Online conflicts while in a Tall Tale

  • 7
  • check points don't help?

    Go do Trickster 5 times without check points and lmk how it goes for ya

  • @wellington3059 Check points work well. You receive one when you gain something that you can lose. Problem with "own" server is that than Servers cost money to up keep and wouldn't be good invest to spend countless pounds to try and fix some problem that doesn't need an fix.

  • @wellington3059 you're never put in an empty server for a tall tale. You're always placed into a server with other ships no matter what you're doing.

  • @wellington3059 I don't know where you got the idea that the server would be empty when you start a Tall Tale but that is completely bogus. For one, how would the game know you were going to do a Tall Tale when you entered the server? When you start you are in the same servers as anyone else, you just don't see them at the start because the game usually puts you at an outpost away from other players. You ALWAYS have the chance to run into other players, you are only separated if everyone leaves...and then you are merged into a new server if that happens.

    And a big no from me to having the Tall Tales go to an instanced server away from others. It would make them far too easy and the travel boring without other ships on the horizon. And let's not get started on the waste of server capacity in order to do this. Finally, checkpoints are VERY helpful and make the need for your request irrelevant.

  • When doing tall tales focus only on the tall tale not treasure. Leave treasure behind. Don't waste time loading up on supplies you don't need. This way if you get sunk all you have to do is sail back, you lost nothing but some sail time.

    Check points have made this process significantly easier and more convenient. Most tall tales have checkpoints after every significant discovery. This is huge because then you can take it with you to any server and complete it whenever you want to

    I don't generally support safety nets but I felt checkpoints were an awesome addition and implemented in a great way. Sure it gets cheesed by people like me that hand out my helpful checkpoints to randoms like I'm a talk show host during the holidays but it really has allowed people a better chance to enjoy the lore of the game

  • @wellington3059 said in Online conflicts while in a Tall Tale:

    Usually when in a Tall Tale, you are put in an empty server as to not encounter any other players that might interrupt the mission flow.

    This is just wrong.

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