Removing attached Harpoons

  • I wound really like to see more things you can do with harpoons.
    One of these would be, to be able to get rid of attached enemy harpoons, by either slashing it with a cutlass or by interacting with the harpooned place (the same as repairing).
    This would create the problem of places where harpoons could hit and their interaction with holes in the hull.
    But if they ever improve harpoons in ways of, for example climbing across the rope, it would require a way to get rid of harpoons.

    Even in the current state, a way to remove attached harpoons is necessary.

  • 6
  • @rifdos you can get rid of it...just shoot it...
    Edit: not the hook on your side, shoot the "harpoon-launcher"...don't know what this is called in english

  • @schwammlgott Yes, but this requires you to get into the enemy vessel and there use their harpoon to remove it. That's the same as saying "to disable the enemy cannons, use them yourself".

    Most of the time you won't be able to get over there and remove it, from my expirience.

  • @rifdos

    Shoot it from your ship?

    Your go to play would be board to use the harpoon to detach? Or u board to shoot it from their ship?

    Makes not much sense.

  • @rifdos no...shoot with your pistol to theyr harpoon gun

  • Harpoons embedded in anything will detach if the launcher takes any damage. Slashing it with a cutlass, shooting it from on board or overboard, or even a cannon's splash damage will do it. The rope can't be destroyed as we have no way to repair it as of now.

3 out of 6