Merchant Ships?

  • It is a pirate game after all. And yet we have not seen something pirates actually do. The digging treasure trend only started in ealry 90's or 80's i believe? Correct me if im wrong. But how about Merchant Ships that have already been raided by NPC pirates? So instead of killing Merchants you kill other NPC pirates.. lol

  • 12
  • YOU are the merchant ship. You can also be the pirate ship or the mercenary ship! This game allows you to be who you want and go out and rob or reap the rewards found below the sea!

  • @gummbgummb I had a thought like this as well. But more of a player powered import/export system that works off a rotating supply and demand.
    And pirates have a counter objective... recieving word of the cargo transport and can decide to plan an intercept..

    Say an outpost is selling crates of rare tea at 180gold per crate... you buy with your own gold say.. 10 crates for 1800 gold... look at the map and see what outpost will pay a higher price for the tea .. if you make it then you sell the tea for 200gold per crate 2000gold.. the profit gained from the inflated price 200 gold.. (just for examples sake prices would obvs be worked in) also would work as incentive to hold loot as little longer for a higher price later

    Does that explain my idea? Like those who want to be more merchant then pirate can make a living as a humble tradesman.. pirates can do what pirates did... raid convoys for the goods to cash in them selves.

  • @ve111a Its not a pirate game then. Its a sailors game.. smh. The goal of the game was to be Pirate Legend!

  • @nayfe-pacewell I doubt they will ever add that. But thats actually really good. But this is a pirate game. The goal is to be "pirate" legend

  • @GummbGummb The glory of this game is that you can choose to be who you want to be.. that's the idea. It's not a pirates only game... that's y there's other options to the jolly roger

    If it was just a pirate game it would be called black flag or skull and bones.
    The fact they have merchant alliance as a faction in any form at all... means it's not just a game to be a pirate. You can be nice if you want. You can be a merchant if you want. You can be a pirate if you want. S**t you can even be a photographer if you want. You can be a tavern bum even a beach scavenger.

    More then one way to play so y not enhance every angle.

  • What I really want is them to create is merchant sails, a hull, and even cosmetic clothes. I’m practically a merchant in this game but I still don’t feel like it. Maybe add sails that have the Merchant Alliance symbol. If you wanna go further, add all the faction symbols.

  • @ve111a I hate to revive a dead thread, but the problem with that is the servers just aren't big enough for things to work out that way. I think it would be really cool if there were NPC controlled cargo ships, maybe a brigantine, that you could sink then loot, and maybe navy ships to protect them. Because as of now it is pretty common to sail you entire journey without running into another ship which just doesn't give you that pirate feel.

  • @gummbgummb there is Lore already existent that answers your questions.

    ouch - necroed, sorry @deckhands, saw it too late

  • Buying low and selling high with risk is a really fun way to play. It would create regular shipping routes that change with supply and demand, which is ripe for plunder, if you like your chances that is. You could even artificially create demand by blockading a trade route and then selling at a massive markup, like a real nasty pirate

  • @and14710 laughs in skelly ships

  • Ahoy maties!

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