Captaincy losing customization and outfit every load

  • Keep losing sail, hull, and figurehead after paying 7500 several times to save to ship. Also lose outfit at reload. Anyone looking at this?

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  • @caiic0-bill This is currently a known issue. Rare has issued several statements telling players to not pay to save items to ships at the moment. There have been, as far as I know, no refunds or anything for the gold "lost". They are looking in to a solution presently.

    As to your pirate cosmetics, I believe that too is a known but rarer issue that they are always working on, as it happens for a number of different reasons I believe.

  • I have a theory that the save failure has something to do with whether or not the saved skin item was currently applied to the ship but I am way to poor to mess around testing at 7500 a pop.

  • @foambreaker you mean if it's already on the ship and then you save, it won't actually save it? I think that is normally how I load mine but I'll test saving it to the ship without applying it first and see if that does anything.

    For me, it seems like the sails, cannons and capstan are consistently not saving.

    The hull, figurehead and wheel are always saved.

    The flag seems to be saving for now, but it previously was not saving.

  • I feel you, a fix to this sooner rather than later would be great. I'm too lazy to reskin my ship every time I log in. I often rode default before Captaincy for the same reason.

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