Update Melee

  • I'm sure many of you are tired of the cutlass cooldown where after the 3rd strike you just sit there for a few seconds as players or Skele have the biggest chance to start murdering you.. The melee combat in this game needs a serious overhaul for the future.
    Make it more fluid and less clunky to operate even on controllers its more annoying to use. It'll also bring changes to people using the jump or launch mechanic from the cutlass once the weapon is reworked into something new, so we will have new challenges to face instead of just cheesing it with a quick block/jump strike to get around.

  • 13
  • @psychachi said in Update Melee:

    I'm sure many of you are tired of the cutlass cooldown where after the 3rd strike you just sit there for a few seconds as players or Skele have the biggest chance to start murdering you.. The melee combat in this game needs a serious overhaul for the future.
    Make it more fluid and less clunky to operate even on controllers its more annoying to use. It'll also bring changes to people using the jump or launch mechanic from the cutlass once the weapon is reworked into something new, so we will have new challenges to face instead of just cheesing it with a quick block/jump strike to get around.

    What do you mean "cheesing it"? Sure combat could be smoothened out, and the current mechanics properly programmed instead of relying on ancient bugs and glitches to function the way they do, but melee combat is actually very action-packed and interesting already.

    Even using charged attacks while holding block, which allows you to move at normal jog speed whilst chargin up, you can still dodge that using the side-stepping mechanics, and then turn the tables on the attacker after they missed their attack, using your own attacks of preference. This is the strategy part of the game.

    There's not such thing as "cheesing it" in this game, unless you're a passive player who refuses to improve at combat.

    As for melee combat vs AI, that's limited only by how advanced the AI is... It's impossible to code sentient AI with current technology, so AI will always have limitations causing there to be a superior method of handling them... That's simply the nature of PvE in games, always.

    Take a random online game as an example... GW2 raids, even the toughest difficulty bosses, still always, without fail, boils down to a tactic, a singular superior tactic, and as long as you follow these tactics, which is a specific dance with specific movements in a specific sequence... You literally can't fail... AKA "cheesing it", but that's only because you figured the boss out... Which is kinda the point.

    Hardmode AI are only difficult to handle until you figure out the superior strategy against them, after that, they will always be easy... This is a limitation in AI technology, and can only be fixed by creating AI that is literally sentient, and creating something like that could be problematic. xD

  • I would like to see movement remain useful and don't mind the consequence of the Cutlass cool down.

    There should be consequences to avoid spamming the sword.
    ....whether 3 swings or more or less swings is the best....will never be up to us.

    I just don't understand why they kill your movement.
    Even after the sword lunge. I get that a cooldown is necessary to prevent abuse but just impact the sword and only reduce movement to the walk.

  • I would support changing the block though so that successfully blocking does not root the user in place.

  • @lil-fokker Stamina system is all I'm asking, more free range abilities with the sword instead of sit on your *** for a few seconds after a repeated 3 range swing that knocks skeles back on the 3rd and leaves you jumping away after that 3rd hit for PvP.

  • @sweltering-nick I really think you are over thinking what I'm asking, as I've answered simply to the other guy below you is to add a stamina system instead of a hard locked 3 strike system for PVE and PVP. Managing stamina with combos and basic strikes will give more skilled PVP and make PVE less stale and annoying when you do a 3rd strike and are stuck letting the skeles get off lucky hits as you jump around thinking "Why the heck cant I hit more than 3 freaking times!". Your current post implies that "Hey since you suck at the game and need to git gud at the game we dont need to change the melee system". So I'm sorry but try to think like anyone else just casually playing this game and dont make what I'm asking complicated.

  • Today while fighting numerous skeletons, they would still hit me despite blocking a full 5 seconds prior to their attacks. I would hit them and be stunned as if I did a charge. My actual charges were often delayed. Even on a successful charge, I was often stunned anyways. I would still be stunned after canceling the 3-hit combo...

    I could go on!

    Sword combat in this game. Ugh! 😤

  • @galactic-geek

    Yes, gold skeletons do that. Hoards of other skeletons can hit you can cancel your combo or dash, as they do not all attack simultaneously.

  • @ultmateragnarok These were your standard run-of-the-mill skeletons...

    Also, I forgot to mention that 2 skeletons would often attack me 6x between them before a single sword slash of mine could hit them.

  • @galactic-geek

    If you are being stunned after hitting an attack, that is a bug. The skeletons can break your combos easily however, as attacking them does not break theirs, only knocking them back does. Multiple skeletons will start attacking at different times, meaning you must seperate them or stun them first.

  • Maybe anyone remembers why they changed it???

  • You want an even EASIER sword combat? I dont get it.

    The sword changed into something incredibly spammy and un-swashbuckly since May but was made fundamentally easier. This makes the sword and the use of it so trivial to the point of being almost broken.

    They introduced this cooldown to give a certain "Downside" to swords, but what they did not do is change how this cooldown behaves if it hits the environment. So, I dont see this cooldown 90% of the time.

    I have a whole list of issues with the sword and all of them are about how the sword has become easy and broken.

    If anything, I would revert to the sword combat before May, where you had to actually think when fighting. Now, people seem to be so mindless with sword combat that even the one downside that never happens annoys them...

  • @psychachi said in Update Melee:

    @sweltering-nick I really think you are over thinking what I'm asking, as I've answered simply to the other guy below you is to add a stamina system instead of a hard locked 3 strike system for PVE and PVP. Managing stamina with combos and basic strikes will give more skilled PVP and make PVE less stale and annoying when you do a 3rd strike and are stuck letting the skeles get off lucky hits as you jump around thinking "Why the heck cant I hit more than 3 freaking times!". Your current post implies that "Hey since you suck at the game and need to git gud at the game we dont need to change the melee system". So I'm sorry but try to think like anyone else just casually playing this game and dont make what I'm asking complicated.

    No, all that would do is shorten fights, and make things less skill-based.

    Being unable to block, because you are out of stamina means death... there's no nuance, you are just dead... There's no skill involved about being forced to die, lol.

    Your post should be more concerned with why skeleton melee attacks aren't properly interrupted when you hit them, but every single damage you take, interrupts EVERYTHING you do.

    In addition, you think Rare created this game with shallow thinking? Overthinking is the only thing that balances and creates games to begin with.

4 out of 13