New axe weapon

  • New axe weapon idea, imagine boarding a ship, but your crew is too far away to put any holes in them with Canon balls, but they are anchored so you couldn't run them into an island. Introducing the new axe weapon, a not so stealthy (quite loud) weapon to put small holes in enemy ships, to either distract them or to sink an unsuspecting crew, the axe would take 5 seconds to input a tier 1 hole into an enemy ship, but make a lot of noise doing so, obviously we would need to balance it so that the axe (taking up a weapon slot) would have a low damage output (I was thinking 50% of that of a sword) and a low swing rate to make it so it is not a pvp weapon and to (hopefully) balance against spawn camping, and boat pvp for less experienced players. 5 seconds per tier 1 hole, 10 seconds for tier 2 and 15 seconds for tier 3, and the noise gets louder and louder the higher tier the hole is

    Obviously would need some balance changes and idea is not perfect but I think it would make a fine addition to the game and add to tuckers and pvpers experience

  • 5
  • No.
    Wanna damage a ship?
    Cannon Balls or Firebombs.
    No boarding axes.

  • Really don't need a melee weapon that can damage ships.

  • This has been suggested and may one-day arrive in some form.

    I would like it more as a way to board ships from the front. But it would be way too op to put a freash hole ship in 5 seconds.

  • I would rather the axe be used to manually disable ships, much like the chainshot already does, rather than sink them.

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