Chest point system idea for Arena 3.0

  • How about the chest for Arena doesn't attribute to Silver but it has its own counter

    How does this work? You play the mode normally. You turn in a chest then your team has 1 chest turned-in. Now, the other teams need to score a chest turn-in point (or the winning team can turn-in a chest for an extra point - thus helping secure a win).

    At the end of the round, the winner goes to the team that has the most chest turn-ins.

    If two or more teams have an equal amount of turn-ins then the team with the most silver in that category win the match.

    Its clear that Rare take awhile with this game mode, so this idea would probably be for Arena 3.0 next year. We can't even get a much needed increase from the 1000 Silver in our current game mode.

    But in the future, I think having the chest (or if they add more in the game mode) would work better if it wasn't attributed to the Silver mechanics. I think the silver point system is fine for those ships as is and it will play in part to what I already described. And this change would mean the chest is much more valuable in its own way.

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  • @lord-szarvas the idea is cool, but problem is that if you get 1 chest sold, then get the second one on boat technicaly noone can win except for you, as you dont have to sell it, you can even drop it to red zone and noone can get it
    But there is something good about your proposal, guess it needs polishing. If the arena mode was changed somehow, that might work

  • @sheetsack

    Welcome to online pvp gaming. Looks like the counter to your problem is that the other teams will have to fight over the chest (as intended).

    Again, the other solution to help the problem you suggested is to add 1 or 2 more chests to grab. Or it can be 1 chest on the first round of chests. As soon as it gets turned in, then 2 chests will spawn.

    Because right now, the chest is meaningless. Ships can farm Silver on cannon shots.

  • @lord-szarvas on galys yes. On sloops not at all, 1000 points means 25 hits with canons, not so easy
    The battles I won with canons were 50 hits per 15 minutes

  • @sheetsack

    I know what you're saying. The chest is more valued in a sloop match because you don't get 4 cannons on a broadside getting points.

    In a sloop match, its a lot more harder to commit to getting the chest on board too. 1/2 of the crew is gone getting it or selling it (or both selling it leaving an empty ship vulnerable). A lot could go wrong for that crew member (or the one staying behind on the ship).

    Overall, your problem is about the team that is winning can just play keep away with the next chest. This is true, however, if they are that good enough to fight, sell, go to the new island, fight, dig, and get the chest then they probably deserve the win.

    Tactically, crews will need to think about if it is worth it to chase ships on the first chest to the turn-in. Cause they might be closer to the new respawn chest. There are variables already that people think about.

    If I see a ship with a chest and I am miles away, I don't even bother sailing to them. I'd rather look for a ship to shoot at or hope that I am closer to the new chest.

  • I think Arena 1.0 with less chests and a single map would be infinitely more competitive than what Arena 2.0 has become. We should go back to that, and add the beacons and single turn in point.

    However if they want to keep it to a single chest, then maybe make the chest like a Harry Potter quidditch golden snitch type situation. Whoever cashes the chest in first wins and the round ends immediately. If no one cashes the chest, highest silver amount wins after 15 minutes. You can farm silver on AFK ships if you want but you are leaving the chest open. It would be worth trying out anyways.

  • @d3adst1ck there is a topic on arena 2.0 man has described the current situation the best way, it must be close to this one
    Yep, agree with you, personaly I think current arena is a bit dumb, previous one made us think more, wins were more epic

  • @lord-szarvas usually its me winning, destroying other ships and getting second chest. Hereby I care more about other teams opportunities.
    Mostly guys give up and quit, I think they deserve more strategic outcomes

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