Legend of the sea of thieves..

  • I (and many others) believe that the legend of the sea of thieves has requirements that are far too high... 500 skeleton ships sunk for a set of cannons? that seems like overkill to me.. are there plans to reduce the amount to make it more doable or am I the first one bringing this up in a long time?

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  • You’re definitely not the first, but I think you’ll find many who disagree with you as they feel the 500 ship kills adds immense value to having that commendation.

    I don’t agree with them personally and would like to see it halved, but I suspect I’m in the minority on this one.

  • @rffrice I think everyone has thought that at some point. I definitely did. But it actually does go much faster than one might think. Just go after Fleets when you see them, join alliances (alliance Skelly ship kills also count), and target those Skelly ships you see in the distance. SoT is definitely a game that takes time. The canons are definitely worth the dedication.

  • I did it mostly from solo slooping

    a title as prestigious as legend of the sea of thieves should have mountain to climb requirements

    I think it should be 1000 with a monthly quota requirement to be able to use it. Let's keep the title legendary

  • @gundy-the-shark I agree, its way too high just for some cannons.. even the triumphant sea dog cannons are easier to get (land 2K cannonball shots with the glorious sea dog cannons) compared to the legendary cannons.. If I had a say in lowering the "Legend of the sea of thieves" commendation req I would at least lower it to 200 or 250 at the very least.

  • @rffrice said in Legend of the sea of thieves..:

    @gundy-the-shark I agree, its way too high just for some cannons.. even the triumphant sea dog cannons are easier to get (land 2K cannonball shots with the glorious sea dog cannons) compared to the legendary cannons.. If I had a say in lowering the "Legend of the sea of thieves" commendation req I would at least lower it to 200 or 250 at the very least.

    The game should be open to everyone with balanced gameplay for all but high level accomplishments should not be reduced for casual gameplay. There should be a range of pirate accomplishments (which there are) for casual gamers all the way up to extreme grinders. It might take some longer it might take some a very long time it doesn't matter they should have to reach the top not have it brought down to them.

  • My personal opinion on all commendations are, they will happen when they happen.

    I don't chase commendations or achievements, especially if they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

    There are people that have some that I don't have and that is fine. Not everyone has to have everything.

    If everyone has them or the numbers are lowered they would not be achievements anymore.

  • @rffrice took me about 2-3 days to sink 500 ghost ships and get the ghost captain sails. I was in the first 0.01%. Where there's a will there's a sweaty grind. Start doing fleets and sail towards every skeleton ship you see from now on.

  • Lol no 500 is a earned title. Take it as a lesson on how to shoot a cannon. If you think it's to many clearly you don't sink them fast enough.

  • This is one of those commendations that'll just happen as time goes by if you put in some effort. I'm fine with that, it's prestigious.

  • @rffrice

    It is not too much and it is even in line with other legend commendations. For example: Clear 100 forts.
    This one would be clear 100 fleets, as a fleet composses of 5 ships u will gain that 500 sinks.

    Keep it as it is.

  • The title itself sound far to great to be nerf, I did half of it without really going after them so I’m happy that it Is 500 and it should stay that way also it an commendation that make sure it teaches pirate about cannons and how to sink skelly ship the best way and perhaps players And ship management

  • @lou-enderdragon said in Legend of the sea of thieves..:

    The title itself sound far to great to be nerf, I did half of it without really going after them so I’m happy that it Is 500 and it should stay that way also it an commendation that make sure it teaches pirate about cannons and how to sink skelly ship the best way and perhaps players And ship management

    This. ☝️

  • @rffrice it's fine...the only thing I didn't like was, that when the commendations were introduced they started at zero even if I sunk alot of them already, but now I have the commendation since 2 weeks or so
    They are out 2 years now, so don't expect it to be changed if it didn't change yet

  • Even though this is a long grind, I think it's important to have commendations like this in the game. It provides some of the more rare titles to go after, and when you do finally achieve it, it's something to be proud of. And a lot of these will come naturally if you're a regular, long term player.

    I got mine a while back without specifically going for the commendation, so it will happen naturally over time if you're playing the game. In my case, I always sunk any skelly ship that emerged on me while sailing, and if I saw one that was sitting in the water off in the distance, I went to it and sunk that one too. And of course, Fleets as well. The skelly ships are fun encounters and I liked gathering the loot, and then the commendation/title/cannons were a bonus.

    The great thing about commendations is that you have a huge range of them. Some can be unlocked as soon as you start the game. Some are massive grinds. The game needs that range though, so there is plenty for the casual/occasional player to do and also plenty for the more dedicated players to go for. I respectfully don't think these type of commendations should ever be lowered.

  • You cannot start making items easier to achieve without rewarding those that already unlocked them first off. Nowhere in your proposal did I see a suggestion for that.

    Not that I am agreeing with your idea at all OP since I am one who has unlocked this through many solo skelly fleets. If I were to agree with it, I would expect to receive golden legendary cannons as a reward for anyone unlocking it before the nerf. Something along the lines of the golden legendary blunderbuss in terms of styling (emerald gem accents and a glowing emerald skull on the cannon) These cannons should then never be awarded for ANYTHING else for the history of the game.

  • @kommodoreyenser More limited content? No thank you!

    I'm already burned out about the overachiever sails I missed by 1 day and 4 chests because I decided to do a legendary gilded voyage instead of a gold hoarder gilded voyage the weekend prior.

  • I can agree that they should not make it easier, but for future cosmetics...

    Rare realy need to step away from this formula, Do this event/kill this Npc mob X amount of times = New Cosmetic item!.
    It is lazy game design.

    I still have some cosmetics right now that i would love to grind, but ive stopped caring about these cosmetics, because it is not fun grinding them.

    It is like a new song that finally released that you realy want to listen to, and then you're forced to listen to it 24/7 until you get sick of it.

    Rare needs to come up with some other method, because this is not Fun or Challenging, it is tedious & exhausting.

  • @galactic-geek said in Legend of the sea of thieves..:

    @kommodoreyenser More limited content? No thank you!

    I'm already burned out about the overachiever sails I missed by 1 day and 4 chests because I decided to do a legendary gilded voyage instead of a gold hoarder gilded voyage the weekend prior.

    I'm just saying. In order for it to be fair to those who have already completed it, if they nerf something (especially as core as this achievement) they need to give out a reward to those who have done it already that cannot be earned or rewarded in the future by any other means.

  • @kommodoreyenser No, your reward is having completed it under much harder circumstances. Feel free to brag and share proof about that all you want. Otherwise, I think additional gold, dubloons, or even ancient coins would be more appropriate.

  • I would never grind so hard for something no one is ever gonna see unless you group up or get boarded. if i sink that many someday, then great but im never gonna grind for anything in this game for a cosmetic that no one will barely notice. its not important. if its fun its fun, if not then dont do it.

    Its the only way devs will ever add more things or change others, dont do it if its not fun, a cosmetic is not an important upgrade or reward.

  • @galactic-geek id have to disagree. A limited cosmetic is the best reward because that is all you can buy. I also think that 500 was too easy.

    @Schwammlgott that bothered me for every commendation that has been added that could have had some sort of retroactive component.

  • @rffrice Like you I detested the 500 ship grind to get the legendary cannons. But here I am a year later and I'm sitting at 454 of 500 it goes by slowly but then again I hate skeleton fleets. So all my ships are random sinks. Keep it at 500 or if you do take the amount down give me the overachiever sails

  • @galactic-geek said in Legend of the sea of thieves..:

    @kommodoreyenser No, your reward is having completed it under much harder circumstances. Feel free to brag and share proof about that all you want. Otherwise, I think additional gold, dubloons, or even ancient coins would be more appropriate.

    To each their own. By that mindset though, everyone should just stop playing for about a year. There will be a ton new content then and everything that was difficult to achieve will be lowered by a lot and much faster to get.

    What are we supposed to buy with gold or doubloons? The same cosmetics all 1 week old players have access to?
    Ancient coins? The same thing Fresh players have access to?

    Hardly seems fitting given what they would be making easier. At this point, lets finally lower that Legendary Seadog title to 100 arena wins already.

  • @rffrice

    There's a reason you only see these beefy commendations under the Pirate Legend tab. Hitting Pirate Legend is the "end game" in terms of the progression.

    Keep in mind that Rare plan to support Sea of Thieves for 10 or more years and ideally for them, all of their players will keep coming back to the game as long as it is supported. The design of their progression systems must be tailored to that fact - the experience of Sea of Thieves is much bigger than it's progression, but nonetheless, it wouldn't be good if you fully consume all of the content in the game quicker than they can produce more.

    So you've hit the shorter term goals of leveling trading companies and reaching Legend status, so the remaining goals need to give you something to chip away at as you stay on board with this game for the long haul. Of course other content should be added to work through, and it will be, but in the meantime we will also have goals like this that are intended as to be long term goals.

    To get there ASAP would be your choice, they probably did not design Legendary commendations with the expectation for you to earn it in 2 weeks, 2 months, or perhaps even a year's time.

  • @kommodoreyenser If everyone stops sailing for a year, guess what happens? The game dies, as the devs would see no reason to continue support.

    For purely selfish reasons, I would not be opposed to the overachiever sails being put up on offer again, as @VoidShipwrecks suggested, but then again, think of all the self-entitled pirates that would be in an uproar over that.

  • @galactic-geek said in Legend of the sea of thieves..:

    @kommodoreyenser If everyone stops sailing for a year, guess what happens? The game dies, as the devs would see no reason to continue support.

    except the really grindy players

  • Commendations are tough for a reason, it makes using that cosmetic more exciting and it means more

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