot more than the redesigned one.

  • @hijack-hayes the one I made i put together in like 10 minutes just to get the general idea across. I have since made one where I actually took more time to make it.

  • @schwammlgott they dont all shoot the same. Some cannons block your line of sight, so if you line up your shots with the top of your cannon you'll land shot differently with default cannons vs cannons like the pegasus cannons. This is why so many experienced players prefer default cannons to avoid the fuss.

  • @illbushido305 there are so many cannons that look amazing but i absolutely refuse to use because they obstruct your view.

    Im not sure you would be able to do what you proppse with every cannon. The ratios might be off making them look odd, or you might give them an undue advantage.

  • @darkechoes6494 sagte in Suggestion for the trumpet cannons:

    @schwammlgott they dont all shoot the same. Some cannons block your line of sight, so if you line up your shots with the top of your cannon you'll land shot differently with default cannons vs cannons like the pegasus cannons. This is why so many experienced players prefer default cannons to avoid the fuss.

    They ALL shoot the same, aim all the way down and then every cannon has the same angle to shoot, I didn't say anything about the vision...

  • @schwammlgott if they all shot the same you would be able to line up all your shots with the same point of reference regardless of the cannon, but thats not the case which is why OP made this post.

  • @darkechoes6494 sagte in Suggestion for the trumpet cannons:

    @schwammlgott if they all shot the same you would be able to line up all your shots with the same point of reference regardless of the cannon, but thats not the case which is why OP made this post.

    The "different" cannons are just cosmetics, the cannon itself shoots the same...for example: take 2 different cannons, aim all the way down, then put it the exact same way up, both will shoot the same, no matter what...

  • @schwammlgott I think they’re mostly talking about lining up the top of the Cannon model to aim. Not the the cosmetics actually shoot differently. Same argument can be made about the Flintlock skins although it’s way worse in that regard.

  • @darkechoes6494 said in Suggestion for the trumpet cannons:

    @schwammlgott if they all shot the same you would be able to line up all your shots with the same point of reference regardless of the cannon, but thats not the case which is why OP made this post.

    I didn’t make it because they don’t all shoot the same. In fact, they do all shoot the same. If you aim with the top of the trumpet cannon, you can’t land the shot because the barrel is further below the actual top. The problem with these cannons is that people are using an incorrect reference for their aim due to the large trumpet part so my suggestion removes that chunk so it’s flat like a normal cannon and you can aim with a good reference to where the actual barrel is. This fix is only for the trumpet cannons as we have many variants of it, and their respective sets are good.

  • @illbushido305 you just repeated what i said.

4 out of 24