Silence still on the dashboarding issue as of 23/04 - UPDATE

  • So it’s been multiple months, broken promises, and now another upcoming update where a critical game breaking feature that is literally affecting everyone is not addressed, and we have complete silence on the issue from Rare.

    Yes, I want the QA team to make sure the issue is fixed before release, but why has it taken 3+ months now to solve this problem and barely any acknowledgement or update on the situation?

    • UPDATE

    So today’s update may have resolved the issue.

    I tested it out and so far so good. Can anyone else corroborate this too?

  • 4
  • I wouldn't be surprised if it's 6 ships related.

    Every time there is a widespread issue that they are pretty quiet about it lines up with tinkering with 6 ships.

    Could just be a coincidence but this has happened many times before. Game issues get noticeably worse, it becomes obvious they are messing with 6 ships on servers again (crowding starts to show, more multiple boat fights, etc) then they announce they are tinkering with 6 ships on servers again.

    People get all excited "yay 6 ships" but performance is always noticeably worse when it's happening.

    To me it would explain why diving related crashing is significantly worse than the random crashing and why there is more crashing when stuff is around, battles, a buncha pve, etc.

    I didn't have many issues for the first month or so, March is where it became a daily thing.

  • @wolfmanbush

    I really don't understand how they have been monitoring the game for the last couple of months and came to the conclusion that it was running fine, so decided it was worth adding the 6th ship back.

    There's clearly a discrepancy between their analytics data and the actual real performance. Stutters and ping spikes are extremely common in the game now (and even noted by Digital Foundry).

    "WhEn 6 sHiPs!?" was always the cry of PvPers who wanted to run into more ships, more often (which, for me, always seemed to be a bad hunting issue), but I don't think it's necessary now to have the 6th ship with how the game loop functions since the addition of diving. There's very little investment in a single server and we're seeing more crossover between servers, which actually makes the game feel more MMO-like.

  • Fingers crossed today’s update has resolved this issue finally!

1 out of 4