Repaint and repair?

  • After the ship gets hit a few to many times, it seems like more of the ship becomes patches than parts of the ship. Shipwrights should have the ability to fix it and make it whole again, probably for a fee. Its not required to keep your ship afloat, but I paid quite a bit for my hull and I'd like it to look nice for longer than the first outpost I spawn at

  • 24
  • @wolf11712
    This would be a good gold sink as long as it only worked when all holes were fixed.

  • I gotta look good sinkin ships. Please add this Rare!!!!

  • @blazedrake100 said in Repaint and repair?:

    This would be a good gold sink as long as it only worked when all holes were fixed.

    I think the best compromise would be for the "Refurbish" purchase to affect cosmetic damage only; any actual holes in the deck would still need to be patched from the inside, as normal.

  • I'd have no problem with it fixing holes... As long as the price scaled with the number of holes that need fixing. After all she's a shipwright, and that's her job.

  • In before "you could just scuttle"!

    But...y'know. Lol

  • @wolf11712 Absolutely agree. And not just the hull. It's sad when your beautiful ship wheel and capstan have pegs broken off. The basic wooden repair just looks terrible on many of the wheels. It would be nice to be able to get those back to regular appearance.

  • This is a feature that's been requested before. I still think it's a great idea. It would be strictly cosmetic and wouldn't affect game balance, but it would be a gold sink and make many fashion-conscious pirates happy. I hope to see something like this implemented in the future.

  • I've posted this idea before and I even got a chance to ask Rare this question during one of their streams. The answer wasn't promising though.

    "We have had this request before but we believe that the damage to your ship and the markings tell a story, so we are against this type of change"

    That is very much paraphrased but something along those lines. Honesty I would love to have this ability because at the end of every session my boat looks REKT. I like seeing clean looking ship.

    Again like its been mentioned this idea would work only if its cosmetic.

  • Small but great idea!

  • @pithyrumble
    Aww then i have to lose all my supplies.

    I didnt know Rare nixed this idea already. I get what they are saying tho. After my 5 hour session tonight my, my ship was in shambles. And yes it was an epic night with a good story.

    Well i guess i have to quit being mad at my noob friends for crashin the boat when they park and ruin my fresh paint.

    Was really hopin this was added. Its a shame it was shot down. Seems like an easy gold sink

  • It might just be me, but i love the look of my ship after it has seen countless battles, ridden the storms, braved the volcanoes and been attacked by sea creatures..

    When a ship sails towards you and you turn in readiness to give them a broadside and they take one look at the state of your ship and decide otherwise.. Priceless!

  • This is a totally fair thing to ask for. This game's rewards are cosmetic. So asking to have a pretty ship is a perfectly reasonable request.

    Changing the ships skins at the Shipwrights should automatically repaint/repair as well.

  • @needsmokes said in Repaint and repair?:

    It might just be me, but i love the look of my ship after it has seen countless battles, ridden the storms, braved the volcanoes and been attacked by sea creatures..

    When a ship sails towards you and you turn in readiness to give them a broadside and they take one look at the state of your ship and decide otherwise.. Priceless!

    Yes, it should be a choice to repair or not.

  • @pithyrumble But scuttling means losing all your stock.

  • I can't honestly think of a good reason why this should not be a thing.

    Definitely an upvote from me.

  • It already is a thing.
    Just scuttle and new ship appears.
    Worried about losing your resources? Fill up a row boat with them. Sail back to your rowboat.

  • @needsmokes said in Repaint and repair?:

    It already is a thing.
    Just scuttle and new ship appears.
    Worried about losing your resources? Fill up a row boat with them. Sail back to your rowboat.

    Do you have any other recommendations for a gold sink?

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Repaint and repair?:

    I've posted this idea before and I even got a chance to ask Rare this question during one of their streams. The answer wasn't promising though.

    "We have had this request before but we believe that the damage to your ship and the markings tell a story, so we are against this type of change"

    This sounds like such a cop-out. Maybe my story is: I went and did a skull fort and my ship got battered. Then I took my big haul of gold from that fort and repaired my ship...

  • @xcalypt0x said in Repaint and repair?:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Repaint and repair?:

    I've posted this idea before and I even got a chance to ask Rare this question during one of their streams. The answer wasn't promising though.

    "We have had this request before but we believe that the damage to your ship and the markings tell a story, so we are against this type of change"

    This sounds like such a cop-out. Maybe my story is: I went and did a skull fort and my ship got bettered. Then I took my big haul of gold from that fort and repaired my ship...

    Honestly I felt jibbed a little when they said that. I thought to myself. "Its my story to tell how I want to tell it......"

    Its like someone who gets their car repaired "Why repair the car? The damage tells a story!!!"

    Like others have said, put in a lot of work to get those skins and then don't really get to see it in all its glory for longer than 10mins. Kinda sucks. I want to be able to get a clean ship everytime I park at an outpost.

  • @xultanis-dragon Exactly. How you spend your gold shows your story too. We are vane and like things to look pretty and we got money to make it that way xD

  • While I can understand "the damage tells a story" viewpoint, that wouldn't go away. Repairing wouldn't take place until we're docked at an outpost, and even then it would be an expense we might not want to make multiple times in a session. Evidence of the damage could even still remain, but just painted over. In any case, real pirates kept their vessels in good shape. We should be able to do the same.

  • @genuine-heather said in Repaint and repair?:

    This is a feature that's been requested before. I still think it's a great idea. It would be strictly cosmetic and wouldn't affect game balance, but it would be a gold sink and make many fashion-conscious pirates happy. I hope to see something like this implemented in the future.

    Exactly! Should be an option in the game already.

  • @genuine-heather said in Repaint and repair?:

    While I can understand "the damage tells a story" viewpoint, that wouldn't go away. Repairing wouldn't take place until we're docked at an outpost, and even then it would be an expense we might not want to make multiple times in a session. Evidence of the damage could even still remain, but just painted over. In any case, real pirates kept their vessels in good shape. We should be able to do the same.

    Well said! Totally agree how it should work.

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