The Devils Roar

  • I believe that the devils roar is too unbalanced, there's no skill when it comes to surviving in the region. This never bothered me too much (because we usually just ignored it) until recently when we were doing an Athena's black powder voyage.

    When my friend and I dug up the last remaining stronghold powder barrels, they just blew up without geysers appearing under them and when we waited for geysers to disappear we dug it up and instantly blew up.

    Rare, love your game but please find a way to balance the Devils Roar if you keep trying to make us go there.

  • 9
  • @zebatman4936281 I never really have any problems with the region because i never go there(too unbalanced). I had the exact same problem with the stronghold powder barrels and now intend to continue completely ignoring the region until it is fixed(if it ever is, can't believe it has taken so long after forsaken shores released)

  • That takes a skills you seem to not have.
    Patience, capacity to suffer, stubborness and a strong will.

  • If I'm correct insiders have tested it and not found any problems with it. I've not played it in the live version and Can't discuss bugs from the insiders version as they should have been patched out but Might it be something you're not thinking of?
    The Devils Roar isn't hard. You need to pay attention to one more thing on top of the normal areas that can really destroy you (vulcanoes) the rest is either annoying (earthquakes) or helps you (Geysers)
    If the barrels explode on impact, just meh it and ding them and go.

  • @bugaboo-bill I don't think rare made this game with the intention of making their consumers suffer.

  • @zebatman4936281
    Have you played the Forsaken Shores Event?
    Did you play in the DR before they nerfed it to candyland?
    The Roars is like 10 times more forgiving and calm since then.

    I think suffering and random events that are hardly or even impossible to beat are a great addition.
    It teaches you that you are not a Master of the Seas, you cannot beat all and everything all the time.
    You have to suffer to appreciate the success.
    You have to learn you are not the Master of all situations to have a feeling of success if you were the Master of a situation.
    If all is beat- and manageable all the time that will become boring very quick.
    I wish Megs and Kraken are more rare, but also more deadly and inevitable.
    I hope a storm would be able to capsize your ship and sink it.
    That's the things that make me feel i play in a harsch environment and nothing is ever safe.
    They let me appreciate my success more.

  • The roar has been nerfed about 3 times now, what they need to do is ratchet it back up in difficulty to before it was a joke.

  • @zebatman4936281 said in The Devils Roar:

    I believe that the devils roar is too unbalanced, there's no skill when it comes to surviving in the region. This never bothered me too much (because we usually just ignored it) until recently when we were doing an Athena's black powder voyage.

    When my friend and I dug up the last remaining stronghold powder barrels, they just blew up without geysers appearing under them and when we waited for geysers to disappear we dug it up and instantly blew up.

    Rare, love your game but please find a way to balance the Devils Roar if you keep trying to make us go there.

    You'r now blaming a whole region on your own mistake...... If you dig a barrel or stronghold barrel up with 2 man, you are doomed to die. After the barrel is fully dugged up, and you hit it again with your shovel, it well explosed :D. So, only one man per barrel, and stop when it's fully dugged up should easily fix it.

    And the devils roar need skill. To avoid falling rocks, geisers, etc. It's a beautifull region, most likely, my favorite!

4 out of 9