The Devils Roar hates solo players...

  • So last night I decided to finish my last mercenary voyage and it happened to be the one that takes you to the Devils Roar. Well I had no friends online so I decided to do it solo. I have solo'd this area many of times and I knew what to expect, but whatever they did in rebalancing this area has not been favorable for solo players.

    I supply my ship before entering the Devil's Roar and I most certainly made sure I had more than enough planks.

    Soon I enter this area and head to my first location, Fetcher's Rest. Which I had a riddle. With some difficulty, I could not find the second part of the riddle and the island started to quake. So I ran back to my ship and with luck on my side, I notice a sloop approaching. So I quickly depart and go to the second island that I needed, which happened to be Molten Sands.

    I do the voyage on Molten Sands with ease and at this point I decided to go back to Fetcher's Rest and complete the riddle. I was successful in completing the riddle and I load the loot onto my ship. Once I depart, this is where the Devils Roar decides that it hates solo players.

    Shortly after leaving Fetcher's Rest a skelly ship spawns on me. I figure no problem, there are some rocks close by I will just run the skelly ships into the rocks. Well, things just escalated from there. Next thing I know the meg spawns on me and soon attacks me and if that is not enough, Fetcher's Rest decides to erupt. Needless to say I sank pretty quickly and lost all of the loot. Then to add insult to injury, that sloop I described before, decided to comeback and get all the loot. Well it didn't workout well for them either, as meg decided to attack them and they were getting hit by flying rocks, so they left the loot.

    I then take my mermaid to get my ship back....

    Well things just get better from here... not! I spawn on a small island in Devil's Roar with an active volcano right next to it. As I am loading in I here a volcano going off and my ship being pummeled by flying volcanic rocks. So I just stand there and watch the destruction, not worth the effort. Once again I swim to my mermaid....

    Now I spawn on Paradise Spring and very frustrated at this point. I stock my ship and start heading towards the Devil's Roar. Once I enter the Roar, I see that same sloop from before fighting and being chased by a players galleon with the Reaper's Mark. With that said, I steer wide of them and go on my merry way...

    I was able to complete the mercenary voyage, but what an adventure and what an annoyance.

    This was a reminder to me that the Devil's Roar is not the area for the weak and perhaps not for the solo player.

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  • It does not hate you mate. The Devil’s Roar can be a very dangerous place that has no preference to ship or crew that it swallows up. You survived and have a good tale to tell about it.

    My spouse and I sailed there yesterday. We took on a solo slooper in a two sloop alliance. We sailed together the entire time both doing Ashen Athenas. Was great fun. Did lots of things together and took everything the Devil’s Roar could throw at us. We were there to pluck the solo pirate and his loot a few times out of the sea. He did the same once for us. In the end the Devil’s Roar threw everything it could at us just after we got our Chest of Legends. One last roar.

    Just after we got the chest on board and set sail we got a skellie ship, a hungry Meg, an angry Karen, a hot headed volcano all at once. It was frustrating, exciting, and fun as we beat down the onslaught and sailed on to turn in our chest. In the end we had fun sailing with the new pirate we met despite the boiling trouble. Plus we had a good tale to remember and tell just like you.

    Keep sailing the good fight against it mate. Cheers to surviving and sharing your tale with us!

  • @friedwilly it's so annoying mate

  • @closinghare208 Your telling me. To add insult to injury, a volcano just pummeling your boat when you spawn. Really???

  • @friedwilly seriously though. I've gone over there solo on several occasions and I perish every single time. It feels like no volcanoes are going off in the whole area until I start heading towards an island and then all four islands surrounding me all start to go off at once. People always talk about that they park their ship out of range of volcanoes and then use the rowboat to get to and from the island but I swear you are never out of range of volcanoes. No matter how far away I circle an island the rocks just keep getting closer and closer until they hit me. And even worse when one finally does reach me it usually one shots me in the face and by the time I load back into my ship its already scuttled or in the process of sinking. Plus even with the rowboat I feel like the extra time it takes to do that is no where near worth the extra reward you get for the loot, I'd much rather get less gold for my loot and be able to get a simple voyage done in less than 2 hours. Again, I've played solo during pretty much my whole time playing SoT (levels 38, 31, 34 respectivley) and so I know there is a lot that I am not as good at as some other people as I haven't learned some of the tricks and manuevers many other people have learned from others, so that might be part of the problem. I just wish I could do more in the Roar because it is a very exciting area but when I spend hours there and come out with next to nothing it can get very frustrating. Ok, done babbling on, good luck out there regardless mate!

  • @friedwilly said in The Devils Roar hates solo players...:

    @closinghare208 Your telling me. To add insult to injury, a volcano just pummeling your boat when you spawn. Really???

    yes mate

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