Returning Player Lost

  • Hi guys!

    I haven’t been able to play for about a year and was recently able to come back. To say I’m overwhelmed with everything that’s been added is an understatement. Any tips on new mechanics or ideas how I can get back up to speed quickly?

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  • @thinkmcfly88 Honestly I would just set sail and see what happens personally.

    I think a really fun aspect of SoT is just heading out into the world and seeing what happens.

    But if you want a detailed look at the new additions you could probably find the patch notes dating back to when you stopped playing and go from there :)

  • I think the best "In game" way to get up to speed is to check your commendations for the Bilge Rats, Tall Tales and Athena factions. Pick a set of commendations you're eager to complete and set sail! Keep your eyes open and know the strengths of your ship! Happy sailing!

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