Looking for a crew whos crazy enough to grind to Legendary Blessing of Athenas Fortune with me.

  • 8
  • My first time playing the game lol teach me how to play

  • where do i sign up ?

  • Hello? We can play together!

    I'm from Russia, I have experience in this game. I can speak English, but I have no more experience in communication. I'm waiting for your answer :)

  • I need a fellow sweatlord to get some levels. Add me!

  • I'm in! Sounds like a hard goal to achieve, but good teamwork makes it easier. I'm Spanish, but I can speak English fluently without any problems.

    I've been grinding for the skeleton curse, so I'm only level 1 with Athena's Fortune, but I'll definitely grind for the ghost curse. I've been playing the game for a few years now, and I used to do arena pvp, so great.

  • @nightmare57444 I just checked, and my stats on this page don't seem to match the ones in my game, altough I've played it almost since tall tales were added.

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