How to end Alliance Server exploit.

  • @jollyolsteamed I call this whining.

    At first this is rares problem. I payed 5€ for the game. And py rare by buying cosmetics. If I can't play with more than 3 friends at the same time I quit this game even if it is good because there is no way to play with more than 3 friends. (Except "illegitimate" fleets)

    Not even if everyone is on his own ship because if more than 1 crew communicates at the same time on one voice chat there is only confusion.

    You and some more here should be really careful because if they quit this fleet option I think rare will loose more than they win! Because there won't come more player faster to the game if they change this. The only chance is that the game looses some player.

    So in the end it will affect you but not only in that positive way that this few players come to your aggressive pvp server where you can hunt them down. In the end the game could loose some paywilling players.

    Think further than only in your
    "It is unfair because I loose targets" brain loop that some have here.

  • Allow server hopping

    get rid of alliances completely, if people want to be friendly and share loot and tag team other ships without sharing gold and having tracking, cool

  • @raf3121991 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed I call this whining.

    if you see a post you disagree with and the first thing you cook up is to call people whiners for making a suggestion and stating a reason that you disagree with you really shouldn't be here

    Refrain from using this word in a discussion forum because i'll lable you as a hypocrite because everything you do from here on out is by your definition "whining"

    At first this is rares problem. I payed 5€ for the game. And py rare by buying cosmetics. If I can't play with more than 3 friends at the same time I quit this game even if it is good because there is no way to play with more than 3 friends. (Except "illegitimate" fleets)

    firstly it is both rare's problem and our problem we play their game and if theres thing majority dislikes rare would do well to fix the problem to keep their playerbase content

    secondly okay wow you payed 5¤ along with cosmetics is this suddenly suppose to mean that your suddenly superior to everyone elses i've payed over 100¤ for cosmetics and among other things pets and such am i suddenly superior to others does my opinions matter more than others?

    no so before you decide to pull whatever you spend on this game as if thats suppose to mean anything i can tell you people who disagree with you also spend money on this game

    thirdly imagine if everyone had the childish mentality like you do imagine if rare caved in at everyones childish threats like "ugh if this happens i quit" this game would honestly suck you know what this is called "whining" which you accused me of doing so being hypocritical is also something you are guilty of

    Not even if everyone is on his own ship because if more than 1 crew communicates at the same time on one voice chat there is only confusion.

    i honestly dont know in the slightest of what this comment meant please elaborate

    You and some more here should be really careful because if they quit this fleet option I think rare will loose more than they win! Because there won't come more player faster to the game if they change this. The only chance is that the game looses some player.

    you didn't put much thought into this at all

    the game has prided itself on having no pve servers yet people still come in so if we remove illegitimate alliance servers little to nothing will happen so whatever doomsday brain loop your stuck in get out of it

    Plus if they made illegitimate alliance servers against the rules those people would have to buy the private server to still remain unthreatend

    As of right now theres no need to buy the pirvate servers when they drop because they can already get into one that also gives rewards and costs no money to get into

    This eliminates your "paying customers might quit" arguement because those paying customers have an optional choice to buy private servers

    i get it you are afraid to lose your ez no risk alliance servers and that you are willing to go through extreme childish behaivours and expressions to silence people but doomsaying isn't really going to help you argue your case

    So in the end it will affect you but not only in that positive way that this few players come to your aggressive pvp server where you can hunt them down. In the end the game could loose some paywilling players.

    if people decide to quit over a change of rules im not sure they were valuable paywilling players to begin with and all of them probrably have the same childish mentality like you do

    the "if this changes i quit" stop threatening with meaningless threats and actually try to argue your point being childish wont help your case

    Think further than only in your
    "It is unfair because I loose targets" brain loop that some have here.

    i've thought looooong and hard and seeing as you cherry picked one reason why i think its unfair i really doubt your capabilities to actually hold an arguement as you seemed only to bring one of my points to argue with instead of dealing with my arguement as a whole

    in the future think further than dealing out childish threats like "i quit" as if anyone is suppose to feel threatend by that or even in the slightest care if you do also as if this threat hasn't been stated hundreds of times on this forum all of them stating the same as you

    But i see no major losses happening and the game hasn't died because of it either

    so before you do what stupid people do hastily judge people i urge you with the outmost intensity think before you label people

    arguements that people like you use is just shameful and outright laughable

    so stop repeating "you and some others" in such a condescending manner if your going to say "some others" then bring their name into discussion dont silently judge people and not bring them into discussion if you aren't brave enough to discuss this matter with "some others" then you shouldn't even bring them into this discussion

    i absolutely hate when people silently judge people behind their backs it really pulls my nerve strings

  • @jollyolsteamed

    Wow NO I don't have the right to tell other people's names that aren't here in the discussion. I talk in plural because it isn't possible to run fleet servers alone.

    I only know that I play really often on fleet server because I have IRL no time to achieve anything in this game but I enjoy the game in a manner that harms nobody in my opinion.

    We all here talk about opinions, without the real numbers that rare have to present, if we want to bring this discussion to the next level. Therefore facts are necessary.

    Until now we have some real arguments against fleets that are common sense:
    -Gold inflation.
    -player missing out on other servers.

    Positiv Sides:
    -PvE Enthusiasts also enjoy the game and paying rare

    See I "cherry picked" one of your arguments not because I am too lazy to get my own arguments. In a discussion you take each other's arguments and "discuss" them. You "cherry picked" the most stupid parts of my posts and yes I call my self stupid in some places my arguments up there are bad.

    That is because we discuss here something with no validated informations.
    These is a discussion that bases on feelings not on facts.

    "I feel there are player missing on the other servers" "I feel the gold looses it's value because of fleet servers" "I feel safe on a fleet server because I got hunt down on normal because I am a bad player"

    I am here because I want to provide you Information about fleet servers and I am not really interested if you think my behavior is childish, whining or stupid. If you can't be self critical you're just the same.

    Honestly up there I provided a huge amount of information on "How to end Alliance Server exploit" if you or better Rare pics my right information they can stop it in no time.

    Oh here is the next information:
    Alliance server base on friendliest:
    If there are 5 ships with 20 players that share each other on the friend list the chance that they are an intentional fleet server ist 100% Just force server merge all the ships to random servers. So you don't even punis them in a manner that they can't play, they just drift apart.

  • Cap alliances at 3 ships. That will force people to actually alliance and work closer together and not be off at all 4 corners of the map.


    15 minute cooldown on hopping/scuttling. You can still have a five ship alliance if you're so inclined but I suspect that wouldn't be much of a thing any more..

  • @josephtodd said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @treefittymonsta Same sir, so if I ever come across you by all means I'll do the same treatment to you. See how you feel. I promise you that one. You wont like it.

    Good, I can feel your anger. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the pirate side will be complete!

  • @wagstr sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    Cap alliances at 3 ships. That will force people to actually alliance and work closer together and not be off at all 4 corners of the map.

    Takes away from regular formed alliances i had during some events and still miss.
    Tools not rules, isnt it ?


    15 minute cooldown on hopping/scuttling. You can still have a five ship alliance if you're so inclined but I suspect that wouldn't be much of a thing any more..

    Better 30 or even 60 Minutes.

    I had no need to hop a Server for month, and after you logged in you could still do one hop, but be then restricted for 30 or even 60 Minutes .

    The only real need to change Server is when you get harassed over and over and cannot get away , when you scuttle but they come back to spawnkill you again, what i never experienced by myself .
    Another ist maybe to change the ship to be able to invite some more friends and that is why i hopped because 2 friends wanted to join me solo slooping.
    I dont see any other legitim argument to hop servers .
    Skipping random elements of the Game are no valid arguments for me, the randomness of events and other Crews/ ships is intended and a basic design decision called
    "uncertainty about other crews/ ships" .
    Circumventing and gaming the system of any random element in SoT should'nt be possible, need no support and is just for tryhards who cannot accept the games intended design!

  • What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

  • @raf3121991 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:


    Wow NO I don't have the right to tell other people's names that aren't here in the discussion. I talk in plural because it isn't possible to run fleet servers alone.

    and they aren't hard to find and get into so finding those 20+ players isn't an issue

    and if you feel like you can't talk about people's names when you most certainly can because people in this post have made their statements clear

    but if you can't you should refrain from saying "you and some others" don't talk about people you really have no courage to face

    I only know that I play really often on fleet server because I have IRL no time to achieve anything in this game but I enjoy the game in a manner that harms nobody in my opinion.

    so you have the time to server hop and etc for half an hour or so and then sail some more in a risk free server for hours but you can't press the simple join adventure and sail right away i refuse to believe that you don't have the time to play normally

    We all here talk about opinions, without the real numbers that rare have to present, if we want to bring this discussion to the next level. Therefore facts are necessary.

    Until now we have some real arguments against fleets that are common sense:
    -Gold inflation.
    -player missing out on other servers.

    you forgot that people outright skip risk factors of the game thats a legitimate arguement with common sense

    Positiv Sides:
    -PvE Enthusiasts also enjoy the game and paying rare

    and the downsides certainly seem to outweigh the positives

    those pve enthusiasts has to buy the private server when it drops to play pve servers in my opinion as i feel like thats the major reason the private servers even got to be a thing in the first place

    See I "cherry picked" one of your arguments not because I am too lazy to get my own arguments. In a discussion you take each other's arguments and "discuss" them. You "cherry picked" the most stupid parts of my posts and yes I call my self stupid in some places my arguments up there are bad.

    That is because we discuss here something with no validated informations.
    These is a discussion that bases on feelings not on facts.

    "I feel there are player missing on the other servers" "I feel the gold looses it's value because of fleet servers" "I feel safe on a fleet server because I got hunt down on normal because I am a bad player"

    I am here because I want to provide you Information about fleet servers and I am not really interested if you think my behavior is childish, whining or stupid. If you can't be self critical you're just the same.

    theres a difference between being self critical and insulting someone

    your previous comment started off with an insult telling me im whining

    i can be very very self critical even to the point of self degrading for my own purposes

    but i can also be very mean but the only times i decide to be mean is as if someone decided to play that way with me first i don't ever lie down and let anyone walk over me i'd rather take a bullet to the head before i let this happen (this is also called being stubborn) see i was now being self critical

    Honestly up there I provided a huge amount of information on "How to end Alliance Server exploit" if you or better Rare pics my right information they can stop it in no time.

    Oh here is the next information:
    Alliance server base on friendliest:
    If there are 5 ships with 20 players that share each other on the friend list the chance that they are an intentional fleet server ist 100% Just force server merge all the ships to random servers. So you don't even punis them in a manner that they can't play, they just drift apart.

    its simple put an alliance cap 3 at the most and there boom alliance servers solved

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

  • @needsmokes said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    If they wanted to stop it, the solution is simple.
    Just force server merges every few hours on everyone and then no one will be able to keep a server private for ever.

    The 200IQ server merging change we need. I hope someone at Rare notices this and forwards it to the rest of the team.

    This doesn't only fix this Alliance server "problem" but it also fixes barren servers. I've been in a lot of servers that have absolutely no action.

  • I would be pretty embarrassed with myself if all I ever did was play on alliance servers.

    If all you ever do is play on alliance servers, I feel embarrassed for you.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This is purely your opinion just because it is horizontal progression doesn't mean it has to be vertical progression for it to affect me

    People being able to grind out events with ease because they outright skip an entire risk factor of the game does affect me

    Not to mention that an entire community is kept from the rest of us this apparently doesn't affect me???? Right if this is something you'd really like to believe then i feel like its too late to convince you to think otherwise

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

    Once again your opinion if its not worth discussing i dont know why you are in this particular post discussing it anyway

    It feels very counter productive in your case to say that you don't feel like this issue isn't worth discussing yet you persist and comment anyway doesn't make awhole lot of sense

    But in short yes this does affect me however "personal" and "meaningless" you may think it is

  • It will affect my solo or open crew play so no I'd rather there not be a restriction on server movement.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This is purely your opinion just because it is horizontal progression doesn't mean it has to be vertical progression for it to affect me

    Purely my opinion? It's a FACT that it doesn't affect your gameplay! At best, it affects your feelings because you FEEL cheated that they found an easier way or that it somehow demeans your own progress. News flash - it doesn't. An accomplishment is an accomplishment no matter how you chose to get there, so long as you're not stepping on others' toes to do so - and in this particular case, they aren't.

    People being able to grind out events with ease because they outright skip an entire risk factor of the game does affect me


    Not to mention that an entire community is kept from the rest of us this apparently doesn't affect me????

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    Right if this is something you'd really like to believe then i feel like its too late to convince you to think otherwise

    It's not about belief. It's about truth.

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

    Once again your opinion if its not worth discussing i dont know why you are in this particular post discussing it anyway

    Because it's a 3-day weekend for me, I have no current plans, I am bored, and it's a new discussion that I found with something worth saying to set the record straight.

    It feels very counter productive in your case to say that you don't feel like this issue isn't worth discussing yet you persist and comment anyway doesn't make awhole lot of sense

    It's not worth discussing because it's not really relevant to anything regarding the game itself - just your feelings. If you want to discuss your feelings, you have friends, family, and professionals for that.

    But in short yes this does affect me however "personal" and "meaningless" you may think it is

    Again, YOUR feelings. I care about how it affects gameplay, balance, social interactions, lore, etc. You know, all of the things that actually matter because they are relevant to the game itself; not you.

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This is purely your opinion just because it is horizontal progression doesn't mean it has to be vertical progression for it to affect me

    Purely my opinion? It's a FACT that it doesn't affect your gameplay! At best, it affects your feelings because you FEEL cheated that they found an easier way or that it somehow demeans your own progress. News flash - it doesn't. An accomplishment is an accomplishment no matter how you chose to get there, so long as you're not stepping on others' toes to do so - and in this particular case, they aren't.

    avoiding me and the rest of the community isn't stepping on my toes?

    so you are to tell me that skipping an entire risk factor part of this game isn't about gameplay? you are very deluded

    People being able to grind out events with ease because they outright skip an entire risk factor of the game does affect me


    its literally stated right there so i shall make it extra clear for you


    i cannot rob them and nobody else can either there are more ways to progress in this game than the typical pve voyages

    pvp is a way to progress through this game and they are impeding that ever heard of the butterfly effect

    Not to mention that an entire community is kept from the rest of us this apparently doesn't affect me????

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    1% 2% 50% 100% irrelevant to the topic at hand

    so whatever number you state is insignificant yes? wrong thats just you assuming that just because the number is small it doesn't affect anyone very wrong

    Right if this is something you'd really like to believe then i feel like its too late to convince you to think otherwise

    It's not about belief. It's about truth.

    big doubt

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

    Once again your opinion if its not worth discussing i dont know why you are in this particular post discussing it anyway

    Because it's a 3-day weekend for me, I have no current plans, I am bored, and it's a new discussion that I found with something worth saying to set the record straight.

    then you contradict yourself you shouldn't say that it isn't worth discussing and then immediately say that its worth discussing it makes no sense once again

    and you state you have to "set the record straight" which would imply you are without a doubt correct which is once again very incorrect

    forcefully attempting to silence someone by calling their opinions "meaningless" and "personal" isn't going to help you prove your point

    It feels very counter productive in your case to say that you don't feel like this issue isn't worth discussing yet you persist and comment anyway doesn't make awhole lot of sense

    It's not worth discussing because it's not really relevant to anything regarding the game itself - just your feelings. If you want to discuss your feelings, you have friends, family, and professionals for that.

    do you know why we have discussion forums? apparently not and if you mean to assume i only deal in personal feelings wrong

    my opinions is as valueable as yours is please refrain from belitteling others because you personally feel their opinions are naught but feelings and incorrect because you disagree with someone doesn't mean their opinions are suddenly invalid

    But in short yes this does affect me however "personal" and "meaningless" you may think it is

    Again, YOUR feelings. I care about how it affects gameplay, balance, social interactions, lore, etc. You know, all of the things that actually matter because they are relevant to the game itself; not you.

    once again you delude yourself in believing skipping risk factors isn't about gameplay

    social interactions? have you forgotten what the topic is about? apparently you have

    how can i make use of social interaction with people who cannot be reached? impossible

    how can i rob someone who is untouchable IMPOSSIBLE

    you are so deluded you don't even know what you yourself stand for

    and for this reason alone that you state that having a small percentage sectioned off from the rest of the playerbase is nothing about social interaction or gameplay you've lost every bit of weight your arguement held

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp risk factors = literally about gameplay

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp players = literally social interaction

    or do you not understand these simple concepts?

    sure i agree the numbers are small which is why now is the right time to change this to avoid big conflicts inte future its called perserving the future what isn't an outstanding issue right now could be an outstanding issue later

    but once again your going to assume that i only think about myself which is very careless

    i have nothing but respect for you galactic but this is a topic i remain unconvinced and we may keep on bickering like this forever but i simply wish to say that i fail to see why you find yourself to be correct without reasonable doubt and i bet you feel the same on my end you fail to see why i am correct so i'd like to say we could just agree to disagree

    but i shall make my stand point clear

    im against discord 24/7 alliance servers they're nothing but pve servers to put it simple

    im okay with them being formed through normal means so the risk of being betrayed still remains true and uncertainty if people can be trusted remains true

  • Do I care players grind at 3X progression and loot on fleet servers, absolutely not, up to them, agreed it is meaningless.

    Do I care people get to Pirate Legend ridiculously easy compared to how I did, which again was easier than the veterans on here, nope couldn't give a damn, their fleet servers are neither official or straightforward to join so are not widely used.

    Do I care that alliance servers produce Pirate Legends that go into full meltdown in normal adventure mode and petition for the game to be officially split in two, absolutely yes.. that affects me.

    Part of reaching PL should mean you can deal with most stuff, both in-game and emotionally, with a good sense of perspective regarding loss in the context of the game..

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    (...) They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. (...)

    AFAIK they have not stated this at all.

  • Sorry @JollyOlsteamed that I called you whining,
    I'm not a english native speaker what I wanted to say is, that the first 2 pages are mainly about the problem that some player here have: "that Alliance player are missing on other servers, I can't hunt them down." This is whining because it is not a legit reason to put the finger on them while on the other hand point out a private server for them.
    This in the end results in a 0 equation. Noone wins noone looses.

    So fact is they fear getting thrown on a inactive server trying to play reaper. They don't see any emissary up so it must be the evil alliance players.

    I personally think Rares server management should prevent this.

    At first they should look for seamiles, to pack the same experienced players together. At the next hand fill a server to 5 then the next server and so on.

    Problem (I see) here more people want to sail reaper than any other emissary (this is personal experience I check this out in the future for facts (I check how many people reach top 25% of each Ledger))

    And if they see "ahh Only 2 other reaper and one goldhoarder flag up let's hop server" this is not my problem! it is theirs they could sail this server and play like intended and stop hopping!

    If Rare fills all server up to 5 ships and make this priority 1 so every server needs to be full. You won't see any difference for the one player I made a picture about that here

  • @galactic-geek sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    So dude I am pro alliance server but fake news are the last thing we need in this discussion. Until you give us no link I also call this BS / fake news. Pls get into action and give us this information, that I look out for a day now! Your information will provide us with the one killer Argument to bring this debate to sleep.

  • @stundorn said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @mythrl sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    With no other way of telling if you're in the same server than having the same time on the watches, my suggestion is pretty simple

    Make all servers display the same time on the watch


    Made my day 😂

    They already do lol

  • There is no “Alliance Servers”. There is just pirates in an alliance on the same servers as the rest of us. All threats are still there, they just chose to be civilized and not attack each other.

  • @br0crastinat0r said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    There is no “Alliance Servers”. There is just pirates in an alliance on the same servers as the rest of us. All threats are still there, they just chose to be civilized and not attack each other.

    When you have fleets holding them down 24/7 its an alliance server.

    Since when is attacking someone in a game with PvP uncivilized? LOL the people who post here!

  • @combatxkitty Since when is attacking someone civilized? As Sea of Thieves is a sand box game it does not force me to attack other players. That would be a choice of the players.

    Servers lasting 24/7 does not make them “Alliance Servers”. To reiterate, “Alliance Servers” do not exist.

    You post here, what’s your point?

  • @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This is purely your opinion just because it is horizontal progression doesn't mean it has to be vertical progression for it to affect me

    Purely my opinion? It's a FACT that it doesn't affect your gameplay! At best, it affects your feelings because you FEEL cheated that they found an easier way or that it somehow demeans your own progress. News flash - it doesn't. An accomplishment is an accomplishment no matter how you chose to get there, so long as you're not stepping on others' toes to do so - and in this particular case, they aren't.

    avoiding me and the rest of the community isn't stepping on my toes?

    No, it's not, because it's completely separated from your own sessions. At best, you could make the argument that it splits the community, except that those who do it is so small (as stated by the devs), that it's practically negligible! You still have 99% of pirates sailing as you do. Furthermore, alliance servers aren't sustainable - pirates quickly get bored and move on after a few hours.

    so you are to tell me that skipping an entire risk factor part of this game isn't about gameplay? you are very deluded

    No, I said it doesn't affect YOUR gameplay. Don't try to twist my meaning into what it isn't.

    People being able to grind out events with ease because they outright skip an entire risk factor of the game does affect me


    its literally stated right there so i shall make it extra clear for you


    No, they don't - it still takes place on public servers, so eventually, a skilled crew is going to come in, discover what they're doing, disagree with it, and attempt to disrupt their operation. It's not full-proof and never has been. Servers also still require maintenance and automatically shut down after a time.

    i cannot rob them and nobody else can either

    See above

    there are more ways to progress in this game than the typical pve voyages

    There's no such thing as a PvE voyage - voyages don't dictate the mode you're playing.

    pvp is a way to progress through this game and they are impeding that ever heard of the butterfly effect

    How are they impeding it? I have already described how 1 ship can disrupt an entire alliance server by sowing distrust amongst the ranks.

    Not to mention that an entire community is kept from the rest of us this apparently doesn't affect me????

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    1% 2% 50% 100% irrelevant to the topic at hand

    Data is never irrelevant unless it's incorrect.

    so whatever number you state is insignificant yes? wrong thats just you assuming that just because the number is small it doesn't affect anyone very wrong

    You have a 1/100 chance of it affecting you. I'd call that a drop in the bucket.

    Right if this is something you'd really like to believe then i feel like its too late to convince you to think otherwise

    It's not about belief. It's about truth.

    big doubt

    Only fools doubt facts.

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

    Once again your opinion if its not worth discussing i dont know why you are in this particular post discussing it anyway

    Because it's a 3-day weekend for me, I have no current plans, I am bored, and it's a new discussion that I found with something worth saying to set the record straight.

    then you contradict yourself you shouldn't say that it isn't worth discussing and then immediately say that its worth discussing it makes no sense once again

    I don't have to justify my reasoning to you, so long as I have provided facts, which I have.

    and you state you have to "set the record straight" which would imply you are without a doubt correct which is once again very incorrect

    You have yet to prove me wrong.

    forcefully attempting to silence someone by calling their opinions "meaningless" and "personal" isn't going to help you prove your point

    They are if they're wrong and based upon feelings over facts. The truth hurts. Sorry, not sorry.

    It feels very counter productive in your case to say that you don't feel like this issue isn't worth discussing yet you persist and comment anyway doesn't make awhole lot of sense

    Why I'm posting isn't what's important here - you're merely attempting to deflect and discredit and have yet to actually disprove.

    It's not worth discussing because it's not really relevant to anything regarding the game itself - just your feelings. If you want to discuss your feelings, you have friends, family, and professionals for that.

    do you know why we have discussion forums? apparently not and if you mean to assume i only deal in personal feelings wrong

    Then state facts and evidence.

    my opinions is as valueable as yours is please refrain from belitteling others because you personally feel their opinions are naught but feelings and incorrect because you disagree with someone doesn't mean their opinions are suddenly invalid

    Opinions are invalid in an argument about facts, as are feelings.

    But in short yes this does affect me however "personal" and "meaningless" you may think it is

    Again, YOUR feelings. I care about how it affects gameplay, balance, social interactions, lore, etc. You know, all of the things that actually matter because they are relevant to the game itself; not you.

    once again you delude yourself in believing skipping risk factors isn't about gameplay

    Again, YOUR gameplay.

    social interactions? have you forgotten what the topic is about? apparently you have

    There's still plenty of social interaction in an alliance server. And I'd daresay, happier ones to boot.

    how can i make use of social interaction with people who cannot be reached? impossible

    Party chat, recent players list. Easy.

    how can i rob someone who is untouchable IMPOSSIBLE

    Nobody's ever untouchable - you just have to be clever in your approach and timing.

    you are so deluded you don't even know what you yourself stand for

    I know exactly what I stand for.

    and for this reason alone that you state that having a small percentage sectioned off from the rest of the playerbase is nothing about social interaction or gameplay you've lost every bit of weight your arguement held

    Not really. I just upheld it.

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp risk factors = literally about gameplay

    But not YOUR gameplay.

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp players = literally social interaction

    I already argued in favor of this point. See above.

    or do you not understand these simple concepts?

    I think you're overthinking and overreacting to something that doesn't or at least shouldn't require this amount of consideration.

    sure i agree the numbers are small which is why now is the right time to change this to avoid big conflicts inte future its called perserving the future what isn't an outstanding issue right now could be an outstanding issue later

    I have already stated that this won't be going away.

    but once again your going to assume that i only think about myself which is very careless

    No, I think you let your feelings control how you react, and that's not going to help you.

    i have nothing but respect for you galactic but this is a topic i remain unconvinced and we may keep on bickering like this forever but i simply wish to say that i fail to see why you find yourself to be correct without reasonable doubt and i bet you feel the same on my end you fail to see why i am correct so i'd like to say we could just agree to disagree

    Agreed - for now though, I have given you my responses.

    but i shall make my stand point clear

    im against discord 24/7 alliance servers they're nothing but pve servers to put it simple

    I'm against them too, but I'm not going to infringe on how others choose to play so long as it has no direct affect on me.

    im okay with them being formed through normal means so the risk of being betrayed still remains true and uncertainty if people can be trusted remains true

    Okay. What do you consider "normal means" exactly?

  • @wagstr said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    Do I care players grind at 3X progression and loot on fleet servers, absolutely not, up to them, agreed it is meaningless.

    Do I care people get to Pirate Legend ridiculously easy compared to how I did, which again was easier than the veterans on here, nope couldn't give a damn, their fleet servers are neither official or straightforward to join so are not widely used.

    Do I care that alliance servers produce Pirate Legends that go into full meltdown in normal adventure mode and petition for the game to be officially split in two, absolutely yes.. that affects me.

    Part of reaching PL should mean you can deal with most stuff, both in-game and emotionally, with a good sense of perspective regarding loss in the context of the game..

    The pirates that go into "full meltdown" over Adventure, as you described, are precisely the kind that the devs ignore - they know precisely what they created and where they want it to go.

  • @lem0n-curry said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    (...) They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. (...)

    AFAIK they have not stated this at all.

    They have.

  • @raf3121991 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    So dude I am pro alliance server but fake news are the last thing we need in this discussion. Until you give us no link I also call this BS / fake news. Pls get into action and give us this information, that I look out for a day now! Your information will provide us with the one killer Argument to bring this debate to sleep.

    Go ahead and ask them yourself.

  • Post 100! Whoo! 🏆🎉🍻


  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @lem0n-curry said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    (...) They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. (...)

    AFAIK they have not stated this at all.

    They have.

    Care to share a link ?

    Was it 1% of the 15 million ever, or average/ day or the year ?

    Did a person count as a participant when he joined alliance server once ? Half of his sessions or playtime, more than 90% or never joined a regular server ?

    Not only haven't I seen this statistic brought up by Rare, but if it was known they said it, it would have been brought up in these discussions before and probably quite often ...

    They said something about the alliance servers in relation to emissaries and the size of the tiers (25%), as to reassure us that they wouldn't have a large enough impact for regular players to get into the top tier... (paraphrasing here). But no number was given.

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @jollyolsteamed said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    What many pirates fail to realize is that server alliances existed before the alliance mechanics were even a thing. Sure, they wouldn't get a hefty bonus, but that's not necessarily why they did it. They did it for the peace of mind; a safety net, if you will. I believe that this will continue to be the case, and is precisely why removing or limiting alliances will NOT fix this particular issue. Server alliances will always continue to exist, in 1 form or another, regardless of whether you want them to or not...

    you are right it wont solve it but it will slow down progress and thats better than outright ignoring the issue

    What progress? It's all meaningless and personal. Their "progress" is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no affect on your gameplay unless you happen to land in 1 of their servers, which has like a 1/100 chance of happening, and even if it does, you can just leave to find another server.

    This is purely your opinion just because it is horizontal progression doesn't mean it has to be vertical progression for it to affect me

    Purely my opinion? It's a FACT that it doesn't affect your gameplay! At best, it affects your feelings because you FEEL cheated that they found an easier way or that it somehow demeans your own progress. News flash - it doesn't. An accomplishment is an accomplishment no matter how you chose to get there, so long as you're not stepping on others' toes to do so - and in this particular case, they aren't.

    avoiding me and the rest of the community isn't stepping on my toes?

    No, it's not, because it's completely separated from your own sessions. At best, you could make the argument that it splits the community, except that those who do it is so small (as stated by the devs), that it's practically negligible! You still have 99% of pirates sailing as you do. Furthermore, alliance servers aren't sustainable - pirates quickly get bored and move on after a few hours.

    and exit sea of thieves and then continue sailing in alliance servers for additional hours where are you trying to get with this

    im not against alliance servers per say im against the ones who are formed through discord

    so you are to tell me that skipping an entire risk factor part of this game isn't about gameplay? you are very deluded

    No, I said it doesn't affect YOUR gameplay. Don't try to twist my meaning into what it isn't.

    im not twisting any of your meanings into anything it does affect my gameplay they get to skip a risk factor and im not and thats where the butterfly effect comes in

    if they were part of the normal servers just like everybody else would they be targeted instead? however small the number is there is still a number of chance

    People being able to grind out events with ease because they outright skip an entire risk factor of the game does affect me


    its literally stated right there so i shall make it extra clear for you


    No, they don't - it still takes place on public servers, so eventually, a skilled crew is going to come in, discover what they're doing, disagree with it, and attempt to disrupt their operation. It's not full-proof and never has been. Servers also still require maintenance and automatically shut down after a time.

    servers shut down? is this true? idk i need to look it up

    i cannot rob them and nobody else can either

    See above

    aight you corrected me there

    there are more ways to progress in this game than the typical pve voyages

    There's no such thing as a PvE voyage - voyages don't dictate the mode you're playing.

    voyages comes with risk a voyage is pve but with risks or in this case almost no risk of getting attacked by players

    now that you corrected me with that

    pvp is a way to progress through this game and they are impeding that ever heard of the butterfly effect

    How are they impeding it? I have already described how 1 ship can disrupt an entire alliance server by sowing distrust amongst the ranks.


    Not to mention that an entire community is kept from the rest of us this apparently doesn't affect me????

    They account for less than 1% of the community - Rare has stated this. You will be fine.

    1% 2% 50% 100% irrelevant to the topic at hand

    Data is never irrelevant unless it's incorrect.

    now that is incorrect i can't agree with that

    so whatever number you state is insignificant yes? wrong thats just you assuming that just because the number is small it doesn't affect anyone very wrong

    You have a 1/100 chance of it affecting you. I'd call that a drop in the bucket.

    sure but it affects us all as a whole

    Right if this is something you'd really like to believe then i feel like its too late to convince you to think otherwise

    It's not about belief. It's about truth.

    big doubt

    Only fools doubt facts.

    that is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from true

    people don't doubt facts because they are fools they double check and demand the facts to be presented you haven't presented anything just said they were facts but never proved them to be facts

    you state "facts" but fail to show data and or sources to them

    as far as this goes you've failed to prove why you state fact you managed to convince me of one thing though but i had to look this up myself

    if you honestly wanted to prove your "facts" provide relevant source to them and this whole thing could be prevented

    This whole issue is really not even worth discussing.

    Once again your opinion if its not worth discussing i dont know why you are in this particular post discussing it anyway

    Because it's a 3-day weekend for me, I have no current plans, I am bored, and it's a new discussion that I found with something worth saying to set the record straight.

    then you contradict yourself you shouldn't say that it isn't worth discussing and then immediately say that its worth discussing it makes no sense once again

    I don't have to justify my reasoning to you, so long as I have provided facts, which I have.

    once again stating your own words as fact without providing any sources or relevant data isn't fact

    until you provide them you can't justify your own words as fact

    and you state you have to "set the record straight" which would imply you are without a doubt correct which is once again very incorrect

    You have yet to prove me wrong.

    forcefully attempting to silence someone by calling their opinions "meaningless" and "personal" isn't going to help you prove your point

    They are if they're wrong and based upon feelings over facts. The truth hurts. Sorry, not sorry.

    and again still not fact no source link some im not denying there probrably are facts but i'd like to see them with my own eyes

    It feels very counter productive in your case to say that you don't feel like this issue isn't worth discussing yet you persist and comment anyway doesn't make awhole lot of sense

    Why I'm posting isn't what's important here - you're merely attempting to deflect and discredit and have yet to actually disprove.

    and you've yet to prove any facts to me

    It's not worth discussing because it's not really relevant to anything regarding the game itself - just your feelings. If you want to discuss your feelings, you have friends, family, and professionals for that.

    do you know why we have discussion forums? apparently not and if you mean to assume i only deal in personal feelings wrong

    Then state facts and evidence.

    i'll ask you the same where are yours?

    my words dont count as fact neither does yours provide relevant data and sources

    my opinions is as valueable as yours is please refrain from belitteling others because you personally feel their opinions are naught but feelings and incorrect because you disagree with someone doesn't mean their opinions are suddenly invalid

    Opinions are invalid in an argument about facts, as are feelings.

    what is a fact is alliance servers replicate a shoddy version of a pve server

    But in short yes this does affect me however "personal" and "meaningless" you may think it is

    Again, YOUR feelings. I care about how it affects gameplay, balance, social interactions, lore, etc. You know, all of the things that actually matter because they are relevant to the game itself; not you.

    once again you delude yourself in believing skipping risk factors isn't about gameplay

    Again, YOUR gameplay.

    my gameplay your gameplay bob's gameplay are we all not playing sea of thieves?

    is my gameplay not in sea of thieves?

    social interactions? have you forgotten what the topic is about? apparently you have

    There's still plenty of social interaction in an alliance server. And I'd daresay, happier ones to boot.

    sure i can agree

    how can i make use of social interaction with people who cannot be reached? impossible

    Party chat, recent players list. Easy.

    nope not easy at all still haven't meet them remember

    how can i rob someone who is untouchable IMPOSSIBLE

    Nobody's ever untouchable - you just have to be clever in your approach and timing.

    i've only ever once stumbled upon a full alliance server and gotten chased down by an entire server it doesn't really happen often so i doubt timing and my approach will give me more chances to meet them

    you are so deluded you don't even know what you yourself stand for

    I know exactly what I stand for.

    and for this reason alone that you state that having a small percentage sectioned off from the rest of the playerbase is nothing about social interaction or gameplay you've lost every bit of weight your arguement held

    Not really. I just upheld it.

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp risk factors = literally about gameplay

    But not YOUR gameplay.

    yep my gameplay i cant rob them

    getting in on a pve server to avoid pvp players = literally social interaction

    I already argued in favor of this point. See above.

    still haven't meet them see above

    or do you not understand these simple concepts?

    I think you're overthinking and overreacting to something that doesn't or at least shouldn't require this amount of consideration.

    maybe thats the problem you don't take it seriously idk im not going to force you to either

    sure i agree the numbers are small which is why now is the right time to change this to avoid big conflicts inte future its called perserving the future what isn't an outstanding issue right now could be an outstanding issue later

    I have already stated that this won't be going away.

    nope that much is true but it can be slowed down and the process could be way more painful

    but once again your going to assume that i only think about myself which is very careless

    No, I think you let your feelings control how you react, and that's not going to help you.

    true sometimes i overreact yes but im not really sure my feelings control me

    i have nothing but respect for you galactic but this is a topic i remain unconvinced and we may keep on bickering like this forever but i simply wish to say that i fail to see why you find yourself to be correct without reasonable doubt and i bet you feel the same on my end you fail to see why i am correct so i'd like to say we could just agree to disagree

    Agreed - for now though, I have given you my responses.

    but i shall make my stand point clear

    im against discord 24/7 alliance servers they're nothing but pve servers to put it simple

    I'm against them too, but I'm not going to infringe on how others choose to play so long as it has no direct affect on me.

    im okay with them being formed through normal means so the risk of being betrayed still remains true and uncertainty if people can be trusted remains true

    Okay. What do you consider "normal means" exactly?

    by going around asking people you find on your server if they want to alliance up to still keep the distrust and backstabbing possible sure if this works the way you want you'd end up with the same thing as discord servers but with actual work put in and time spent making them instead of having a full crew of staff both at night and day 24/7 keeping multiple servers open

    this is the only process that i think is okay

    but to end this whole fluff piece instead of responding to all my points and what not give me the links to your facts or direct me to them if you cant link them (ofcourse you can still respond to all my points feel free) but i'd very much like to see the facts maybe i have overreacted but some actual fact would be a welcome change

  • @br0crastinat0r said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @combatxkitty Since when is attacking someone civilized? As Sea of Thieves is a sand box game it does not force me to attack other players. That would be a choice of the players.

    Servers lasting 24/7 does not make them “Alliance Servers”. To reiterate, “Alliance Servers” do not exist.

    You post here, what’s your point?

    Alliance servers do exist, there are multiple posts on this subject, there are Reddit posts made by people looking for alliance servers or advertising them so my point I suppose is you are posting nonsense.

    Saying this:

    "There is just pirates in an alliance on the same servers as the rest of us. "

    That is an alliance server so just stop lol. You just do not land into that, you actively hop and hop or do whatever to form it or find it, on xbox there was a glitch that was used from main page. You run fleets 24/7 to make sure it stays that way,use reddit and discord to find them. They are not on "the same servers as the rest of us" They are on organized and created servers to avoid player threat, the top threat of the game. If you play on alliance servers go ahead but dont pretend they dont exist.

    Also its a game with PvP in it. You can be civil about PvP. If you are a Reaper and someone is an Emissary you can attack them and not be rude, simply sink them, get the loot and move on.

    Calm down, no one is attacking you in real life. Its a video game.

  • @lem0n-curry @JollyOlsteamed It was either stated by Joe Neate or Mike Chapman in an announcement video or forum Q&A - I don't recall which, because memory is a shoddy thing. With that said, just because I know the truth from having witnessed it, it doesn't mean that it's my responsibility to show it to you. I'm certainly not going to waste my time pouring over hundreds of pages or hours of video to find it for you, especially since I've already stated that it's not really worth my time. That said, I have given you a starting point - if it's important enough to you, you're more than welcome to look for yourself.

  • I hope one day I spawn into an Ally server and experience the same anger you all have against it, cuz I still don't get it how it would affect your gameplay rather than your mental health.

    It was Order of Souls rep i believe... I was telling myself "you only have to grind 'til level 49 then you can buy a level with doubloons and finally be PL" but when i hit 49.... i was like "Heck no, I'm gonna grind one last level for the glory" for satisfaction you know...

    Let them be. They have their own sandbox experience, and we have our own. The game gave us tools to create our stories. That is what Rare always been talking about. You all seem to forget what game you bought in the first place. Sandbox.....
    Ladies and gentlemen, you bought yourself a box of sand.

87 out of 125