Private servers/PVP Closed servers

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    Its not a really a PvE world though. They introduced chests and obviously that didn't vibe well. The Arena community wanted more combat and less reliance on chest digging. So, they opted for a 1 and only shiny chest to encourage more pvp combat.

    That is its own separate mode. It may be a shared world but its hardly an 'adventure' experience. Its an Arena! And it helps you get to PL if you get the Sea Dogs to 50, btw.

    Cool. Did I say there couldn't be separate modes? Nope. In fact, if you READ THE QUOTE, it seems that as long as there are always dangers, other players and a shared experience, it fits Rares vision.

    Stop looking for something to be angry about.

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    No, you're misrepresenting what they are saying. Just before he goes into what you're selectively quoting, the other Rare staff member (I forget his name) said 'Its something we're working on.."

    So, that was in regards to 'private servers' and even the player that they were streaming with did want it this year (he wouldn't mind it).

    The context is key.

    Rares vision was the create an Xbox/PC cross-platform game (with all the money they spent on the marketing for it) only to roll-back that vision. Things can change. And no matter how many times I see Rare state their original intentions, things can change as do the winds change in the game..

  • @lord-szarvas Your posts hurt my little brain. Stick to one argument, please.

    All I've said in this thread is that Rare has been consistent over the last 2+ years that Sea of Thieves is a (SWAG) Shared World Adventure Game and they have no intention of changing it.

    Go ahead and keep on telling yourself, "oh, but never say never!", "you never knoooow", "they've gone back on their word before, who are you to say what they will or will not do".

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    They have no intention of changing it but before the quote you put down buddy in the white shirt says "At the moment its something we're working on."

    You're the one linking the video... I didn't even know about that until you posted it. So, for context, I went before and after what Joe Neate said.

    And yeah, I will keep telling myself and everyone else that wants to bring things out of context whats up.

    And that's right, if we can find examples of what they have said in the past and what their own marketing material was pre-launch going against what the game is today then I think every idea is on the table (even if it goes against the core vision of the game).

    According to the quote you presented in this thread, Arena shouldn't even exist in the game. Because it doesn't match at all in the adventure or SWAG acronym.

    Hope that didn't hurt your brain too much.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    They have no intention of changing it but before the quote you put down buddy in the white shirt says "We're working on it."

    Last one I swear, because I just can't after this. You keep quoting them as saying "we're working on it", without ever referring to what IT is because you've got a completely different argument going on in your head.

    They said they are working on Private Servers, which I'm not even talking about. I'm talking about the line where The Executive Producer of SoT says the game will always be a shared world. Full Stop.

    I believe the Arena still fits that bill, you don't. Well, it's in the game so Rare must think it fits the definition as well.

    Enjoy the seas.

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    Last one I swear.. Okay well I'll leave it here.
    You brought up the quote and picked out what Joe Neate says. Literally just before he says what you quoted, the guy in the white shirt says what he says (to the same question - because you were wondering what IT is). Its following the original question for private servers...

    Arena does not fill the bill of being an 'adventure' game. Period. Its a shared world because its PvP, and an Arena wouldn't make sense if it didn't have the PvP experience... which is so obvious. But to mix it into this theme of adventure is such a stretch of an argument. Its laughable.

    Yeah enjoy the seas.


    There's your private server.

  • @rowge-gaming The game is rated T...

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    If you're thinking that you're going to 'quit' the game cause Rare wants to add this mode, it says a lot about you personally. That you're the entitled salty pirate here..

    Did I say I'd quit? No, I don't think I did. People quitting for losing to other players in a game is pretty salty and triggered though. Maybe it's not quite the right type of game for these people in the first place?

    Can't wait for progression-less PVE servers for you guys to enjoy! No loot, no loss, no salt, no problem!

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:



    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players…that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

    Weird, I missed that declaration from Joe and had never seen it posted before. If that is not a firm and clear statement about the devs position on the matter, I don't know what is.

    @xx-mirth-xx said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    "...its a shared world adventure game..."

    I guess he kinda forgot about the Arena (PvP) mode which earns you rewards/commendations and exclusive cosmetics tied to that game mode...

    But yeah, we won't talk about that! Lets just use the quote in the anti-PvE threads because it sounds like he's on our side!

    How is the Arena not a shared world???? You salty, boy.

    Also, maybe watch the clip. The quote is in response to the question: "will there be PVE servers?"

    Also, he says the premise is

    • There will be danger
    • There will be other players
    • Risk and reward is part of it

    Seems like this works for both adventure and arena to me.

  • Imagine buying a game where pvp is not opt in, a game which is advertised from day 1 as a shared world experience with both pve and pvp and then asking the devs to simply, change it in an upcoming update because you, don't want to deal with other players.

    Im gonna go to fortnight and ask them to take out the Battle Royale part because im not a fan of it. Hold on brb ill tell you how that goes.

  • I suppose we should prepare for an influx of posts demanding the Dev's change their vision and Roadmap of the game by introducing 'PvE Only' Servers with the release on Steam.

    People really need to understand what they are buying BEFORE they buy it!

  • This is a pirate game

  • I agree it needs a pve option, been discussed to death though. Devs are well aware.

  • @bloodybil

    "So you are saying its a great business move to alienate and impact negatively your proven target audience"

    If that isn't an implication that would lead you to another game because you feel like Rare is giving up on you, I dunno what is.

    Its hilarious that you think Progression is such a big deal that you want 'PvE' progression-less servers for you guys to enjoy. Hahaha. I don't care how Rare goes about it. But its funny how salty you are none-the-less.

    PvE mode:

    There will be danger. Players are not the only danger in our game. Volcanoes, Megs, Kraken, Skelly's Etc Etc..

    There will be other players. PvE/Private servers can still have other players with PvP turned off. This is not a new concept in Coop/Multiplayer gaming.

    Risk and reward is part of it Again, PvE is a risk to your reward. Like I said before, if you want more reward then go for a PvP server. That's an idea I can get behind cause there's a few of you salty ones that are attached to progression.

    You're taking the first iteration of the debate and using it out of context. I already explained it. Joe Neate from Rare used the SWAG acronym. This does not apply to Arena. Arena is not an Adventure experience. Its a PvP mode.


    Rare advertised heavily on Xbox/PC crossplay and they decided to opt/out on it.

    And Fortnite has a PvE/Coop and Private Servers. So, that's a bad example friend...

  • PVE servers would be boring as hell after a week..

    Nothing beats the adrenaline rush in this game of a PVP encounter. Sometimes it goes your way... Sometimes it doesn't.

    I was going to suggest Minecraft but players attack you with swords in that too...

  • @jackkle6026 it is, because of the alcohol use

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    Rare advertised heavily on Xbox/PC crossplay and they decided to opt/out on it.

    And Fortnite has a PvE/Coop and Private Servers. So, that's a bad example friend...

    I never said anything about fortnight not having those modes. I simply pointed out the outlandish idea of going to a game and asking them to take out the entire premise of their game.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    "So you are saying its a great business move to alienate and impact negatively your proven target audience"

    If that isn't an implication that would lead you to another game because you feel like Rare is giving up on you, I dunno what is.

    Its hilarious that you think Progression is such a big deal that you want 'PvE' progression-less servers for you guys to enjoy. Hahaha. I don't care how Rare goes about it. But its funny how salty you are none-the-less.

    Its interesting you feel so attached to the loot, if it doesn't matter so much why not accept progressionless servers?

    And I think it is fair to say to someone that if they are not liking the game as it is intended, to play something else, as it isn't for them.
    I honestly don't know why people keep suggesting things that go against the game. I know lets add spells, X,Y,Z games have so why can't we?

    Also -

    Please let me know how they can be any clearer?

  • @bigtorvol said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    Rare advertised heavily on Xbox/PC crossplay and they decided to opt/out on it.

    And Fortnite has a PvE/Coop and Private Servers. So, that's a bad example friend...

    I never said anything about fortnight not having those modes. I simply pointed out the outlandish idea of going to a game and asking them to take out the entire premise of their game.

    Also the fortnite PVE mode is literally a whole separate game. (From which the battle royale mode sprouted from and totally eclipsed it's PVE counterpart if I might add). Maybe SoT will get it's own 100% story-driven PVE counterpart too someday?

    And as for private servers...

    Before going into details about the procedure in how to access private Fortnite servers, I think you might be interested to know more about how this feature titled Epic Games Battle Royale is managed.

    Fortnite's private servers are nothing more than "private rooms" designed to allow streamers and youtubers with a good amount of followers organize games with some of these, often those considered more "worthy". For example, on YouTube streamers often choose to play alongside those who have subscribed to the channel. In this way, those who paid obtained the benefit of being able to play with their idol.

    Fortnite developers then designed the private servers to try to engage fans more and engage the public with content creators. Epic Games' Battle Royale title owes part of its success to streamers and the "word of mouth" derived from these platforms, which is why developers have understood that it is good to support these realities.

    Seems like they don't give access to those willy-nilly. Didn't the SoT devs put a lot of emphasis on community events and content creator content when talking about upcoming private servers?

  • @bigtorvol

    Its a bad example because they already have separate modes in those games. So why would anyone go and play it now and say in your world to the devs to completely change the game to what it already has?

    And, Epic Games would change it if it made them more $$$. They love selling them lootboxes and skins no matter the detriment to the gaming industry...

    Fortnite had a pay wall for the PvE experience. The Battle Royale side is/was completely free when it first came out.


    If you bothered to read my previous posts just before, I said I wouldn't mind that because the Anti-PvE'ers are so attached the meaningless progression in our game..

    So basically, the only arguement you have against PvE servers is if players are able to earn gold (oh wow cause the cosmetics and PL really mean much in the game..) and that it goes against the vision of the game 2 years ago (oh cry me a river that we can get new modes like The Arena that go against that vision)


    That's an interesting video from Feb.

    Fast forward to May,

    Same person at 1:00:00 says in response to "When are we getting private servers?" - "At the moment its ugh something we're working on."


    Actually, if you do your research, the PvE mode was released in concert with the Battle Royale mode. And that was behind a pay-wall. But you didn't see the Royale community outraged that they further expanded on the mode or added Private Servers into the mix..

    Jeeze. You're a salty pirate.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    No, you're misrepresenting what they are saying. Just before he goes into what you're selectively quoting, the other Rare staff member (I forget his name) said 'Its something we're working on.."

    So, that was in regards to 'private servers' and even the player that they were streaming with did want it this year (he wouldn't mind it).

    The context is key.

    Rares vision was the create an Xbox/PC cross-platform game (with all the money they spent on the marketing for it) only to roll-back that vision. Things can change. And no matter how many times I see Rare state their original intentions, things can change as do the winds change in the game..

    To stop you being able to keep saying that when they said 'they're working on it' they were meaning PvE servers, look from that timestamp (just before they say no to PvE servers) they were refering to the issue about default equipment being displayed in the adventure lobby

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    If you bothered to read my previous posts just before, I said I wouldn't mind that because the Anti-PvE'ers are so attached the meaningless progression in our game..

    So basically, the only arguement you have against PvE servers is if players are able to earn gold (oh wow cause the cosmetics and PL really mean much in the game..) and that it goes against the vision of the game 2 years ago (oh cry me a river that we can get new modes like The Arena that go against that vision)

    Hahaha, you make me laugh, I am all for PvE only servers if there is no loot and no progression. Seems like we agree on something, but if loot isn't so important and you are so happy to lose it for your PvE server, can I just ask......why so salty and agressive?

  • You need to realize that there are many loopholes in having PvE shared world servers. I could put a keg in front of your ship or light one on your ship. I could make an alliance with other ships and block yours in. I could ram your ship and claim it in accident, I could steal your treasure, and you couldn't take it back because there are no flintlocks, cutlasses, EoRs, or blunderbusses. There are soooooo many loopholes that could be used to troll and potentially sink other players, like taking control of another players steering wheel and driving their ship into rocks or the shroud.

    Do you realize why PvE servers haven't been implemented yet? Even though the devs have stated "No," there are many other reasons such as the ones stated above that also support why the devs haven't and won't add PvE shared servers in the game.

  • @badassfro

    Cause you people tag and quote me but don't bother to read what we've been talking about already just ahead of what you're replying on. So, it seems I have to repeat myself. Do you like repeating yourself if you want to have a conversation/discussion?

    Its a bit annoying.

    But anyways, I got all the gold and all that jazz. I don't care about gold/rep. Its meaningless. PL is meaningless. I play the game with my fleet to have fun. If PvE servers ever came out, I'd still go to PvP servers (probably more than the PvE stuff), but that's just me personally. There are tons of people with threads for 2 years on here (and now Steam is no exception and people want PvE servers there too - wow not surprising - cause a coop/multiplayer mode with no PvP is something people seem to want)

  • @supersnipper60

    Also I can see them end up having to implement a one server per ship system which wouldn't be cost effective.

    If they had an offline version which would be the answer to this it would ironically end up being pirated..

  • @rowge-gaming Whatever the reason, the five year olds are not the intended audience.

  • @rowge-gaming said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    eyeroll here we go again. Devs have NOT said the private servers will ONLY be for a specific purpose. They have not said either way. Please stop stating your speculations as facts.

    Yes they have on multiple occasions, in dev streams, weekly streams, twitter posts etc etc etc

  • @bigtorvol said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Imagine buying a game where pvp is not opt in, a game which is advertised from day 1 as a shared world experience with both pve and pvp and then asking the devs to simply, change it in an upcoming update because you, don't want to deal with other players.

    Im gonna go to fortnight and ask them to take out the Battle Royale part because im not a fan of it. Hold on brb ill tell you how that goes.

    ^This is it right here /Close Thread. My two cents if this does happen Items must sell/repgain 80+% less than original.

  • @krugthecruel said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @bigtorvol said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Imagine buying a game where pvp is not opt in, a game which is advertised from day 1 as a shared world experience with both pve and pvp and then asking the devs to simply, change it in an upcoming update because you, don't want to deal with other players.

    Im gonna go to fortnight and ask them to take out the Battle Royale part because im not a fan of it. Hold on brb ill tell you how that goes.

    ^This is it right here /Close Thread. My two cents if this does happen Items must sell/repgain 80+% less than original.

    They have already said they have no intention of doing it, but people keep asking. People think if they spam the forum enough Rare will see dollar signs and do it anyway like many companies have, what they fail to realize is Rare isn't E.A and rare understands full well that they will loose a lot more money by adding them in because it would go against everything they based their game on.

    Luckily for the majority of the player base who see, accept and run with what this game is, they have a company that wont bend to exploitative business practices so squeeze every cent out of you. I respect rare for being one of the few companies in this industry who actually care about their game.

  • @callmebackdraft I looked at all that stuff, and they never did.

  • dont want to be rude sir, but first it was xbox own servers, you got it, and now after 2 years im still seeing pve servers??? it wont help the game it will ruin it

  • @xx-mirth-xx said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    They have no intention of changing it but before the quote you put down buddy in the white shirt says "We're working on it."

    Last one I swear, because I just can't after this. You keep quoting them as saying "we're working on it", without ever referring to what IT is because you've got a completely different argument going on in your head.

    They said they are working on Private Servers, which I'm not even talking about. I'm talking about the line where The Executive Producer of SoT says the game will always be a shared world. Full Stop.

    I believe the Arena still fits that bill, you don't. Well, it's in the game so Rare must think it fits the definition as well.

    Enjoy the seas.

    Don't waste your time with the back and fourth. I think some have been sunk so many times the salt has now leaked into their brains. Brainsaltinitus?

  • @combatxkitty said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @xx-mirth-xx said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    They have no intention of changing it but before the quote you put down buddy in the white shirt says "We're working on it."

    Last one I swear, because I just can't after this. You keep quoting them as saying "we're working on it", without ever referring to what IT is because you've got a completely different argument going on in your head.

    They said they are working on Private Servers, which I'm not even talking about. I'm talking about the line where The Executive Producer of SoT says the game will always be a shared world. Full Stop.

    I believe the Arena still fits that bill, you don't. Well, it's in the game so Rare must think it fits the definition as well.

    Enjoy the seas.

    Don't waste your time with the back and fourth. I think some have been sunk so many times the salt has now leaked into their brains. Brainsaltinitus?

    It's called entitlement. Some people can dish out the hot takes, but their brains can't comprehend when someone sends criticism their way.
    Sigh. Good to see things don't change here, I guess.

  • @f-22-ready said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else, y’all should put a PVP Closed server so there is no PVPing against other people. Of course in-game NPC’s such as the skeletons, kraken, sharks, etc.... still exist. I just think that not having this option is a flaw in the game. It saves a lot of frustration for newer players, and is very good for solo people. Please add this into the game for the next update. I really believe it will benefit the game.

    To stay on topic here: this has been discussed to death more times than I can count. And to this day, many (Including myself) heavily disagree with this. The vision of the game has always been a shared world. If you're looking for a PvE time, I highly suggest finding another game.
    Some people don't like that suggestion, but I personally see no harm in it. When I'm tired of playing an aggressive, PvP based game like Apex Legends, I don't demand that we get an entire PvE mode. I just go play something like Stardew Valley. No one game needs to be a jack of all trades & satiate everyone.
    The context may be different with that example, but the point still stands.

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