The shop still doesn't work for me.

  • Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , yesterday, with a smile upon my face ,i downloaded the new Update like many of you .
    i started the game up , tried to buy Ancient Coins through the Main Menu but got the message that i was " Unable to buy" . There was more than enough money on my MS account...No worries , i try the ingame shop just above the Order of Souls Tent. The shopkeeper let me choose how much Ancient Coins i wanted , let me buy them but before he hands them over he started to turn an Ouroborous before my eyes for many minutes to come...Result , no Ancient Coins...Real money wasn't taken away ...So maybe server is overloaded, retried again this afternoon but with the same unsuccesful result…

    Are there more Pirates who have this problem, trying to buy but not allowed on the mainmenu and put on an everlasting hold image in the Real Game Shop on top of Order of soul Tent?

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  • @clumsy-george Its either they cant handle all the the transactions together or more likely its your card.
    Maybe your bank decided to block them for some reason.

  • @faceyourdemon
    No Sir , i never work with cards , i work with scratchcodes...And i never had any problem since recently i buy all my games in digital form...

  • @clumsy-george

    That's a real shame @Clumsy-George, hope it's resolved soon for you, I'm sure the support tickets are going in thick and fast.
    I also use Microsoft scratch card codes for credit/purchases and mine worked fine from the in game menu but I have yet to try the store above the Souls. Fingers crossed for you and good luck!

  • @timboagogo
    Thank you , Sir ...i wait to put a support ticket in, i don't want that they get many of the same requests , that's why i placed a Forum Post , just to see if more Pirates had this problem...

  • @clumsy-george mate i'm so sorry you missed my parrot i'll let you play with him

  • @clumsy-george It wouldn’t be a Rare update if it wasn’t broken aha, honestly mate just be patient.

    This is there bread and butter (income) they will get it sorted and working as quick as they possibly can :)

  • @clumsy-george

    Good Afternoon Mr. George!
    Aye... I had issues... like most others initially.
    I had read on the forums about issues whilst me game was updating, wasn't looking forward to the experience.

    After the 2nd attempt I got past the Alabaster... and got in.
    Thought the best thing to do was to purchase the items from Duke first with Doubloons & Gold ( had heard people had issues with zero balances & cash totals not adjusting after purchase ). It took an absolute age to purchase each item, but we got there.

    That test... sorta passed, I then popped to the emporium to part with me cash. Took a few attempts to go through, the only way I knew my purchase was successful was when I received a receipt from MS Store on me email. The in game screen froze on the transaction part, I quit out. No Ancient Coin in game. Left game... relogged in... got me coins :)

    After update.... those transaction servers were slammed hard, very hard. I'm guessing it is still in a state of recovery even now.

    Have you tried purchasing in game rather than that the front end? Not sure it would make any difference, but I got me coins in game.

    I hope you get sorted soon matey!
    You need a bird, dare I say even a monkey!

  • @piratecraggy
    Yes , i do need a bird ...and a Monkey but most of all, i need that dance ...Just to dance with the Devil in the pale of Moonlight...hihihhi….Yes ,i used the shop above the Order of Soul, they kept me waiting for an eternity , more than 10 minutes i waited but then i gave up.

  • @clumsy-george said in The shop still doesn't work for me.:

    I used the shop above the Order of Soul, they kept me waiting for an eternity , more than 10 minutes i waited but then i gave up.

    Aye it was about 5 minutes for me, then I heard a notification from me email & checked. Money taken, so quit out at that stage, knowing money was taken.
    I have my MS account linked through PayPal for payments, so this work for me. But it was a long wait.

  • I had the same issue yesterday evening. It eventually worked after trying about 10 times or so. The time it worked, I had selected my 'payment method' and pretended to change it, only to change it back again right afterwards. Don't know if that's what made the difference, but suddenly it worked.

  • @clumsy-george I see well, i hope it will be fixed soon for you my precious baby steak.

  • @faceyourdemon lol

  • @clumsy-george How's it looking George? Still coinless?

  • @musicmee
    Gonna try this evening ...Just don't get it , never had problems with buying from Mr Spencer...Would my trademan buddy suddenly don't like me anymore :-( ?

  • @clumsy-george hope it works mate

  • @clumsy-george

    Any luck yet Mr. George?
    alt text

  • A little update , after reading other issues about the pets , i tried again...Again i was immediatly " unable to buy"...But ...then i altered the way of paying method , went from MS Account to PayPal, i thought that he was my taxcollector but calling him my Pal would be a bridge too far...It asked a code or something but then i returned to the money on the account.

    i selected it and the Ouroboros came , after a minute or so , the deal was done...i didn't had the Ancient Coins , but i didn't worry , i went sailing with me Mates and 20 minutes later i went to the shop and the man said i had a bag of coins ready to be spend ,waiting for me...

    Yippie , a Parakeet ,called Moron ( * whahahahaaa, you do listen to me ,punk) and a Monkey called Sunshine ( * What!!! You gave my name to a Monkey??? - Hihihihiiiiii, Sunshine , he couldn't place that name any better whahahaaaaa! * Shut it Captain Tearface , you know what animal he will give your name ? huh? - No? what animal? * a lice - Oh, no problem, then i can crawl in yer fur and tickle you ,hihihihihiiii *shut it ,childish fool)…

    So, in short it worked , i have two great pets ,to start with and can dance like a Devil under the pale of Moonlight ...It doesn't take much to make an old man happy....Buuuut...Raaaare? When can i buy a Broom ,please ? Just make one and i buy it ...Oh, and maybe a dog too if you are at it...

    i know that a real dog gives me much more Friendship than a Digital one but ...a Digital one doesn't go to Heaven and leaves me alone…

    Thank you for all the tips and tricks you gave me ,all of ye ...Now ,if you excuse me, i have to learn my monkey to break coconuts ,i'm fed up with breaking my teeth on those...hihihihi...Thanks.

  • @clumsy-george

    Fancy Dance Time!!!!!!

    Great news matey! Glad you got sorted... ah-ha Paypal it has its uses.
    (Other methods of payment are available :) )

    Cool Beans.

  • @Clumsy-George I had the same thing going on with my paypal account and I can understand how you feel because this lady felt the same :) I was so looking forward to buy pets and see them in game. For me the issue was fixed by getting an xbox gift card so it's strange to read that is what's causing the problem for you! I hope the people at Rare can help you out so I can hopefully come across you and your pet in your local SoT tavern!

  • @tattoo-addict30
    it's fixed, Ma'am, it's some strange thing , i altered my payservice without acknowloging it , chose the previous and my alltime favourite way of paying and tadaaa, it worked...i'm sure they will fix it in future updates.

  • @clumsy-george i have same problem/ eg har samme problem no

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