From Tavern Waitress to Pirate: The Tales of Tabitha "Tabs" Brooks

  • The following journal entries are based off of my pirate's background. I hope you all enjoy the read!

    Life of a Waitress

    Things have gotten rather boring around here anymore, refilling tankards of grog to drunken sailors and cleaning the tables and floors up after a long day. I've been a waitress here all my life, ever since I was a young child. I don't want to be cleaning up messes anymore, and being eyed on by some drunken fool. All my life I wanted to sail the seas, just like my father did. My mum keeps telling me the same thing every time though, 'the seas is no place for a waitress.' I'm tired of this life, and I wish to make a name for myself. I hope someday I can hear the voice of the wind calling my name to the seas. Unfortunately today doesn't seem like that day.

    A Mysterious Stranger

    I was making my normal runs filling up tankards and cleaning up messes when I spotted an unusual man in the corner of the tavern, sitting at a table all by his lonesome. He looked rather creepy, wearing a dark attire with a shiny looking eye patch. Has he always been here before? I haven't noticed him at all until today. Doing my job I went over to him and asked if he wanted a drink. His response was something I never expected: "You wish to sail the seas, don't you lass?" I was struck with surprise I found myself speechless. I told him my deepest desires of becoming a sailor, being the pirate that my father once was. Thinking back on it now I find it all silly to be telling such a mysterious stranger about all my dreams and woes. He later told me that in three days a captain and his crew will arrive at this tavern. That would be my chance to impress them and find a way to be a part of their crew. If that be the case I better find something to impress them with.

    A Celebration of Fate

    It had been three days as the stranger told me about this man's arrival, and yet I cleaned and refilled tankards like every other normal day. I began to think it must have been some hoax. As I was about to ring the bell for closing time I heard laughter coming from outside. A man walked into the tavern with a big smile on his face, followed by other men with smiles and laughter on their faces. He turned to the tavern and shouted for drinks to everyone inside. They dumped a chest full of gold and gems all over the floor, showing the riches they had scored from a previous voyage. It was the crew the mysterious stranger told me about! My mum decided to keep the tavern opened an extra hour so everyone could celebrate. I took it upon myself to walk to the man and ask if he was recruiting anybody else to join. He smiled up at me and nodded. I'm so excited that I'll finally be leaving this place and sailing the seas! I'm finally following my dream! I need to pack up and ready myself for tomorrow, for the ship will be leaving the dock, with or without me on board.

    Life on the Seas

    I'm starting to regret my decision on coming aboard Morice's ship and joining his crew. I thought I would impress him with my navigation skills, or maybe even how well I could wield a cutlass. Unfortunately, I'm stuck doing what I've been doing all my life: refilling tankards and cleaning the deck. He told me he watched me refilling tankards at the tavern, and he never saw someone as fast as I was to refill so many mugs. Not only that but I have to clean up all the other crew mates' mess. I never thought their breath and vomit would smell so awful! I should have listened to mum about going out to sea. Now I'm stuck on this ship with all these brutes. I must admit though it's not so bad when it comes to watching the waves. The water is so gorgeous with that bright shade of blue, and how it looks when the sun sets. It's the small things that keep me going, and that maybe something will turn for the better.

    A Horrifying Ghostly Attack

    Well things have now actually made a turn for the WORST! I'm stranded on this island with nothing but the clothes on my back. I can hardly even remember how I got here, but what happened to the crew and the ship will forever be buried into my mind. We were attacked by a terrifying creature, a creature that many people have called the Megalodon. They always spoke about the giant blue shark to sink ships like snack food. However this one... it wasn't normal. This Meg was a pale white with pink eyes and fins. The crew was eager to kill it and reap the rewards, yet I tried to reason with them that we were not well prepared. Our supplies had ran low, and our food was running short. Some of the men even jumped overboard to cut the creature up with their cutlasses, only to be eaten whole one by one. The last thing I remembered was being hurled into the water as the Meg took one last bite out of the ship, seeing it sink into the water as our Morice was at the helm, sinking along with his ship...

    Meeting a Legend

    It's been days since the tragedy, and I thought things were never gonna lighten up for me. However this morning I woke up to something. I looked up to see a man. No, no longer a man, but a spirit. He tipped his hat off to me and introduced himself as the Pirate Lord. I never thought I'd see the legendary pirate that many have spoke of! As I slowly got to my feet he told me he was going to help me become a pirate, a real pirate! I was so excited I couldn't help myself but smile and jump for joy. The Pirate Lord even gave me some of his old equipment from years ago when he was still alive. It was a real honor for such a being to leand me his equipment, and it made me feel as if I could seriously set sail all on my own. The only thing that was left to do was to tend to a small sloop that was sitting on the shore of the island.

    Onward to Adventure

    Things are really starting to look up for me! I never thought I'd be sailing on my own, nor to the legendary waters pirates have called the Sea of Thieves. This has been my dream ever since I was a young girl, plundering loot, fighting off ships, making a name for myself! I cannot wait to sail off and start my adventure as a real pirate! I have to thank the Pirate Lord for everything he's given me, and the stories he's told me while I've been on this island. Before I leave this island, I will leave this journal here for any and all sailors that come across wishing to be pirates as well. The journey can be quite bumpy and rough, but never give up on your dreams. Never give up on the challenges that await you. Never forget the stories that others tell. The life of a pirate awaits us all. We shall sail together.

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