Start reintroducing limited time items from Bilge Rat Adventures

  • So before anyone accuses me of whining I have just about every item the game has to offer and definitely everything I'm suggesting they bring back into the game for purchase.

    So I think Rare should start reintroducing a number of sets that had pieces that could only have been attained by spending Bilge Rat Doubloons earned during certain adventures. Especially the ones that are part of a set and have items in the stores such as the Bone Crusher, Wailing Barnacle, Forsaken Ashes and Mercenary items. A new player might have hopped in loves the Forsaken Ashes set and then is disappointed to find out they can't get the guns and ship set, or they buy the Bone Crusher items from the clothes shop and find you can't get the Hat, or Jacket/Dress.

    I was thinking that these items especially after a year since they were first and last offered should be placed either in the regular shops, or permanently in Dukes Shop as something players can spend extra Bilge Rat Doubloons on. Maybe make a requirement for buying them the completion of the original event commendations. For example you need to sit on all the Skeleton Thrones to get the Bone Crusher Hat, Jacket, and Dress. Players can get a few months of having the item exclusively from an event especially if it's part of a larger set, but should ultimately be reintroduced so other players can get them and complete certain cosmetic sets.

    To all the people moaning about how the items need to remain exclusive because they want to feel special cause they have something other people don't all I have to say is that it's a petty and selfish excuse. The commendations and things required to obtain most of these items are still available to unlock. Nobody would be working harder to get these items and arguably even harder since many of the earlier ones had no unlock conditions and you could get if you had the spare doubloons from the last event to get them.

    Now obviously certain items shouldn't return and should remain exclusive to show you participated in certain events, or were in the game for a while. The Founder Sails you got from playing the Alpha, The Hungering One Figurehead from The Hungering Deep and the Three Region Sails from Cursed Sails should remain exclusive because they specifically showed you participated in certain events. The Festival of the Damned Face Paints, Sails and Lantern can remain exclusive, but I think they could be offered around every Halloween for a limited time. Actually one thing that could and should remain Exclusive from each event is a title showing you participated in the original event.

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  • No. Exclusivity is the only lasting value of being unique in this game.

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  • @shamanmclamie
    I'm fine with a recolored version of the event cosmetics. But exclusivity is important and isn't jealous. It makes everyone more unique. Now, they should always have cosmetics in an event that you don't need comms for though. That way, everyone who missed some cosmetics can get some without grinding a ton.

  • @shamanmclamie If they want to add a variant that's different then i'm all for it. Example the forsaken ashes sword. I have suggested this before but they could create a cool blue glowing version and in the description state it has cooled off. This would then still keep the red hot looking one unique to the event while a dimmer bluish one for people who missed it. Just an example.

  • @ShamanMcLamie
    Reintroduce limited time item???

    That sentence doesnt even make sense.
    Its not a limited time cosmetic if it comes back.

    Look mate i missed some too. And i hate limited time items.
    Unfortunately its not fair to those made sure they were here. Players took days off work, called into school and scheduled their lives around the event to have those items.

    Yes this is terrible for new players, but the game has events every month usually.
    New things will come out to look forward to.

  • Rare expects to milk this game for years.

    Time limited swag is the only real game that has juice in SoT.

    We all sail on a sea of salty tears.

  • I'm absolutely for re-releases of some of the original sets. Especially given the state of constantly changing update days which meant some of the events didn't even run for a full 2 weeks.

  • @crazed-corsair I don't recall any running for less then their intended time frame? Few ran for roughly the expected duration, but most of them were extended for one reason or another.

  • Here are my thoughts on this from a previous Topic.

    The game itself is built around an ever evolving world, it isn't a constant like a lot of other games. Time passes and events occur that sometimes yield rewards, and those rewards should remain exclusive. One cannot turn back time on the Hungering Deep, or the War brought on by the Warsmith in the Cursed Sails. I don't specifically care about the rest like the Wailing Barnacle, or the Mercenary stuff because they weren't really tied to much of a story, they were just a generic reward for some generic events.
    My position is that certain items should remain exclusive, and some should not. Some of those that should remain exclusive could be re-introduced as a variant for the sake of set completion.
    Here is a rough categorization that doesn't include everything and isn't full refined, but gives an idea of what I mean hopefully.

    HARD EXCLUSIVE - These were deemed "exclusive", and should not be rotated back in to buy in-game. Only through original means, or product relaunch.

    • Pioneer Title/Sails (I don't have these, but really want them)
    • Pre-Order Bonus (Black Dog)
    • Controller Bonus (Ferrymen)
    • HDD (Midnight Blunderbuss)

    TIMED EXCLUSIVE - Available to all either free or in-game purchase.

    • Mercenary Clothing (These were a timed exclusive, get over it.)
    • Onyx/Obsidian Gear
    • Huntress Figurehead
    • Spinal Figurehead

    WORLD EVENT HARD EXCLUSIVE - These are tied to world changing events, a sort of "you had to have been there" sort of deal and should remain exclusive for the most part.

    • BoneCrusher Livery (These were hard earned, but a variation could be allowed for certain commendation completion in the current world.)
    • Hungering Deep Tattoo/Drum/Figurehead (These were directly tied to a story, and aren't part of any real "set" and should remain exclusive.)

    WORLD EVENT SOFT EXCLUSIVE - These are tied to random events, and should be made available if the specific task is completed.

    • Wailing Barnacle (No real story behind the set.)
    • BoneCrusher Weapons/Tools/Clothes (Weren't tied to the original story, but random events. Let them all be un-lockable like the rest.)
    • Ashen Weapons/Livery. I put these here because they weren't really tied to much of a story or world-changing event... Most of the stuff for these events can still be done, and weren't a monumental task to complete even during the initial chaos that was the DR at launch.

    ROTATIONAL EXCLUSIVE - These should come back repeatedly for a small window.

    • Regional Sales (Support for a specific region could easily come back, and the sails themselves do not visually tie to the Cursed Sails.)
    • Festival of the Damned: This is easily an annual event.
      In the event any of the event items are made available again, they should still require doubloons to purchase, perhaps even the same amount?
  • @shamanmclamie

    So you think it would be okay for Rare to incentivize player engagement with “one and done” items as exclusive rewards for those who participated, only to re-release our exclusive rewards to others later on?

    That would be a disservice to those who were there to earn the rewards and an act of dishonesty on Rare’s part.

    They can release an altered version of time limited stuff, but the originals should remain exclusive.

  • @chronodusk hey, Im just waiting for them to actually finish the forsaken ashes set. Cannons, wheel and capstan please, Rare!

  • I agree.

    1. the people that are really into showing off never use it again as soon as the next cool thing comes out. They switch to the new thing cuz most high level players want to show you they are currently active (and faster than you at getting the tale done), not that they played at some point in the past (for as little as a few days) and it just happened to be the right time to get that skin.

    2. Collectors dont actually use them. I know this for a fact from years of playing wow, which btw is exactly what timmy claims is something unique about SoT. Its evolving nature... its not. Wow does that also. So does POE. So does EVE. So do most online games tbh. Thats how they keep their player base. I have mounts and pets that I ground out only because it was a limited time event. Then never once used them. Pulled them out to look at them, had cooler ones, so never used them once. If you want to show off to your friends, show them you have skills, not skins.

    3. Eventually most of the players that played during that time will quit. Then its just wasted storage in rares DB and none of the people currently playing will have access to it.

    4. There are no good skins for new players atm. If you want to kill your own game by telling all the new players "sorry, you have 5 things to choose from and they all suck" so that they quit after a few days, having nothing to aim for, just because you want to feel special that you happend to start playing the game before them (as if that somehow matters), then I think you are forgetting that if nobody plays, then you have no one to show off to...

    5. The whole unique argument only work if there are enough skins to be unique with. Lets be honest. All the noobs have the same sails and skins, and all the older players have the same few skins... thats not unique. its just bad for new players. I guess they should be punished because they didnt start playing early enough? Literally the only thing to buy is skins. Making those limited time is idiotic. Titles? Sure. Extra doubloons, sure. Lots of gold? Sure. But why are new players going to keep playing when all you did is play a game at the right time? how is that special? Make it a solo event to prove the person really has skills, then i could see them earning something special. As it is, the majority of the people with the limited time skins, were carried by other members of their crew. It means nothing. Its just as the OP said. You are just being petty. And as I said, its killing the game. Either rare needs to re introduce the skins, or offer a TON more to buy and or permanently be able to unlock. Hell, make the missions that much harder to compensate. Making one or 2 cool things and making them time limited, just punishes new players and says nothing about the people with them. Honestly, playing one single game for a long time is nothing to brag about. And I'm saying that as a guy with an actual year of in time game in wow. I know what I'm saying. You want to impress people? show them you can play the game, dont show them you look cool in it. They really wont care...

  • I wonder if people watched Back to the Future and see what happens when you try to mess with things in the past, if they would change their opinions on things like this.

  • I can understand both sides but rather than just making the items available I’d rather they re-ran as many of the events as they could.

    This game is seriously lacking when it comes to cosmetic items. Most players are sitting on a mountain of gold and we all need things to do in game.

    Not wanting to appear cynical but I’ve a bad feeling that a lot of future cosmetics are likely to cost hard cash.

  • @durablecupid816 said in Start reintroducing limited time items from Bilge Rat Adventures:

    1. the people that are really into showing off never use it again as soon as the next cool thing comes out. They switch to the new thing cuz most high level players want to show you they are currently active (and faster than you at getting the tale done), not that they played at some point in the past (for as little as a few days) and it just happened to be the right time to get that skin.

    Not true for all, i tend to use stuff you can't get to "show off", we're all PL10 and in general you can't see that we are PL at all (cosmetic wise). Besides why whould i wanna wear the Ghost PL set, you whould be like a running Christmas Tree on the boat / island or trying to board a ship.....

    1. Collectors dont actually use them. I know this for a fact from years of playing wow, which btw is exactly what timmy claims is something unique about SoT. Its evolving nature... its not. Wow does that also. So does POE. So does EVE. So do most online games tbh. Thats how they keep their player base. I have mounts and pets that I ground out only because it was a limited time event. Then never once used them. Pulled them out to look at them, had cooler ones, so never used them once. If you want to show off to your friends, show them you have skills, not skins.
    1. Again not true, see 1 :P
    2. Getting back tot WoW, they do have exclusive items from the early days. Take a look at the Scarab lord title, mount. Take a look at T3 Naxx gear (not obtainable at all anymore). Several other raidsets have re-colors in the game. The players that do have them can "use" them in the transmorg others just can't.
    1. Eventually most of the players that played during that time will quit. Then its just wasted storage in rares DB and none of the people currently playing will have access to it.

    Prob, hard to predict though so ppl keep playing games from start till the servers shut down.

    1. There are no good skins for new players atm. If you want to kill your own game by telling all the new players "sorry, you have 5 things to choose from and they all suck" so that they quit after a few days, having nothing to aim for, just because you want to feel special that you happend to start playing the game before them (as if that somehow matters), then I think you are forgetting that if nobody plays, then you have no one to show off to...

    Again not true, there are plenty off really nice skins you can just buy / unlock in the normal shops, and Rare will prob give more "unique" items / sets in future events.

    1. The whole unique argument only work if there are enough skins to be unique with. Lets be honest. All the noobs have the same sails and skins, and all the older players have the same few skins... thats not unique. its just bad for new players. I guess they should be punished because they didnt start playing early enough? Literally the only thing to buy is skins. Making those limited time is idiotic. Titles? Sure. Extra doubloons, sure. Lots of gold? Sure. But why are new players going to keep playing when all you did is play a game at the right time? how is that special? Make it a solo event to prove the person really has skills, then i could see them earning something special. As it is, the majority of the people with the limited time skins, were carried by other members of their crew. It means nothing. Its just as the OP said. You are just being petty. And as I said, its killing the game. Either rare needs to re introduce the skins, or offer a TON more to buy and or permanently be able to unlock. Hell, make the missions that much harder to compensate. Making one or 2 cool things and making them time limited, just punishes new players and says nothing about the people with them. Honestly, playing one single game for a long time is nothing to brag about. And I'm saying that as a guy with an actual year of in time game in wow. I know what I'm saying. You want to impress people? show them you can play the game, dont show them you look cool in it. They really wont care...

    How can you re-run an event like the maggie event, it was a one off a kind, none had seen a mag before ingame and it was actually a pain to do back then when the seas where all but peacefull. (damn i miss those days tbh even as non-pvper)

    A fact (atleast on the forums) is that the majority of the players who want the uniques back are the ppl who publicly attacked Rare on all kinds of platforms the first year about things like

    1. Not enough content
    2. game sucks

    etc etc, you can think off all the other toxic stuff. And now that the game is "good" in their eyes they start wining that they didn't get the cosmetics because they were not playing back then!. As we call it in Dutch "Boontje komt om zijn loontje". (in short
    everyone gets their earned punishment).

    But in short i'm against re-releasing "TIME LIMITED STUFF" A recolor fine, and i will even work hard for it to get it like i have done since beta.

    Ps. Yes i hate i missed the overachiever sails but atleast my crewmate @CallMeBackdrafT has them :)

  • Rare should be looking into giving more general cosmetics, ones that dont require event completion and stuff.

    For me its a BIG no on rerunjing the events, those tales have passed and have become the “Tall Tales” of the players that where there.

    Also Rare has already spoken out on this a long time ago (at least half a year) during one of their streams and said if they where to ever re-introduce the cosmetics they would make them slightly different but at least visually distinct.

    That last part should be the only way to go, this makes people able to complete sets without devalueing the original cosmetics and the stories behind them.

  • I would say this could work if they had another even where you could get the same set again, but then Rare would be accused of not introducing more cosmetics even more so than they already are, and that wouldn't be any good for anyone. If these cosmetics are ever re-introduced, permanently adding them to stores would not be the way to do it.

  • @durablecupid816 actually, I do use my wailing barnacle, forsaken ashes and bone crusher sets to this day.

  • I like seeing time limited items, but I don't like the fact that can't get them all. Maybe make all time exclusive items extremely expensive. For example the Banjo Kazooie figure head was temporary available for 1,998 gold. Offer it in a special shop for 1 million gold. If you missed out then you can still get it, but be prepaired to work hard for it.
    You can still get the reward you missed out on, but for most players it wouldn't be worth the effort. Pirate legends who don't know what to spend their gold on finally have a new reason to collect money.

    Seller could be a new NPC that is located in the center of the map close to the Sea Dogs tavern. And my suggested prices:
    Sails/hull/cannons/capstan/wheel: 1,000,000 gold each
    ship flag: 500,000 gold each
    Clothing/vanity/tools/weapons: 250,000 gold each

  • @musical-memoirs Not sure how far your in the game, but gold is worthless at a certain point.

    My crew and me are on the point or some about to be on the point that we can't buy anything anymore in the game at all. We have all cosmetics, have been with all events and we just sail 1 evening a week....

  • @nessiroj I am nearing the point that I have all cosmetics, but I did miss out on quite some time limited cosmetics. Thats why I wouldn't mind extremely expensive prices for the stuff I missed out on. For those that already have everything including the time limited cosmetics there needs to be a different suggestion in a different topic.

  • Ahoy

    I agree with some people here, it should stay exclusive. But hear me out:

    I think they should have an event where all of them become available again. But here's the catch. You can only choose 1 item. (Not a whole ship set).Maybe make it a Christmas event

    What would you choose?

  • @rsa-pilot said in Start reintroducing limited time items from Bilge Rat Adventures:


    I agree with some people here, it should stay exclusive. But hear me out:

    I think they should have an event where all of them become available again. But here's the catch. You can only choose 1 item. (Not a whole ship set).Maybe make it a Christmas event

    What would you choose?

    I’d choose not to bother. What would be the point?

  • I would rather have Rare not introduce a set as part time-limited part permanent and then we won't have this problem.

    Stop drip-feeding sets as well. Release an entire set (clothes, equipment, ship livery - including cannons, wheel, capstan) and have it either be permanently obtainable or time limited.

  • hey @dadiodude

    Because giving out a whole ship set would be unfair to those who did the events back then. If you limit it to a small number of items then it keeps the exclusivity somewhat.

    That said... I don't think Rare would make them available again. I also have a feeling that they will be releasing fewer cosmetics once the shop is up and running. Because they'll be making one's to sell there for real cash. And if you buying cosmetics for real cash then they must be hard work to produce.

    I hope I'm wrong and they've got a backlog of cosmetics waiting for both sides.

    Oh and @xCALYPT0x , im also against the whole drip feeding thing

  • Can we not? Some of us worked hard or changed our plans around to earn these cosmetics. Some of those tortuous activities led to fixes for future events.

    The best example is the timing of the cursed sails where they were on 4 hour rotations. It was awful. After feedback from this event Rare said they weren't going to do that again.

    I would be disappointed if those cosmetics for completing that event were just available for anyone.

    Now I agree with adding a recolor/reskin/etc of those cosmetics. Similar but different. The. those of us who were there will have 2 sets and everyone who wants to can have 1.

  • No.
    Two main reasons.

    1. We need some limits, otherwise everyone will look the same in the long run.
    2. Those who have played for a longer time, should have things that separate them. They have been active the whole time (or for a very long time), and their unique clothing might result in some good stories if the newer pirates only ask about it.

    And instead of bringing old stuff back, make more new stuff. In a game where cosmetics is "everything", diversity and uniqueness is the key. :)

  • @captain-coel said in Start reintroducing limited time items from Bilge Rat Adventures:

    Can we not? Some of us worked hard or changed our plans around to earn these cosmetics. Some of those tortuous activities led to fixes for future events.

    The best example is the timing of the cursed sails where they were on 4 hour rotations. It was awful. After feedback from this event Rare said they weren't going to do that again.

    I would be disappointed if those cosmetics for completing that event were just available for anyone.

    Now I agree with adding a recolor/reskin/etc of those cosmetics. Similar but different. The. those of us who were there will have 2 sets and everyone who wants to can have 1.

    I agree so much.

    Like I said in my comment, Rare used these time limited cosmetics to entice us into playing and working time for Sea of Thieves into our schedules.

    The incentivized it using rewards that were advertised as something we could only get if we played the game at that specific time and engaged with the event like they wanted.

    We were not advised of alternative opportunities to obtain them, we were told that was our one time to get them. That was a big incentive for a lot of us to play the events.

    In my opinion, it would be unethical and dishonest for Rare to turn around and re-release them into the game again.

  • I was gonna post about this topic until I saw this thread. As a guy who was in the alpha's and stuck with the game for a good bit after release (I did stop because frankly every one of my friends quit due to it's rocky start) I do definitely think the should re-release SOME sets, but obviously with a catch.

    The issue with time limited is that life doesn't stop for everyone to hop on to get grindin' through the many events they drop. I personally ain't lookin' for a handout. I liked some of the ideas here like the million gold for a previous limited set or re-running some events, but my suggestion, and being against them I can't believe I'm saying it but toss them in a rotation in the soon to come lil marketplace. I'd pay real money to catch a few of the missed time events I couldn't get to due to various reasons, for sure. Normally I'm against microtransactions in general but I mean I support this game 100% and now that I've roped me a crew together I'll be on it all the time, but I still think that some form of re-release for certain event sets should be a thing.

    (ps, I just really want fire nation and wailing barnacle, man)

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