To start I have a rtx 2060 and a ryzen 7 4800hs with 40gb of ram
However, when playing the game I have all setting set to cursed and I can only get 40 fps playing solo and 15 fps with friends. I have tripe updating the drivers and they’re all up to date, the app is using my rtx not onboard graphics, nothing seems to help.
I would greatly appreciate any help.
Good specs terrible fps
I run a 1050 currently and an amd fx with little issue and i run sort of mid range graphics settings on near everything save for a few areas and i dont have any issue with frame rate beyond when the game its self gets laggy on occasion.
Logic tells me it should be fine, though 40 gigs of ram seems a bit unusual, i have never seen that, but i wouldnt suspect non standardized ram would have any effect on frame rate like that, but maby thats it?
I have no idea what would cause the issues you are having unless you have an absolutely massive display/resolution and are bottlenecking your gpu.
The strange ram number is a product of my computer being a laptop, so 8gb are soldered on and I added another 32 in a second slot, however that should not be the issue, works on every other application.
I’m running it at 1920x1080 with resolution scaling at 100, vsync is turned off.
Honestly I have no clue what could be the issue.
When I updated my rtx driver it actually dropped me to 20 fps playing solo so I rolled that back to a previous one from April 2024 and I’m back to 40 fps solo.
Not really sure how to proceed at this point.