Still a noobie - is there a forum thread specifically for help in riddles?

  • Hi
    First time poster and a noob on Sea of Thieves. I have a riddle that my salty friend and me have been stuck on for quite a while and cannot find any information on the web.
    Is there thread specifically for help in these riddles? See below for the first two parts of the riddle in question.
    On thieves Haven beneath the sands, the gold lies hidden from thieving hands
    The narrow stone pathway atop the island hides a long-lost secret , ye instrument may yet reveal it.

    We tried many things but nothing is leading us to the next stage.
    Appreciate any help

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  • @tropolite Not really, when I get stumped I usually type the Line in google and hope for the best. It seems to me that in this case you need to play an instrument on the bridge on top of Thieves haven.

  • @hynieth That's what I did, typed the whole phrase, specific unique portions of the riddle all coming up empty, both in search of google and YouTube. Looks like no-one has posted anything about this'n.
    We played our instruments (a squeezebox) in various places, not on a bridge because the riddle didn't specify a bridge but at the top end of a 'narrow stone pathway' the only one of which could be deemed narrow, at the base, at the top, in the middle of the pathway. Even on the various major stones as lookouts 'atop' Thieves Haven as a possibility. But nothing. Tried different songs too. Nada. Spent a couple game days and nights there trying to figure it out.

  • @tropolite
    Sometimes riddles are triggered if you stand on it's specific spot , and that" specific spot" may lay a bit away from the "obvious " spot...i know this sounds horsewash but i would play music around every spot that is being described in the riddle...The riddles aren't broken, each and everyone works , it's just that the spot may lay a bit distant to where it triggers...

    Oh, and one more thing...Please don't call yerself a noob, i maybe a foreigner but i see this word as an insult , and there are already more than enough insults on this Forum nowadays ...Just call yerself a New Pirate or an unexperienced Pirate but noob, nah, i somehow hate that word...Sorry , i had to throw that off my chest, those things weight heavely ,lately...

  • I would say, go there and play music.

  • @clumsy-george Yup, Newb is generally the abreviation used for Newbe, noob is an insult for someone who is bad (often Vetran players making Newbe mistakes.

    @tropolite There are also some interactive Sea of Thieves maps with markers for riddle steps, maybe that helps.
    (There are better ones but this one contains riddle locations)

  • @clumsy-george
    Thanks matey... All your points are taken. Appreciate your suggestions, both in game and in forum.
    ... thank you from a two-legged Pirate (how's that :) ?).

  • @goedecke-michel
    Ooo... that sounds like a promising location! Looks like we may have stuck too specifically on the 'atop the island' rather than figuratively.
    Thanks for the graphics and the suggestion.

  • @hynieth
    Thanks for the link... that will come in very useful! Fantastic. Cheers

  • I forget to name the source:

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