Remove shared arena lobby and put a simple queue

  • The shared arena lobby is a problem, you have a lot of lobbies with people waiting to start the game.

    Can you put the lobby where you only see your crew, and use a simple queue? First 5 complete teams, START THE GAME!
    Another 5 teams? Another game!

    It would be 100% better.

  • 4
  • I like that idea

    Mine is dont assign crews til a certain number of players are in the lobby. Scramble teams or something just allow the game to shuffle players in to create a full crew on x amount of boats

  • @jdge439

    The crews should be shuffled inbetween matches as a standard in my opinion.

    If I lose a match, I leave the Arena lobby so I have a chance at a new team, I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this.

  • I dont really ever play without a locked crew so I wouldnt know about that, I just cant stand the way it fills crews so randomly

3 out of 4