Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Christmassy’ Screenshot.

  • Santa and the elves causing Mayhem~
    Capstan: Jamestgreat
    Sixpack: Adafire

  • @vastharbor81651

    Ahoy there matey, I think you might be mistaken. While the image may admittedly look similar to yours, if you were to take a closer look, they are different in various aspects. I did not steal your image. This is not your image. My friends and I took hours to set this up. If the mod decides that you have a monopoly of screenshots involving skulls and forts, then I will gladly respect that. Otherwise, have a merry Christmas!

  • Even Ferryman's corpse needs the light of Christmas during the most wonderful time of the year :)

    Christmas' Star


    Capstan: GaeZoso
    6 Pack: gift for the runner up...It's Christmas right? ;)

  • @paris9192

    Ahoy there, while the image you created is undoubtedly yours, your idea was stolen from our picture, and you DID NOT ask for permission as stated in the competition rules. While I love the hard work that went into creating that picture as well as seeing the new additions to it 4 years later, I don't respect that fact you copied our picture without permission. It would've been an entirely different story if you asked for permission to post basically the same picture just with more people and an ashen winds skull, but you did NOT reach out to any of the people involved in creating that picture and instead attempted to steal our idea and post your own image solely based upon ours. Looking at the skull placement you can tell that your image is almost completely identical to ours just with a few modern twists. I respect your time and effort, but I also respect the rules to this competition that we must all abide by; therefore, your picture is stolen and not your own. Please reach out to the owners before attempting to copy their work in order for you to win a competition. Merry Christmas and I hope your day is as pleasant as you!

  • @paris9192

    Once again here is the image to our original picture you can tell that your idea is solely based upon ours and you did NOT reach out to us in any fashion you merely stole our idea and recreated it.

  • @paris9192

    By looking at the skull and gem placement you can tell that your idea was stolen from our original picture; furthermore, you copied the loot at the bottom of the skull fort near the vault. The only part that remained unchanged was the ashen winds skull and the emotes which were not in the game 4 years ago. Please reach out to us before attempting to steal our content. Have a great rest of your day and happy sailing!

  • Dropping anchor on your lovely Christmassy screenies!

    Pop back tomorrow to see who sailing away with the loot.

    Cheers me mateys!

76 out of 77