Am I being discriminated against

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  • @donklol Its not just you. It's a known issue that the devs are working on. You'll get them eventually. Probably by next week or so.

    With the massive amount of people all trying to play at once, the game is having technical issues. The devs are working on it the best they can though.

    EDIT: Sorry, i re-read your post and i realized i didn't really answer correctly. The cosmetics are probably coming to people very slowly at random times. You'll get yours soon. You're mates probably just got a little more lucky than you

  • @Donklol Ahoy matey!

    Never fear, if you haven't received them yet you may just be in the queue!

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday.

  • @cstrap said in Am I being discriminated against:

    @donklol Its not just you. It's a known issue that the devs are working on. You'll get them eventually. Probably by next week or so.

    With the massive amount of people all trying to play at once, the game is having technical issues. The devs are working on it the best they can though.

    I'm sorry but the Devs should of had this in the bag and had already made preparations for it, I mean what did they expect after nerfing XP needed by 1000% and then just given us a double XP weekend

    This surely isn't a whim decision....and they were aware before this hit that they were going to give it to older legends first as a priority....What the hell is going on at Rare!!!!! There is technical issues and there is just negligence

  • @musicmee said in Am I being discriminated against:

    @Donklol Ahoy matey!

    Never fear, if you haven't received them yet you may just be in the queue!

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday.

    Why am I in a que? WHY? I literally have a friend that started SoT on a new account on Friday and hit PL Monday and he has his stuff, why can you not stick to your promises. I don't care about your excuses, it isn't acceptable, you need to start hammering down on your dev team because quite frankly it's so below the bar quality wise I'm going to start calling you Wildcard.

    If you say "old legends now new legends by Monday" STICK TO IT, it's not like I haven't put in the time, I've probably put in at least 6k hours, but yeah go ahead and reward all those that as soon as they are done with these next voyages they'll be on Fortnite tomorrow. Where as I have been here since day one and I'm still here now. Sure this might seem spoiled but you guys that are running the show and honestly doing a terrible job and you're just slowly pushing away the loyal people who are always here in favour of part timers.....I mean why have you given us basically a better version of the PL ship skins? Why isn't it something NEW? Can I get a 600k gold refund on the PL skins I brought last week lol

  • @donklol I mean, it's a massive MMO. There really isn't any proper way to test something like that other than to release it to the public. That's when they figure out what the real issues are. It's not something you can just test with their limited staff.

    I'm not a game dev, but my best mate is and he put it like this: Right now, Rare probably has all of there devs working non-stop to resolve these issues. They probably don't have time to take breaks and they can't go home until everything is fixed. And it's sad, because the only way to figure out everything wrong with the game is to just release it and see what happens.

    The devs are for sure doing everything they can at the moment. The update has only been out for a day. It'll all be fixed soon.

  • So who messed up the que? Who deals with the priority here? Surely first to PL first in que, last to hit PL last in que. I shouldn't be sat here feeling like you dont value me as a player, sat here feeling like "Dude all I've done is support this game, advocate this game to my friends, Promote this game constantly from day one and I'm still here, do Rare even care about their players "

  • @cstrap said in Am I being discriminated against:

    @donklol I mean, it's a massive MMO. There really isn't any proper way to test something like that other than to release it to the public. That's when they figure out what the real issues are. It's not something you can just test with their limited staff.

    I'm not a game dev, but my best mate is and he put it like this: Right now, Rare probably has all of there devs working non-stop to resolve these issues. They probably don't have time to take breaks and they can't go home until everything is fixed. And it's sad, because the only way to figure out everything wrong with the game is to just release it and see what happens.

    The devs are for sure doing everything they can at the moment. The update has only been out for a day. It'll all be fixed soon.

    If the game is so massive why is the team so limited. How long till Rare get a clue and start firing people, someone needs to talk to Microsoft and get them to lay down the law because you are all just meandering about tripping over your own shoe laces it seems. Resources are being squandered somewhere and we are suffering because of it. I just want to remind you, if nobody buys your game, and your players leave, you're out of a job so how about Rare, you start doing your jobs.

    PS APRIL 30TH FOR THE ANNIVERSARY UPDATE. Do you need me to Google the definition of ANNIVERSARY because apparently it eludes you.

  • @donklol dude, it's free cosmetics. You'll get them within the next couple of days. They even personally reached out to you and told you that you will get them soon. This really isn't a big deal. You can still play the game even if you never get them. Heck, I've been a Pirate Legend for months and I haven't received it yet, but I know I'll get them eventually. I'm sorry, but you are just wrong. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anything, but this just really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it.

  • @cstrap said in Am I being discriminated against:

    @donklol dude, it's free cosmetics. You'll get them within the next couple of days. They even personally reached out to you and told you that you will get them soon. This really isn't a big deal. You can still play the game even if you never get them. Heck, I've been a Pirate Legend for months and I haven't received it yet, but I know I'll get them eventually. I'm sorry, but you are just wrong. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anything, but this just really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it.

    They haven't personally reached out, they just have some guys on the forum with a copy and paste message just for these complaints, I bet if I go find another thread on the same issue I'll find the same response. What's a big deal to me is how sick this skin is, people who supported this game and hit PL in the first 6 months should of got this...not these new cats who hit PL in 2 weeks, that isn't legendary, and there isn't anything legendary about them, and because I resent that decision so much all I've done today is chase down ships and PVP with any ship with this skin, you know what happened? THEYALLRAN nd then they all sank or scuttled! they aren't legends, they don't deserve to be legends, and they don't deserve the skin it's actually insane that somebody at Rare thought this was please everyone

  • @donklol Alright, I'll stop arguing with you then. I think you really need to take a step back and check yourself because in my opinion, your view on the game, devs, and other players is extremely toxic.

    Sorry you didn't get your cosmetics right away. As the mod said earlier, you will get them soon and that's the end of it. Good luck to you.

  • @donklol You should take a step back from your first world problems. Technical problems happen to even the most experienced companies. You did not get your cosmetics on time, at least you werent on a Boeing max 8 plane that went down killing all on board. But your right rare is so negligent with your cosmetics to arrive. Get real man.

  • Instead of supporting this, why don't you help but setting an expectation for a higher standard of quality across the board instead of enabling the horrible standard of quality that is present. It isn't just this stuff that's got me frustrated, it's absolutely all of it!!

  • Rare is doing an amazing job for their first online multiplayer game. Sure, they make some mistakes, we all do, we are all humans.

    These cosmetics are gifted to us, while in so many mainstream games nowadays you need to buy the new cosmetics with real money. It's not the end of the world, we can all be patient and wait 2 or 3 small days, and probably less, to get these nice gifts!

  • @skulliah said in Am I being discriminated against:

    Rare is doing an amazing job for their first online multiplayer game. Sure, they make some mistakes, we all do, we are all humans.

    These cosmetics are gifted to us, while in so many mainstream games nowadays you need to buy the new cosmetics with real money. It's not the end of the world, we can all be patient and wait 2 or 3 small days, and probably less, to get these nice gifts!

    Hear, hear.

    No you are not being discriminated against @Donklol , but IMO Rare should "misplace" your free gifts for a little while to give you the time to calm down and reflect on your tantrums. Quit acting like an entitled brat and be patient like everyone else.

  • As OP has been deleted, I'll drop anchor.

6 out of 16