I really wish you would stop cross platforming...

  • I have put up with hackers in the past like literally when the game started, getting one shot by blunderbusses from like one end of the ship to the other side of the ship... which that made me stop playing the game.
    I've only just got back into the game for the past few weeks and I know for a fact I've shot some people in the head with a sniper and haven't one shotted anyone in the head... yet TODAY I just got one shotted by a blunderbuss from 10 feet.. fine I can maybe understand that one but I don't get how I haven't been one shotting them with it BUT they one shotted me with a sniper from like two gallions length away =/ FULL HEALTH AND IN THE SHOULDER... they downed us which was our own fault parking up as well as one of my mates is not a good player (<literally rage quitted after his first death) and one of the others was afk... <great start...
    We chased after them back to the fort and the wind was against us constantly then a wall of fog was there for like literally an hour (Not even joking -.-) my mates sailed away (afk guy came back) I'm waiting there another 10 minutes they don't see me on the island when they come back looking around they couldn't find me.
    They eventually opened the door and just as they did I told my mates to come over the wind was against them fogs still there... I ran down to shoot the barrels inside the came to kill them both but they are already halfway down the hill but jumping back and forth in 180 rotation... I'm guessing to look around but I wasn't expecting them too but again how the heck did they get up the top and down abit within that short time??? literally when opening the door.. I ran at them when I heard the song! one shotted me again with the sniper =/ (Also to add how are they one shotting me in the SHOULDER! if you're gonna say lag and pc has better accuracy then doesn't that prove my point the cross platforming shouldn't be allowed then!!!)
    Then when I spawned back with my mates the fog disappears and the wind is against us still... seriously? they run off as soon as we get there.. I cannon over and get in the cave and hide half the loot.. both my mates left one cos of RL issues and the other cos he couldn't be bothered (Hate him right now) so I'm sitting in the cave with an explosive barrel on one side I got one the other one shotted me with a blunderbuss from 10 feet in one shot with full health as I said before I then sail over.. guess what?.. wind is against me and fog is there AGAIN.. HOW? how is there fog in that same spot again? when its been there for a FULL HOUR???! Is that meant to be part of the game? cos I can't help feel something fishy going on like they're hacking.. winds constantly been against us, one hour fog then it disappears when they're getting the loot and the fog comes back 20 minutes later IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT!!!
    I went back to the island to see if the loot was there but they found the gold but not the skulls.. which I find weird.. I don't even get how they found the gold cos it was in a sneaky place and I hid the skullz elsewhere cos they make noise which surprises me more how they didn't find those skulls...
    My main question is is fog seriously meant to stay in one spot for a full hour? and can it reappear in the same spot after 20 minutes? and can you literally one shot people with a sniper when they have full health?
    I would so love cross platforming to be removed but I know for a fact it won't.
    So yet again I think I'm giving up with this game which is something I enjoyed.. but I can't enjoy it if PC players are hacking or have a major advantage over Xbox players... cross platforming should only be allowed for console players Xbox and Playstation... nothing more or shouldn't have happened in the first place.

  • 49
  • Also when is Sea of Thieve cross-play gonna be optional? cos I'm seeing posts about it about 4 months ago so I'd of thought it'd happen soon.

  • @quietfoal219917 head shots do not do extra damage in SoT.

    I’m also looking forward to crossplay opt out. I might even get an ssd!

  • How exactly do you know they hit you in the shoulder? It's not like the game tells you that.

    Also this game has no "headshots"

  • @quietfoal219917 big sailor or skinny sailor it doesnt matter in sea of thieves. Nor does head or body shots. A hit is a hit. It is all registered the same.

    Been a lot of glitches lately. Hopefully they get some of them patched. Sorry for the rough voyage. Hope the next one improves.

  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/80072/mega-thread-crossplay-announcement-in-the-recent-dev-update-video?page=1

  • One thing I always find interesting about these cross-platform/cheating post is they have usually one thing in common, a fundamental lack of understanding of the game. Followed by using said lack of understanding as a justification to label everything as hacks or cheats. This isn't to say they weren't hacking, but your story leads me to believe that you don't grasp basic mechanics that are in this game.

    First one is how you talk about head-shots, their is no head-shot damage system in this game. Second, you talk about getting hit in the shoulder. To begin with, how do you know you are getting in the shoulder? Also why do you think that getting hit their specifically should mean something special when damage for the most part is universal. Third, you bring up weather control. I am no cheating expert, but usually when people cheat it usually only effects stuff that is input from their end onto server. Weather is controlled on the server side, so I doubt that they would be able to control the wind or the fog. Side not Fog is quite large, the mass sticking around in an area isn't really that unheard of.

    Could they have been cheating? Sure, but lag and poor hit registrations are common problems in this game. Either Rare doesn't care or the problem is harder to fix then they want to admit. Most if not all possible cheating scenario's can be explained away with these two reasons. I am a PC player, and even with most of my entire gaming career is PC games, I am lucky to run into a cheater maybe two times a year. They are far from as common as people want to think that they are. Without actually seeing the situation myself, I won't say for certain they are cheating.

  • @nabberwar said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    One thing I always find interesting about these cross-platform/cheating post is they have usually one thing in common, a fundamental lack of understanding of the game. Followed by using said lack of understanding as a justification to label everything as hacks or cheats. This isn't to say they weren't hacking, but your story leads me to believe that you don't grasp basic mechanics that are in this game.

    First one is how you talk about head-shots, their is no head-shot damage system in this game. Second, you talk about getting hit in the shoulder. To begin with, how do you know you are getting in the shoulder? Also why do you think that getting hit their specifically should mean something special when damage for the most part is universal. Third, you bring up weather control. I am no cheating expert, but usually when people cheat it usually only effects stuff that is input from their end onto server. Weather is controlled on the server side, so I doubt that they would be able to control the wind or the fog. Side not Fog is quite large, the mass sticking around in an area isn't really that unheard of.

    Could they have been cheating? Sure, but lag and poor hit registrations are common problems in this game. Either Rare doesn't care or the problem is harder to fix then they want to admit. Most if not all possible cheating scenario's can be explained away with these two reasons. I am a PC player, and even with most of my entire gaming career is PC games, I am lucky to run into a cheater maybe two times a year. They are far from as common as people want to think that they are. Without actually seeing the situation myself, I won't say for certain they are cheating.

    Cool, we can definitively say that you don't think it was cheating. wads up and throws in wastebasket

    I mean I don't either, but I recognize that nobody cares what my opinion on the matter is. That said, cheating happens and Optional Crossplay is the right thing to do for that reason and others, and rare is behind schedule on it. Though tbf, I think it should always have been optional.

  • @quietfoal219917

    I'm not gonna comment specifically on your wanting to opt-out of crossplay, but I am going to address the unfair assumptions you're making here because it's really sucky as a PC player to be a part of a community that immediately attributes my win to my platform.

    1. You assume because you're getting outplayed, it's because you're against a PC player with PC advantage when you have absolutely no way of knowing for sure

    2. It's tiring to read post after post where PC players are accused of hacking nearly every time a PC player is mentioned. The truth is that there are very very few hackers in this game and those that do crop up are usually banned pretty swiftly as Rare says when they speak of cheating.

    It is one thing to discuss the differences in gameplay that come from what input device a player is using. But it is unfair to assume that PC players win solely based on "PC advantage" and it is even more unfair to continuously accuse us of cheating or imply that we're more likely to be cheating because we're PC players.

    I'm not calling you wrong for asking about opt out because Rare did promise you that, that is a different debate. I'm saying that these accusations and assumptions about your opponents and PC players in general need to stop.

    It creates more resentment within the community and furthermore it makes the community more and more unwelcoming toward people who are playing on PC.

  • @natiredgals

    Cool, we can definitively say that you don't think it was cheating. wads up and throws in wastebasket

    I mean I don't either, but I recognize that nobody cares what my opinion on the matter is. That said, cheating happens and Optional Crossplay is the right thing to do for that reason and others, and rare is behind schedule on it. Though tbf, I think it should always have been optional.

    Crossplay argument aside, its gets really irrating to always be called a cheater. It feels like a case of if an xbox player beats a Pc player they got outplayed. Yet, when a Pc player beats a Xbox player its due to advantage or they are cheating. Myself and others are quick to debunk cheating, because it is quite often used as a justification for crossplay when it isn't even an actual problem. My entire gaming career is Pc gaming, and we don't see hacking as a big problem as what Xbox players like to think it actually is. I've never met a community so quick to jump to cheating as I have in this game. They are jumping at shadows, and are trying to use the shadows as a justification. Damned if we respond, damned if we don't.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I as a PC player am tired of having to waste time debunking such nonsense arguments of cheating. Those include us having more health, faster movement, to dealing more damage. Heaven forbid they remember we follow the same gaming rules they do. Now when you specifically make posts of "prepare for incoming hate," or something similar we find it annoying. I don't say this to call you annoying, but to ask you to switch perspectives here. If we don't try to debunk the nonsense arguments, people think the ones making the posts have a valid point. When we do respond we get called aggressive or predictable. Most responding to the post are irritated at having to deal with nonsense again and it reflects in the post.

    I'm at this point excited for crossplay, so all those people jumping at shadows will realize they aren't half as good as they think they are. At least these players will have to find a different scapegoat besides Pc players for their bad playing. It will be exciting to see what excuses they come up with now.

  • Wanting the option to disable crossplay aside, will you please stop accusing every PC player you encounter of cheating? The default button layout of the controller makes it impossible to jump and aim at the same time. Doing this on M&KB is natural. This is an advantage and I admit to it. However this advantage is only really shown in hand to hand or close combat situations and doesn't affect naval combat at all. In fact naval combat favors a controller.

    Bottom line, opting out of crossplay is coming, for better or for worse. But I do hope once is is implemented we can get users banned on the forums for spamming PC hack cheating posts. It's really unwarranted. If you see someone cheating, report it to support with evidence. Not the forums.

  • @chronodusk said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:


    I'm not gonna comment specifically on your wanting to opt-out of crossplay, but...


    So you're specifically saying that you're not going to address the point of the topic but instead derail it with a completely unnecessary defense of pc gamers in general?

  • @m1sterpunch said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    Wanting the option to disable crossplay aside...

    Nope, nope, nope. Don't come up in a thread, brush the topic aside and derail it.

  • @natiredgals said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    @m1sterpunch said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    Wanting the option to disable crossplay aside...

    Nope, nope, nope. Don't come up in a thread, brush the topic aside and derail it.

    The OP did exactly that with a misleading topic to then go on a tirade about PC hackers.

    I only brush it aside because the devs have already confirmed this is coming.

    I absolutely will defend the group of players I am part of since we are so unnecessarily accused on here.

  • @nabberwar said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:


    Cool, we can definitively say that you don't think it was cheating. wads up and throws in wastebasket

    I mean I don't either, but I recognize that nobody cares what my opinion on the matter is. That said, cheating happens and Optional Crossplay is the right thing to do for that reason and others, and rare is behind schedule on it. Though tbf, I think it should always have been optional.

    Crossplay argument aside, its gets really irrating to always be called a cheater. It feels like a case of if an xbox player beats a Pc player they got outplayed. Yet, when a Pc player beats a Xbox player its due to advantage or they are cheating. Myself and others are quick to debunk cheating, because it is quite often used as a justification for crossplay when it isn't even an actual problem. My entire gaming career is Pc gaming, and we don't see hacking as a big problem as what Xbox players like to think it actually is. I've never met a community so quick to jump to cheating as I have in this game. They are jumping at shadows, and are trying to use the shadows as a justification. Damned if we respond, damned if we don't.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I as a PC player am tired of having to waste time debunking such nonsense arguments of cheating. Those include us having more health, faster movement, to dealing more damage. Heaven forbid they remember we follow the same gaming rules they do. Now when you specifically make posts of "prepare for incoming hate," or something similar we find it annoying. I don't say this to call you annoying, but to ask you to switch perspectives here. If we don't try to debunk the nonsense arguments, people think the ones making the posts have a valid point. When we do respond we get called aggressive or predictable. Most responding to the post are irritated at having to deal with nonsense again and it reflects in the post.

    I'm at this point excited for crossplay, so all those people jumping at shadows will release they aren't half as good as they think they are. At least these players will have to find a different scapegoat besides Pc players for their bad playing. It will be exciting to see what excuses they come up with now.

    Nobody accused you of being a cheater in this thread. If you're tired of launching into unnecessary defense of all pc gamers, some of whom we do know cheat, then just don't.

  • @natiredgals
    You seem to miss the point, but I don't care enough to go into at this point. Have a good one.

  • @chronodusk it is easy to tell if someone is on mouse and keyboard which is the advantage they should only make it so gamepad players with gamepad and mouse and keyboard with mouse and keyboard but make it optional only in arena mice are capable of making your character turn around instantly on controller you are restricted to a sensitivity of 10 which is not anywhere close to a mouse and pc has been 60fps or more for xbox 30 fps can actually make it hard to track peopLe because the frames don't keep up with how pc players move they can bunny hop over you and track your character with accuracy because mouse is very percise. I understand peopLe don't want a split or even an option but their should be an option not everyone will opt out but a lot will too and I believe this is why rare hasn't done it yet they want to make sure streamers have content which most streamers on pc if the do opt out pc players will almost always get into lobby with the same pepole and it's already happening to me as an xbox user I have come across friends over and over in arena and I only have 20 active friends for sea of theIves at a time. That is pretty bad I imagine that this game is really seeing a big decline in users new users stop playing because they immediately get killed and sunk by most players in adventure mode and arena and they can't handle it some of those pepole just want to sail around without worry. I have to say I'm probably someone who has driven.people out of this game I have sank ships over and over in adventure simply because we thought they were another boat to sink not realizing it's the same one till you get a message from someone on the crew.

  • @m1sterpunch said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    @natiredgals said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    @m1sterpunch said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    Wanting the option to disable crossplay aside...

    Nope, nope, nope. Don't come up in a thread, brush the topic aside and derail it.

    The OP did exactly that with a misleading topic to then go on a tirade about PC hackers.

    I only brush it aside because the devs have already confirmed this is coming.

    I absolutely will defend the group of players I am part of since we are so unnecessarily accused on here.

    Why? People say stupid things about Xbox players all the time here as well, like how we all accuse people of cheating, and how we all cant tell whos on pc (even tho its freaking visible to us now) and how we all only want to PVE, or how we all are terrible at PVP and thats why we want Opt out...

    If I spent all my time correcting every wrong thing people said about Xbox players here I'd never get anything done, and I'd probably be banned, lol.

    If it doesnt apply to you, you dont need to defend.

  • It is laughable that this game could be considered balanced when there is forced cross play. PC players have so many advantages that they should be in their own servers as a default and the option for opt-out or opt-in to cross play should be there. Only then will the game be truly balanced. On that day there will be many PC player tears since they're losing their easy mode.

  • Is this a troll post?

  • @nabberwar said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    You seem to miss the point, but I don't care enough to go into at this point. Have a good one.

    Do I?

    You said its really irritating to be called a cheater. I pointed out (on point) that nobody called you a cheater.

    You said you're tired of wasting time arguing about cheating. I said ok then maybe just don't. (again on point).

    Have a good one tho.

  • @contentzilla said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    . On that day there will be many PC player tears since they're losing their easy mode.

    We will be losing about 50-70% of an already small population.

    So empty servers
    Constant server mergers
    30minutes area queue times...

    That's why PC don't want it.

  • @squaz05 said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    @contentzilla said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    . On that day there will be many PC player tears since they're losing their easy mode.

    We will be losing about 50-70% of an already small population.

    So empty servers
    Constant server mergers
    30minutes area queue times...

    That's why PC don't want it.

    Paranoia and willful delusion given that Rare has repeatedly told us these wont be issues. That argument is a smoke screen (like almost all of them here) for why people oppose crossplay opt out.

    To believe that there will be empty servers you have to believe either that Rare is lying to us all or have no idea what they are talking about when they assure us servers don't work that way.

  • @natiredgals

    I don't think you understand what the PC community is trying to say.

    @Nabberwar said

    If we don't try to debunk the nonsense arguments, people think the ones making the posts have a valid point. When we do respond we get called aggressive or predictable. Most responding to the post are irritated at having to deal with nonsense again and it reflects in the post.

    This right here is what we have been fighting against continuously. If we leave the posts about cheating alone then people will believe that all the posts are valid, that all their conspiracy theories are valid.

    The xbox community also seems to ignore that the hacker player base is less than 1% of the actual player count. The XboX community also seems to forget that you can hack on xbox as well.

    I mean I was attacked the other day by an XBoX crew that I know for a fact was hacking. Not only did they just appear out of nowhere on my ship, but they also on shot me with a sniper rifle. I checked the profiles and it was an XBoX player. I think I run into XboX hackers almost at least 5 times a week and it gets aggravating that XBoX players are never called on the massive amounts of hacking that they do. I know its not lag, because I'm on PC. I know its hacks because I am on PC and I know hacking when I see it.

    So tell me @NatiRedGals. What about all the xbox hackers??

    SIDE NOTE That last portion was just to bait @NatiRedGals. It worked.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:


    I don't think you understand what the PC community is trying to say.

    @Nabberwar said

    If we don't try to debunk the nonsense arguments, people think the ones making the posts have a valid point. When we do respond we get called aggressive or predictable. Most responding to the post are irritated at having to deal with nonsense again and it reflects in the post.

    This right here is what we have been fighting against continuously. If we leave the posts about cheating alone then people will believe that all the posts are valid, that all their conspiracy theories are valid.

    The xbox community also seems to ignore that the hacker player base is less than 1% of the actual player count. The XboX community also seems to forget that you can hack on xbox as well.

    I mean I was attacked the other day by an XBoX crew that I know for a fact was hacking. Not only did they just appear out of nowhere on my ship, but they also on shot me with a sniper rifle. I checked the profiles and it was an XBoX player. I think I run into XboX hackers almost at least 5 times a week and it gets aggravating that XBoX players are never called on the massive amounts of hacking that they do. I know its not lag, because I'm on PC. I know its hacks because I am on PC and I know hacking when I see it.

    So tell me @NatiRedGals. What about all the xbox hackers??

    lol, only pc guys on this forum can write walls every time someone says a pc player is hacking with every possible excuse and disclaimer about how it cant be cheating and its gotta be lag or netcode or anything else, and then turn around and un-ironically say "I know for a fact that this Xbox guy was cheating".

    Rofl. I love this forum.

  • @natiredgals

    So you are okay with agreeing with the OP with his tales of being hacked which you are sure happen, but my story is just ironic and stupid??

  • @xultanis-dragon said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:


    So you are okay with agreeing with the OP with his tales of being hacked which you are sure happen, but my story is just ironic and stupid??

    In no way did I agree with the OP, thats why I keep saying that its silly to come to the unnecessary defense of the honor of all pc gamers every time someone says it.

    I'm not in here saying either story is one thing or another, which is different from you, you're in here poopooing the idea that a pc guy could be cheating while at the exact same time swearing up and down an Xbox guy was. Its a bad look.

  • @natiredgals

    I find it funny that you react that way to me but you have no reaction towards the OP.

    Let me just reels in his fishing line

    Again, I've said it time and time again but it really is just prejudice against the PC community.

    The way you guys react towards PC and XBoX is completely biased.

    I've paid attention to threads and the way you guys respond to PC players and to XBoX players. You guys are completely prejudice against the PC community.

    Everytime someone has something to say about cross play, they always seem to point out how they run into 500 different PC players.

    PC players call out on it because even on PC we don't run into nearly as many hackers as the console community does which is really silly. You guys always seem to run into ALL of the hackers when even Joe Neate said that the hacker community only makes up less than 1% of the actual player base.

    How you guys run into something that often constantly and weekly is a straight up lie. However if the PC community says nothing about it, you guys will circle around like children and start forming conspiracy theories.

    We don't want to constantly defend ourselves but we have to or things get out of hand.

    SIDE NOTE If you still don't understand, you got baited, and you proved me right. So thanks.

  • @fast-bike94

    My guy, please use some spaces in your comments.

    I skimmed the wall of text you replied to me with and I'll just reply by saying that did not speak in opposition of crossplay opt out in this particular thread as you seem to think I did. It's a little late to try and debate that since Rare already promised it.

  • @fast-bike94 said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:

    @chronodusk it is easy to tell if someone is on mouse and keyboard which is the advantage they should only make it so gamepad players with gamepad and mouse and keyboard with mouse and keyboard but make it optional only in arena mice are capable of making your character turn around instantly on controller you are restricted to a sensitivity of 10 which is not anywhere close to a mouse and pc has been 60fps or more for xbox 30 fps can actually make it hard to track peopLe because the frames don't keep up with how pc players move they can bunny hop over you and track your character with accuracy because mouse is very percise. I understand peopLe don't want a split or even an option but their should be an option not everyone will opt out but a lot will too and I believe this is why rare hasn't done it yet they want to make sure streamers have content which most streamers on pc if the do opt out pc players will almost always get into lobby with the same pepole and it's already happening to me as an xbox user I have come across friends over and over in arena and I only have 20 active friends for sea of theIves at a time. That is pretty bad I imagine that this game is really seeing a big decline in users new users stop playing because they immediately get killed and sunk by most players in adventure mode and arena and they can't handle it some of those pepole just want to sail around without worry. I have to say I'm probably someone who has driven.people out of this game I have sank ships over and over in adventure simply because we thought they were another boat to sink not realizing it's the same one till you get a message from someone on the crew.

    Idk if you were in the lobby at the same time when i saw you yesterday but if you heard that Q realityz guy get so upset and toxic and aggressive with me that after i embarrased him verbally i think he cried at the end and never made any point just tried to yell over me, just at me mentioning the advantage, people like him are why people like me and the OP stop caring as much about the good pc players.

    Generalizations are dumb, and so is forced crossplay.

    If rare ends one form of stupidity already and then actually changes that to gamepad and m and kb split when xbox gets full support (if they didnt already) then maybe this other form of stupidity will die off aswell.

    As is i cant help but say i wont be happy to be rid of people like that Q reality guy, also wish i would meet him in a dark alley after how he was talking to me. Lol.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in I really wish you would stop cross platforming...:


    I find it funny that you react that way to me but you have no reaction towards the OP.

    Let me just reels in his fishing line

    Again, I've said it time and time again but it really is just prejudice against the PC community.

    The way you guys react towards PC and XBoX is completely biased.

    I've paid attention to threads and the way you guys respond to PC players and to XBoX players. You guys are completely prejudice against the PC community.

    Everytime someone has something to say about cross play, they always seem to point out how they run into 500 different PC players.

    PC players call out on it because even on PC we don't run into nearly as many hackers as the console community does which is really silly. You guys always seem to run into ALL of the hackers when even Joe Neate said that the hacker community only makes up less than 1% of the actual player base.

    How you guys run into something that often constantly and weekly is a straight up lie. However if the PC community says nothing about it, you guys will circle around like children and start forming conspiracy theories.

    We don't want to constantly defend ourselves but we have to or things get out of hand.

    SIDE NOTE If you still don't understand, you got baited, and you proved me right. So thanks.

    lol, prejudice. I mean its like I've always said, its very very easy to tell whos playing on pc. Further, its even easier now because its visually indicated. I can actually look at a recent player's profile and it will tell me if hes playing on PC. Wanna take a guess at how many times I've looked and been wrong?

    Also it doesn't take a whole pc crew to slew the odds. One pc player on a crew can absolutely tip the scales. Personally I've only ever run into one hacker, and it was blatant shooting thru solid objects kinda stuff. And you can complain at how I think you want your cake and to eat it too but I never said I disbelieve you ran into an xbox hacker. I dont think its even as common as on pc but I know it happens.

    So to recap, I didnt disbelieve the OP or you, I'm not treating either of you different at all, I'm just saying its funny how you dove onto this thread to explain away the cheater he thinks he ran but turn around and expect us to believe you when he says it

  • @natiredgals

    Its not the disbelieve is the way you respond. Its the way the XBoX community responds to any PC player.

    Anytime you have a PC player saying anything be it; disagreeing/agreeing with a suggestion, giving advice on how to play better, debates on subjects, the community reacts negatively to everything we say.

    "You guys just don't want to lose your easy kills!"
    "Hah PC players are afraid of losing their free wins!"
    "Don't listen to him, anyone who disagrees and says they are XBoX players are really PC players!"
    "I was griefed and attacked and it was a PC player"

    How is every grief story ever told on the forums always about some PC player who did it?

    The subject matter doesn't change the way the community reacts towards PC players.

    You yourself included. You guys have some serious prejudices and biases towards PC players.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    I'm not prejudiced.
    Prejudice is preconceived and not based on experience.
    I've got tons of experience. And what I've experienced in the game is that its very very easy to tell whos on PC. It always has been.
    My experience on this forum is theres a cadre of players, mostly on pc, some that will tell you how they own an Xbox who are adamantly defensive of the status quo and downplaying the PC advantage. Theres really one most likely reason for that to be the case. Not saying it applies to all but yea its really that simple.

    The part you keep missing is that for a while now I've been able to verifiy which players I come across are actually playing on PC. I'm not speaking from gut feeling or supposition, I KNOW which players I run to are on pc and I can tell ya, aint many that I've come across who didnt immediately try to KOS and why not, largely they know they are at advantage.

    So no amount of protestations on the forum can really trump my actual confirmed experience.

  • @natiredgals "I'm not prejudiced. Prejudice is preconceived and not based on experience."

    Prejudice has more than one definition.


    Just because you say it's from experience, doesn't mean it isn't prejudice or bias... Because people's opinions can change based on emotions, in which case you become emotionally biased, for instance... Meaning regardless of your experience, you are still prejudiced.

    "I've got tons of experience. And what I've experienced in the game is that its very very easy to tell whos on PC. It always has been."

    AheadZeus, the guy from the forums that i helped to finish the Shores of Gold 5 run commendation, is an Xbox player. He's an athena 10 pirate legend.

    I thought he was a PC player because of how he moved.

    Turns out, he just plays the game a lot, and is just good at the game... At least as good as, or even better than me, and i am actually a PC player. xD

    My point being, it ISN'T easy to spot who is a PC player and who is an Xbox player... However, it IS easy to spot those who haven't had much practice, and those who have had much practice.

    In the end, the PC player advantage doesn't really come into play until the 90% (ish) skill level threshold and above, where the limitations of the Xbox controller actually comes into play. Btw... 90% skill trheshold is Esports-level skill, i for instance would see myself around the 50% skill area, maybe less.

    What you THINK is the difference between a PC player and an Xbox player, is really actually the difference between a skilled player and a not-so-skilled player.

    "I'm not speaking from gut feeling or supposition, I KNOW which players I run to are on pc"

    And, how do you know this? I'm unaware of any sure-fire methods to figure this out! :o

    "So no amount of protestations on the forum can really trump my actual confirmed experience."

    That you claim is legit, and yet won't properly explain... Such as how specifically you know for sure if the players you meet ingame are Xbox players or PC players. Information that is crucial to the conversation. xD

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