Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Pirate Close-up Screenshot!

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo here!

    While Guess for Gold takes a break for a while, us Deckhands are bringing you a bit of fun until it returns.

    Winner of this competition will receive a code for the Obsidian six pack.

    Your mission?? Should you choose to accept it?

    Let's see yer Pirates.... Close up!
    Yes! Best pout please!

    To add you screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site like Imgur then copy/paste the link straight into your post.

    Here's me best mate @Musicmee

    Note that only your first screenshot will be accepted, all others will be deleted and it must be posted in the competition thread.
    Deckhands decision on the winning screenshot is final.
    Code will be DM'ed to the winner so please remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the forums :D

    Entries will be taken up until Monday 25th May at 4PM BST
    May the best Pirate win!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

  • 275
  • Here be me Pirate.

  • spooky ghost pirate :D

  • Yarrrrr

  • Got a good picture of the handsome devil here:

  • When I see a new community competition come up.

  • @lizalaroo

  • the names cheesepuff Plundering Cheesepuff

  • Feeling cute might delete later, unless...

  • Here be the most ghostly merchant you ever seen yarrr

  • Competition time? YAAAAH!

  • A friend's first adventure, and a big smile to celebrate his first treasures.

  • @lizalaroo
    Here goes nothing!
    alt text

  • Aye, this be my own profile pic! So why take a new one?

    AKA the most cursed image I have.

  • greatest pirate on the sea

  • @leemacco When you accidentally open your front camera...

  • Smile to the camera :)

  • Here be me Pirate :)


  • hello

  • A force to be reckoned with.

  • @lizalaroo

    mad with pain -

  • My fellow Americans...

  • Perfection

  • two faces for the price of one

28 out of 275