Fix this game please! I love this game but i am so sick of glitching into a rock or black screening at the worst times!

  • Fix these issues please

  • 11
  • Not really an issue, sure it's really annoying getting blackscreened when you are trying to hide and do plays but it would be worse if you started getting stuck on everything and wouldn't be able to get loose.

    Avoid going into cracks and small spaces and you will avoid this most of the time, i know theres moments where you can get blackscreened on nothing, had it happen on a rowboat when i was in the middle of the sea and it didn't make any sense at all but that's 1/10 blackscreens for me.

  • @itz-majman how is it not anissue after you spend over an hour doing an athena solo cause most the player base is children so cant have open crew or you get trolled n [mod edit] on and then to be stuck in a [mod edit] rock and forgetting fire bombs and having to quit pretty sure its an issue ay

  • @auz-snipez

    You can find people multiple ways, it's on you if you decide to play alone.

    forgetting fire bombs and having to quit pretty sure its an issue ay

    Not sure what you mean by that, to be honest most of your comment didn't make any sense.

  • @itz-majman hahahaha do you blame every victim?
    Sometimes people are pretending to be the victims and they arent but i dont think ive ever seen you siding with and poster on his complaint.
    It isnt a game design to get stuck on a small rock so it is an issue.
    Im sure that Rare are doing their best to fix it but not every player have followed the game since early alpha&beta/day 1, some people are just playing,finding a problem and posting it on the forum.

    @Auz-Snipez Im sorry for you loss of time i hope it will be fixed and for the time being try to be creative asking peoole from the forum or discord to help you, dont rely on open crews in this case im sure that many people would love to help and get an athena chest from it.

  • The black screen is by design and actually helps you get out of some literally sticky situations. There are, however, places where you can get stuck without being black-screened back to your ship. If this happens, try drinking a grog to see if you can shimmy your way out. Failing that, submit a bug report to Rare Support here on the site - they're constantly fixing these sticky locations, but you have to help them find them if you want a better game for yourself.

  • Black screened on a rowboat as I was attaching the rowboat to an enemy galleon with two gpb's aboard (one on my back). I basically gave them my rowboat! I got stuck in a rock a few times also. The best glitch ever though was the time I got sucked up by a Kraken while solo on a brig. I had put all the loot in my rowboat as soon as I got Krakened knowing I was going down. So the ship goes down and I'm rowing my butt off when I get sucked up. The Kraken despawns leaving me hoisted in the air staring at my rowboat full of loot! I stayed there for 45 minutes taunting 2 passing ships during that time. Finally @blue65 an one of her friends signs in to the ship and votes me into the brig.😂

  • @faceyourdemon

    If you are on the forums as often as i am 9/10 complains or suggestions are silly and doesn't make any sense at all to add/change.

  • @auz-snipez Ahoy,

    Make sure we are watching our language when commenting.


  • @itz-majman In many cases its true but always make sure you are able to tell the diffrence when its a whiny tantrum and when soneone is raising an issue.

  • If you're stuck and floating in the air, there isn't much to be done unfortunately... if you're stuck but your feet are considered touching ground, try sword lunging or use an emote that moves your character around during the animation (fancy jig, bilge rat wave, etc) also drinking grog is a great suggestion from @Galactic-Geek... these don't always work, but sometimes moving the character model will trigger the black screen, so it's worth a shot.

2 out of 11