You'll always remember today as the day you almost caught Capn Biels!

  • So there we are, me and a couple of pals running a Fort of Fortune. We've already sunk a Reaper Sloop which tried to ambush us and survived a kegging attempt by another Sloop, but we defended ourselves, stuck with it and got it done.

    As we're loading our hard-won loot, a Brig comes screaming at us over the horizon; we grabbed what we could and hopped to battle stations. There was a little to and fro, and eventually we both had to peel off to lick wounds. As we had a breather, I got in our rowboat and rowed back over to the FoF and loaded the rest of the loot (sans kegs, a couple of captains chests and sugar crates) and managed to catch up and dock back on our ship. We did a sharp harpoon turn around a rock into a crosswind and NYOOM we were off.

    Would they leave us alone? Of course not dear reader! They were very distant but set after us anyway as we beelined for Morrows Peak. As they were so far behind, I floated the idea of loading up all the loot onto the Rowboat and 2 of us making for the Outpost on it whilst the 3rd played distraction on our Brig. They wouldnt notice, surely? My crewmates agreed and we loaded the rowboat and dropped off. And the best part? It worked!! Even though we had to about face and make for Ancient Spire instead as they decided to head for Morrows themselves.

    We somehow slipped by them despite our Rowboat having a glow visible from orbit.

    And it gets even better... one of them tried to trash talk me afterwards, an exchange which has given rise to our new in-joke "Where loot?"

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    Man walked in to trash talk and left with his mind blown 🤣

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  • too bad y'all didn't become buddies during the private communications

    I think there is still hope, mostly mild and at times polite situational bickering

    The Inigo and Westley of sot

  • @wolfmanbush said in You'll always remember today as the day you almost caught Capn Biels!:

    too bad y'all didn't become buddies during the private communications

    I think there is still hope, mostly mild and at times polite situational bickering

    The Inigo and Westley of sot

    Odds are they were either too young for an effective friendship, or rather toxic in which case I still wouldnt bother. I was just highly amused at the attempt to trash talk after we pulled a bamboozle like that on them.

    They knew we had loot, we got boarded at one point and all the Athenas stuff was scattered around the deck, they MUST have known. I can only imagine the confusion when they scored the sink only to get an empty storage crate, treasure chest and a Ritual Skull 🤣

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